Indian Economy

o yaar kisaanu nu gallaan deke apni dukaan band karvaani ain unney? it clearly seems he is saying to please all and offend none in his state to continue business. Rest what punjabi industrialists think: you can make out from fact that many are shifting/have shifted to its neighbouring states like Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, UP as well as to distant states like Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat etc.


Thanks to commment translate I come to realize that Poonjabi dehatis are even more retarded than Bimaru dehatis.


Thanks to commment translate I come to realize that Poonjabi dehatis are even more retarded than Bimaru dehatis.

I dont think anything negative is in the video. Those whose land is getting acquired are 5 times worth their land price. He simply stating that they should be careful in how to spend money they receive as youth spends on buying expensive cars, wining dining and small parcel of land whose utility is questionable. Rest there is genuine angst for lack of railway network which benefits people of punjab. Given punjab had among highest earnings in yesteryears, - the traffic bought by railways was mostly in wards, and the routes benefitted mostly outsiders. Its not jus punjab, but haryana, himachal can be counted in the same. Due to migrants from east have come in numbers and now who have penetrated villages. Crimes and antics done by some among them have recently drove many village panchayats to ban any easter labourers to live in villages and also asked youths to shun canada migration and instead work on their fields.

Baaki Punjab is on the way of becoming bimaaru anyway. Biharis can rejoice if they were getting jitters from UP leaving its company :D


The state of the economy especially that of industry in the Punjab. From top to bottom it appears everyone is content to blame everyone but themselves for the current situation.

As per this gentleman it's the centre & centre state relations which are primarily responsible for the downturn in the state of the economy in Punjab .

Everything else including the state government , law & order , the mafia masquerading as farmers etc are all a distant second third fourth consideration & so on.

He even goes so far as to say if a BJP government comes to power in Punjab they'd be back in business. I feel bad this man in spite of being the ex President of the Punjab Chamber of Industry & Commerce has to lie thru his teeth. Gives you an idea of the real state of affairs there.

Punjab is doomed. But across country 1000-2500 rupees scheme is coming out.

This will create massive problem. Short term gain by fucking the future.
I dont think anything negative is in the video. Those whose land is getting acquired are 5 times worth their land price. He simply stating that they should be careful in how to spend money they receive as youth spends on buying expensive cars, wining dining and small parcel of land whose utility is questionable. Rest there is genuine angst for lack of railway network which benefits people of punjab. Given punjab had among highest earnings in yesteryears, - the traffic bought by railways was mostly in wards, and the routes benefitted mostly outsiders. Its not jus punjab, but haryana, himachal can be counted in the same. Due to migrants from east have come in numbers and now who have penetrated villages. Crimes and antics done by some among them have recently drove many village panchayats to ban any easter labourers to live in villages and also asked youths to shun canada migration and instead work on their fields.

Baaki Punjab is on the way of becoming bimaaru anyway. Biharis can rejoice if they were getting jitters from UP leaving its company :D

There wouldn't be a need to mass-import Bihar walas if they'd invested their money into mechanising their farms and buying larger plots instead of paying insane sums to (((agints))) to reach Kaneda and clean toilets for gora sahibs there :facepalm4:

Instead the Khwaab -e- Kaneda and passive-aggressive Empty-Spacing is all they do.
I again repeat what is happening to Punjab can civilizations industrial state in India. Govt of the day should curb any form of subtle sub nationalism fermenting within. Never mix them with politics.
Nope. This mix of toxic religion , politics & ethnic supremacy is unique only to Punjab . It's not just the leadership which has let Punjab down whether in religion or politics but the ordinary people too who've let down themselves.

The world over agricultural self sufficiency has been a stepping stone to industrial progress & the thriving of civilization since the dawn of time. That's the reason you've had the 4-5 most successful civilizations in pre history be it the Nile Valley civilization or the Mesopotamian civilization or the SVC civilization or the Yellow Valley Civilization.

It's true even today . Punjab had it too but they collectively blew it. In fact there's another curious phenomenon I've observed. Traditionally intermediate / forward castes candidates who come from successful
agricultural families usually have children who pursue studies & a career outside agriculture.

