Idiotic Musings from the West

I don't use online board to change someone's mind. That is what pm is for. This is to expose merits/demerits to the audience.

A debate is not for changing mind of debaters. It's to change the mind of the audience.
I have zero interest in changing mind of some ehsan faramosh dehati barbarian.
Once things get heated up, I don't think the opposite party calmly analyses the opponent's posts. It literally descends into a shit slinging fest. You two are at the same point you were 10 posts back.

Nothing wrong in being an NRI as long as the contribution towards the homeland is positive and not sepoy like behavior. A pro-India NRI is better than a Domestic leftist or a Domestic Jihadi.
Yes, democracy is given by Gora sahib
Not invented by mahajanapada at all and india isn't the only country on the planet to have elections for 2500 years continuos at the largest electoral level on the planet: gram panchayat/rural board election.

That didn't play any part in India readily adopting democracy and being more democratic than half of Europe and asia, at least when it comes to military respecting the democracy and not doing coups.

No, it's because clearly indians are the most pussy in the world that are easiest to brainwash.
BC never understood the concept of showing patriotism by demeaning others who have different views on things.
I have very different opinion from guys like @randombully, Azad and many others. That doesn’t mean that they are wrong or I can lecture these guys about how to be patriotic to our country. They are here, wasting their valuable time thinking and discussing about things, proves that they put their nation in very high priority and are not happy with how things are happening.
On the contrary, some guys think that they are more patriotic than others by verbal jingoistic talks
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Wot de foc is muftkhor ?
I am not giving gaali to india. I am giving gaali to dehati ahsan faramosh like u.

Assam faramosh is you, because you are saying we who send back 90 billion dollar a year to India automatically get less respect than dehatis like u coz u live in India and is muftkhor of our money.

So explain how we are ahsan faramosh, when we pay back our tuition subsidies 10 times over and you benefit from our money.
Calm down bro. Please don’t engage in useless mudslinging fest. It’ll not benefit anyone
If NRIs have a path to success in India for the same effort, they wouldnt leave. When the PM of India negotiates for smoother H1B approvals, you can see where the priorities lie.

If India and Indians are serious about reversing brain drain, create an atmosphere where not just Indians but anyone who is the best in their field will want to move to India and contribute to GDP there.

This is only possible by setting up fastrak regulatory approvals, providing capital and administrative support.
India is inherently a discriminatory society where people get favours based on religion, caste, tribes, social strata, family and political contacts. Even our constitution is discriminatory to people of different religion/castes/tribes
Nothing wrong if someone who is discriminated by constitution, takes the opportunity when he gets one, on foreign soil.
Better be productive and prosperous that jobless and socially unproductive patriotic citizen.
How come Indian court take a case from Foreign national and did not dismiss it. Instead, they are asking Govt to take back the cancellation of OCI.
How come court decide this instead of MEA and related agencies?​

compassionate grounds.
Swain, who said a non-speaking order was passed, argued his 78-year-old mother who lived in India was unwell and he was the only son and hadn't been able to visit India in the past three years.

Thread cleanup done!

@vin pahadi (kumauni) & @GaudaNaresh - this thread is not created for your personal debate. It is created on specific topic and keep yourself restricted to it.
A lot of things were said which were not upto the standard of this forum and even not upto your personal morals. Avoid it in future.​
How come Indian court take a case from Foreign national and did not dismiss it. Instead, they are asking Govt to take back the cancellation of OCI.
How come court decide this instead of MEA and related agencies?​

Apparantly it comes under freedom of expression category.


OCI card holders have right to approach to the Indian courts & CAA also has provisions that allows OCI person to hold their card if no local laws were broken.
Mere Tweets & provocative interviews aren't counted as valid grounds to cancel the OCI card. They're under FOE category.

You've to show proofs to the court of them being involved in anti state activities.

It's not happening for the first time. In 2024 a case against a Mullah professor was overturned as well.


The hide & seek has been going on for very long.
Govt can always issue another order & take his class with a better proof.
Court will follow what's written in the constitution.

This Madarchod doesn't only criticise the govt. If that was the case then there wouldn't have been any problem.
He's on a CCP payroll & does 24*7 dehumanisation of Indians. A total simp.
If NRIs have a path to success in India for the same effort, they wouldnt leave. When the PM of India negotiates for smoother H1B approvals, you can see where the priorities lie.

If India and Indians are serious about reversing brain drain, create an atmosphere where not just Indians but anyone who is the best in their field will want to move to India and contribute to GDP there.

