Idiotic Musings from the West

Change your attitude because your attitude is why India got conquered in the first place.

The most toxic concept in Hinduism is this whole " mleccha desh and if u go, u need purification to return" nonsense.
What this did, is hand over control of international trade to foreigners coz stupid cleansing ritual scam.

Indians who dominated Arabian sea trade since 500bc are gone from the scene nearly completely by 600Ad.

What this means, is we lost our eyes and ears overseas and lost pulse on what is coming our way.

Look at the Chinese and Learn. They worship their overseas community. Why? Because they see that libbu or confucian, Chinese is Chinese and they are planting seeds of China overseas.

For every 10 libbu white bootlicker you have 1 colonialist like me: I didn't come to the west to become western.
I hindu-fied snow-white before marrying her. ( it helped that she was more Hindu than me and raised in Ramkrishna mission lol)

I have spent over 1 crore in my lifetime in India promoting Hinduism. Something I would never ever be able to do if I didn't leave India and make 40x of what indians with better skills than me in my field make.

The main funding for hinduvta comes from us : overseas hinduvta. Not your Tata Birlas.
You should be thanking the overseas community instead of repeating the biggest idiocy if Hinduism
Because it's all needed for general Indians to know what Goreys think of us.
Very simple. Not against you per se.
Some Indians suck them up so bad even after all dehumanisation & insults that they've have replaced their gods with Goreys. A reality check was much needed.
I hate those who look upto them for validations. I hate them probably more than the Wignats. Whining over tweets & insults everyday like they're learning something new everyday by projecting their inferiority complex, showing their helplessness & sissy behaviour. It's a very cringy attitude. That's where we become the center of mockery.
Below every video & sm posts "Saaar we've positive things as well. Why show only negative".... & then again getting dominated with more insults & intense objectification. Heck like they care!!!!
On the contrary, I support a pure domination of Goreys & left lunatics.
NRIs are rich & influential enough to handle themselves.
Full support to those whoever do anything for the betterment of the Indians & Hindus. I'm sure that they will be supported by the whole right wing, nationalist, Hindu cabal as well, be it from the inside or outside but if they want to live like a bunch of pussies & whiners then it's their own problem. Look at the blacks. They're from the poorest of the bunch & one of the bottom rollers of the society but they would take no insults. They would unite & beat the hell out of these clowns in every opportunity they can get. Look how they gang up on the keyboard as well by putting their differences aside. What's stopping the Indians? They're still worrying about their image in front of the people who never respected you in the first place & then again get back to whining among each other to feel good about itself. Indians need to be unapologetic then think about past glory. Times have changed.
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requesting some cleanup here @Vinash, or i think these chats need to be moved to chit-chat
requesting some cleanup here @Vinash, or i think these chats need to be moved to chit-chat
Better report individual posts.

Can't go through multiple pages to clean.
theyre not indians in usa
theyre some dog who betray own motherland
I mean how this thing stay in india don't let brain drain happen approach should be problem fixing instead of stopping those who want to achieve more in life. Unless and until a problem is recognised it's can't be solved we need to improve alot alot. Look at china despite being much ahead of us much more millionaire leave china I think twice compared to us.
theyre not indians in usa
theyre some dog who betray own motherland
Rather than call these people betrayers, you would be better served to reflect on why people are leaving in the first place. India is very competitive and has lots of regulations. For a lot of people leaving makes their life easier and their path to wealth smoother.

Perhaps the debate shouldn’t be about people choosing that path but rather how to make India the easier path and fixing the regulatory and competitive hurdles for success.
theyre not indians in usa
theyre some dog who betray own motherland
That's a knee IQ statement.
In the age of globalisation, not everyone goes to betray or to stay. Check the immigration rate. Won't even be 50%. For Canada it's like 30%. The majority come back. Some go to study, some are fielded for projects by companies, some go to settle or for various reasons.
Although I've no sympathy for those who are illegally going & going just to get a green card. They deserve every bit of it.
These incidents should be used as an example for the younger generations when they dream of leaving their own motherland for any reason.
If NRIs have a path to success in India for the same effort, they wouldnt leave. When the PM of India negotiates for smoother H1B approvals, you can see where the priorities lie.

If India and Indians are serious about reversing brain drain, create an atmosphere where not just Indians but anyone who is the best in their field will want to move to India and contribute to GDP there.

This is only possible by setting up fastrak regulatory approvals, providing capital and administrative support.
The US actively recruits the smartest in the world and even targets people from enemy countries. This is why the brain gain is strong here even if the local population is below average on all education parameters.

India’s policy has a lot of nepotism and focus on large conglomerates. This makes sure the bureaucracy doesn’t go away, enabling conglomerates to create a moat for themselves. This dissuades competition and risk taking because if you don’t have political pull the job won’t get done.
That's a knee IQ statement.
In the age of globalisation, not everyone goes to betray or to stay. Check the immigration rate. Won't even be 50%. For Canada it's like 30%. The majority come back. Some go to study, some are fielded for projects by companies, some go to settle or for various reasons.
Although I've no sympathy for those who are illegally going & going just to get a green card. They deserve every bit of it.
These incidents should be used as an example for the younger generations when they dream of leaving their own motherland for any reason.
age of globalization nahi westernization hai. how many europeans/sinese/arabs are coming to work/live here? close to none. india has become a human labour exporter for the globe. recently russia has imported some humans. in ancient time such people were termed as dalits.
age of globalization nahi westernization hai. how many europeans/sinese/arabs are coming to work/live here? close to none. india has become a human labour exporter for the globe. recently russia has imported some humans. in ancient time such people were termed as dalits.
Wherever there's better opportunity, better wage, better quality of life, people will fly in. It has nothing to do with Westernisation. It's just the globalisation driven by opportunities & cash flow. You think people only go to the West? Or they don't come to India for jobs with a high pay? Delusional.
What's with Dalit & all? Don't be a mental destitute like Rahul Gandhi. It's not cool.
theyre not indians in usa
theyre some dog who betray own motherland
Then return the tax u ate on the money we sent in India to build your schools and electricity.
60% of hinduvta funding is nri. So leave hinduvta if u r ahsan faramosh

Indian banks don't run on nri money but it makes a YUUGE difference.
To put it simply, you make 75 and I give u 25.
This means ur bank account isn't run on my money, but you owe me gratitude, not ahsan faramoshi.
Then return the tax u ate on the money we sent in India to build your schools and electricity.
60% of hinduvta funding is nri. So leave hinduvta if u r ahsan faramosh

Indian banks don't run on nri money but it makes a YUUGE difference.
To put it simply, you make 75 and I give u 25.
This means ur bank account isn't run on my money, but you owe me gratitude, not ahsan faramoshi.
what about the money you spend on buying non indian products? indian companies and govt face losses because you dont buy indian products what about that? what about the losses faced by indian colleges and schools because of you? what about the tax you DONT pay by hiding in canada? what about the skilled/unskilled contribution that you are NOT doing? what abouy the filthy influence you cause bcz of your chapri lifestyles and the filthy abrahamic version of hinduism you follow in your iskon and swaminarayan temples that has 0 connection with any Ved whatsoever?
There are 35 million of you people and 90 billion of your dollars in remitance which means about 2 lakhs rupees of reemitance per year per capita. now these 2 lakh rupees are usually in the hand of your family which is untaxed. so I dont understand what 75 25 you are talking about and how do you make bank schools and electricity run.

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