JuttSikhi is the only ethno religion I know of where the average rate of graduation is below the national average for such intermediate / forward castes . To make matters worse given their over representation in the IA , once the intake gradually came down they couldn't find alternative avenues . It's this group which made up the foot soldiers of Bhindranwale & later the Khalistanis.

We can't even compare it to WB in the 1970s in the lead up to the Naxalite movement as the PCI of WB was still nowhere near that of Punjab although in terms of industrialisation they were among the premier states of India. What made their case worse was the influx of H refugees in 1971 who never returned adding to the financial burden of the state .

I could add the narcotics trade the self aggrandisement thru the music industry about Put Jutt da , the OCD to move abroad selling everything for lakhs which could easily be invested here to set up a business if not in Punjab then in other states etc among other reasons & fill up the entire page yet have space for more but trust I've conveyed the gist of the problem.
Punjab is doomed. But across country 1000-2500 rupees scheme is coming out.

This will create massive problem. Short term gain by fucking the future.

Not able to create jobs or employment opportunities, what else will they do to pacify a distressed population?
Nope. This mix of toxic religion , politics & ethnic supremacy is unique only to Punjab . It's not just the leadership which has let Punjab down whether in religion or politics but the ordinary people too who've let down themselves.
Tamil Nadu, Dravidian, Evangelical , Eeelam. Hope no one does stupidity like what was done wrt Bhindra wala.

The world over agricultural self sufficiency has been a stepping stone to industrial progress & the thriving of civilization since the dawn of time. That's the reason you've had the 4-5 most successful civilizations in pre history be it the Nile Valley civilization or the Mesopotamian civilization or the SVC civilization or the Yellow Valley Civilization.

It's true even today . Punjab had it too but they collectively blew it. In fact there's another curious phenomenon I've observed. Traditionally intermediate / forward castes candidates who come from successful
agricultural families usually have children who pursue studies & a career outside agriculture.

JuttSikhi is the only ethno religion I know of where the average rate of graduation is below the national average for such intermediate / forward castes . To make matters worse given their over representation in the IA , once the intake gradually came down they couldn't find alternative avenues . It's this group which made up the foot soldiers of Bhindranwale & later the Khalistanis.
Again here is the mistake you guys are doing. Jutt Sikhi is mostly in agricultural land lordship, Army or at max transport/property business. Industry and other Business in Punjab were always dominated by Khatri, Arora, Baniya community. OSWAL, OCM,JCT, Apeejay Group, HERO group, ATLAS etc. It was a running Joke among Punjabis that Jatts and Brahmins dont know how to do business. Jatts joked about themselves ike Jatt (be like ) Unee duna sath (19 x 2 = 60)
We can't even compare it to WB in the 1970s in the lead up to the Naxalite movement as the PCI of WB was still nowhere near that of Punjab although in terms of industrialisation they were among the premier states of India. What made their case worse was the influx of H refugees in 1971 who never returned adding to the financial burden of the state .
Punjab (undivided Punjab) had huge influx of West Punjabi/Sindhi refugees. Infact eastern Punjab had less agragrian land. New canal system, Green revolution and hard working nature of old generation transformed Punjab. And while Bengal had inherited industrial infra of british times. In Punjab it was again created from scratch by enterprising business community - many of them who had migrated penniless from Eastern Punjab.
I could add the narcotics trade the self aggrandisement thru the music industry about Put Jutt da , the OCD to move abroad selling everything for lakhs which could easily be invested here to set up a business if not in Punjab then in other states etc among other reasons & fill up the entire page yet have space for more but trust I've conveyed the gist of the problem.
Every state in India has dominant caste politics. Rajput in Rajasthan, Marathas in Maharastra, Gowdas in Karnataka, Reddy in Telangana , Naidu in Andhra, Nair in Kerala, Yadavs in UP and Bihar.