This is only possible by setting up fastrak regulatory approvals, providing capital and administrative support.

Thery contribute through remittance as well & it's in billions. You don't always need to be in the country to contribute. Dummy.
Stop posting like those Rahul Gandhi simp accounts.
China makes more immigrants than India. They don't cringe like this. Only 1.2% of India's population make expats & immigrants. 99% Indians are still living in India. We've enough population & I'm sure that there will always be smart people if utilised properly.
It's only a brown coolie thing, fed by the 70 years of inferiority complex. Gora worship is a big part of their life. They believe that it will increase their status, make them feel validated.
People are spending in crores with uncertainty to invade US & Canada. Even a middle class will have hard time allocating such an ammount. So it's not like they don't have money.
Every H1B holder isn't leaving to settle. Check the immigration rate. Won't even be 20-30%. The majority goes to study, on company fielded jobs, rather than having intention to settle or for a green card. The majority comes back.
There are poorer countries than India but they don't behave like this. It's only an India thing.
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"Academic freedom"

🇺🇲Houston University defends its Hinduphobic 'Lived Hindu Religion' course.

The quote from the course reads,

"The word 'Hindu' is recent and "not found in scriptures". "Hindutva, or 'Hindu-ness', is a term that Hindu nationalists, those who believe Hinduism should be the official religion of India, use to designate their religion and denigrate others, namely Islam," the quote said.


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"Academic freedom"

🇺🇲Houston University defends its Hinduphobic 'Lived Hindu Religion' course.

The quote from the course reads,

"The word 'Hindu' is recent and "not found in scriptures". "Hindutva, or 'Hindu-ness', is a term that Hindu nationalists, those who believe Hinduism should be the official religion of India, use to designate their religion and denigrate others, namely Islam," the quote said.

We had discussed this in the old forum & here also i believe.

There is no major backlash, no major threats & no major fund cuts from Indian/Hindoo donors.

In fact Hindoo donors fund such courses/universities & look the other way.

So why the fook would a Gorahole libbu not say nonsense & parade it as a "Hindu course". I am willing to bet that this Gora libbuhole who designed this already has many desi simps/orbiters.

This has full support from the Indian left/INC.

"There are no Hindus, it is merely an illusion & a fanatical term used by fascists, you are all Keralities or Manipuris or Biharis or Jats or OBC or Telugu or Gujarathi....that's it."

The aim in all such cases in - deny pan India identity, box inhabitants into linguistic, caste or regional groups aka divide & convert.


Try framing Islam in such a way. Or let an Indian university try doing this to Islam/Christianity. We will see a storm.
We had discussed this in the old forum & here also i believe.

There is no major backlash, no major threats & no major fund cuts from Indian/Hindoo donors.

In fact Hindoo donors fund such courses/universities & look the other way.

So why the fook would a Gorahole libbu not say nonsense & parade it as a "Hindu course". I am willing to bet that this Gora libbuhole who designed this already has many desi simps/orbiters.

This has full support from the Indian left/INC.

"There are no Hindus, it is merely an illusion & a fanatical term used by fascists, you are all Keralities or Manipuris or Biharis or Jats or OBC or Telugu or Gujarathi....that's it."

The aim in all such cases in - deny pan India identity, box inhabitants into linguistic, caste or regional groups aka divide & convert.


Try framing Islam in such a way. Or let an Indian university try doing this to Islam/Christianity. We will see a storm.
They do this against the Jews as well.
They've been doing this for decades. Mostly Muslim/Congress funded lobbies. They talk & cheer among each other, run some crappy resolutions to create attention & controversy. It doesn't work beyond that. People aren't stupid now like they used to be.
They do this against the Jews as well.
They've been doing this for decades. Mostly Muslim/Congress funded lobbies. They talk & cheer among each other, run some crappy resolutions to create attention & controversy. It doesn't work beyond that. People aren't stupid now like they used to be.

They do it against Israel but not against Jews. Jews have invested in very good propaganda(media, academia and cinema) post WWII. Muslim/middle east studies on the other hand gets a lot of funding through Qatar/Middle east kingdoms.

And even the anti Israel material has been going down in the past couple of years with funding from various Jewish billionaires drying up(Bill ackman, Miriam Adelson etc..). Any funding that they do give to these universities comes with various riders about not criticizing Israel.

Also Trump admin who was funded by these billionaires is arresting/deporting foreign citizens who criticize Israel.

Hindu billionaires on the other hand either don't care much about religion, don't care how their funds are spent or literally fund anti hindu causes in various universities.

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