Indian Army: News and Updates

Don't be this ignorant and speak without any knowledge. Even non critical items like clothing, boots etc are procured from OFBs since eons without open tender enquiry, that bars any private manufacturers from participating. And this procurement is under MoD! All to keep ofb unions and babus happy.
Only now some attempt is being made to change rules slowly
Yes importkhor iA and incompetent Babu Board. Perfect match made in heaven

Due to emergence of surveillance drones and few dozen always having eyes on battlefield.
Advancing has became really difficult hence slow advancement and longer war.
He mentions in video, that the avg response time of russian artillary, missiles, suicide drones after reconnaissance, surveillance drones spot a target is 30seconds.

Now, From 13:00 onwards.

"Many says that russian are incapable of performing large combined arms operations, bit that's simply not the case, they don't do that because combined arms operations executed like all the military schools taught till yesterday are destined to attract hurricane of fire that will maul your forces into oblivion due to constant surveillance, so it is necessary to execute yout operation in small teams, and avoid concentration of your forces in one area at the Start of the operation"

If we take his words, then good news, will hold lot more better against chinks in himalayas in defensive warfare, even if their airforce dominates over OUR airforce.

Bad new, same case for pakistan, so cold start doctrine will need to be heavily restructured or entirely new doctrine needs to be created.
Also the new combined arms warfighting capability are building already starts to getting outdated before being fully operational.

We, and all other militries will need to heavily restructure our military from base, especially us against pakistan.

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