Terror and Drugs go hand in hand. And once drugs set in roots its difficult to uproot without doing Mao.
Drugs have not just destroyed Punjab but its tentacles have spread in HP, Uttrakhand, Haryana and Jammu.

This OCD move is not just unique in Punjab, but I have seen same tendency in Gujaratis, Rajasthani's and Haryanvis too.

Jatts were darlings of Politcial parties (centre as well as state) in punjab and haryana. Before widespread brainwashing via Gurdwara netwrok in 80s till date - they were decent people to deal with. They suffered similar self-aggrandizement as what Rajputs, Yadavs and Reddy's did.

But what is more worrisome is Halleulafication & increasing migratory islamification of Punjab. Imagine Tamil parties also sees opening in punjab.
Drugs destroy families.... I knew a very humble decent jutt family long back.. whose grandfather was retd force officer, elder son was also serving Y.O, Younger son had cleared CDS and interview. At that time (25 years ago) a lot of African students came for studies. The family kept a young african man as a tenant and treated him as son. Grandfather was shocked one day to find Eldest son who had come home dead along with African and younger son lost conscious. Rushed them to hospital to find all three had consumed Drugs. two were dead. they were able to revive Younger son - but he had lost mental faculty to take care of himself and lived in morose state.
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There wouldn't be a need to mass-import Bihar walas if they'd invested their money into mechanising their farms and buying larger plots instead of paying insane sums to (((agints))) to reach Kaneda and clean toilets for gora sahibs there :facepalm4:
Mechanization was always high in Punjab. IN fact in 70's some rich farmers used helicopter to spray pesticides. Also because consumption for mechanical farming solution was high - there were many small scale to medium scale industries manufacturing farm automation tools (including Tractors, Simple to Combined Harvesters etc) within Punjab itself.

Kanedaa was painted as land of milk and honey. People got enamored by swanky clothes and imported goods their relatives in foreign bought to pre liberalization Punjab. Little most people knew what those guys did. But frankly earlier many made success in Foreign countries too after hard work (ie pre 9/11). opened their own Transport business , Chain of restaurants, Hotels or some other business. Life was good in west as long as Economy of west was good. Its only since last 5-6 years things have started to go down and causing many people to think twice before sending their wards. Infact many middle class have directly sent their children to US, Canada, Germany for Higher/professional education after SAT. Simply there are not many good jobs left in Punjab.
Instead the Khwaab -e- Kaneda and passive-aggressive Empty-Spacing is all they do.
Yes that has taken firm root in some minds for all the brainwashing happened for past 2-3 decades write under nose of govt. But still there is some sizable chunk loyal to country but too few to make any change among all.
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Tamil Nadu, Dravidian, Evangelical , Eeelam. Hope no one does stupidity like what was done wrt Bhindra wala.

Whatever they did thru Dumeel politics was to displace the Brahmins who were the top dogs there. And the ones to do it were next in the social hierarchy to the Brahmins. Have a look at the office bearers of the Justice Party in the 1920s & 30s & you'd know what I'm talking about. Besides for all their venom not a single Brahmin was killed nor did they jeopardize the economy of the state. In fact their economy has only grown since then & is still growing.
Again here is the mistake you guys are doing. Jutt Sikhi is mostly in agricultural land lordship, Army or at max transport/property business. Industry and other Business in Punjab were always dominated by Khatri, Arora, Baniya community. OSWAL, OCM,JCT, Apeejay Group, HERO group, ATLAS etc. It was a running Joke among Punjabis that Jatts and Brahmins dont know how to do business. Jatts joked about themselves ike Jatt (be like ) Unee duna sath (19 x 2 = 60)

Yes , so all the more reason they either went in for further education or they stuck to their strengths & opened up more transport businesses across the country. Instead they either turned to drugs or false machismo or dunki.

Punjab (undivided Punjab) had huge influx of West Punjabi/Sindhi refugees.
Punjab also had a massive muslim population. IIRC at the time of partition the state now comprising East Punjab minus Haryana & HP where in any case the Muslim population was on single digits , the Muslim population in East Punjab was close to 47-48% . It was only the combined H+S population which came to 50% +. Where are those Muslims ?

The Qadiani movement basically started out in East Punjab. Where are they now ? The fact is there was a complete population transfer in both parts of the Punjab which simply wasn't the case in Bengal.

Infact eastern Punjab had less agragrian land. New canal system, Green revolution and hard working nature of old generation transformed Punjab. And while Bengal had inherited industrial infra of british times. In Punjab it was again created from scratch by enterprising business community - many of them who had migrated penniless from Eastern Punjab.
Agreed. Which makes the transition into industry & from there in to an agriculture + industry + service economy all the more inevitable. Yet that didn't happen or it was prematurely terminated.
Every state in India has dominant caste politics. Rajput in Rajasthan, Marathas in Maharastra, Gowdas in Karnataka, Reddy in Telangana , Naidu in Andhra, Nair in Kerala, Yadavs in UP and Bihar.

True & in every such state alternative combinations have emerged compared to Punjab where Jutt hold over the religion & politics is unparalleled. Punjab literally has 32% Dalits & how many CMs have come from this caste ? Just 1 - Charanjit Singh Channi that too for a few months before elections which only came about because Capt Amarinder Singh had a fallout with the Gandhis.

For that matter how many non JuttSikh have become the CM after the reorganization of the state ? Just one - Giani Zail Singh that too way back in 1972 whose life the Akalis made miserable. It's thought Zail Singh harboured a grudge against Akalis for he thought they targeted him only on account of his caste. We know what followed ?!
Terror and Drugs go hand in hand. And once drugs set in roots its difficult to uproot without doing Mao.
Drugs have not just destroyed Punjab but its tentacles have spread in HP, Uttrakhand, Haryana and Jammu.

This OCD move is not just unique in Punjab, but I have seen same tendency in Gujaratis, Rajasthani's and Haryanvis too.

Yes it may well be true but which state has followed the same trajectory as Punjab. I can't think of any.
Jatts were darlings of Politcial parties (centre as well as state) in punjab and haryana. Before widespread brainwashing via Gurdwara netwrok in 80s till date - they were decent people to deal with. They suffered similar self-aggrandizement as what Rajputs, Yadavs and Reddy's did.
My point remains. None of these groups initiated the kind of destructive politics which we've seen in the Punjab. Recently in Maharashtra we saw the agitation for reservations for the Marathas. What was the end result ? Ditto for the Patidar led agitation in Gujarat.

I'd extend this to the Yadav rule in UP & Bihar too. They further ruined a badly run state yet alternative coalitions were formed & the Yadavs booted out. It's another matter that Nitiswa turned out to be a huge disappointment . Yet the fear of Laloo was more than love of Nitiswa which is the reason he's still in power.

But what is more worrisome is Halleulafication & increasing migratory islamification of Punjab. Imagine Tamil parties also sees opening in punjab.
Yet how's JuttSikhi responding ? Never once has either the SGPC or the Akal Takth or the SAD spoken out against this group . It's always "Agenciyan da sazish ." Same story in both halves of the Radcliffe Line.

Drugs destroy families.... I knew a very humble decent jutt family long back.. whose grandfather was retd force officer, elder son was also serving Y.O, Younger son had cleared CDS and interview. At that time (25 years ago) a lot of African students came for studies. The family kept a young african man as a tenant and treated him as son. Grandfather was shocked one day to find Eldest son who had come home dead along with African and younger son lost conscious. Rushed them to hospital to find all three had consumed Drugs. two were dead. they were able to revive Younger son - but he had lost mental faculty to take care of himself and lived in morose state.
Whatever they did thru Dumeel politics was to displace the Brahmins who were the top dogs there. And the ones to do it were next in the social hierarchy to the Brahmins. Have a look at the office bearers of the Justice Party in the 1920s & 30s & you'd know what I'm talking about. Besides for all their venom not a single Brahmin was killed nor did they jeopardize the economy of the state. In fact their economy has only grown since then & is still growing.
Terrorism had caused killings in many communities. But yes Brahmins were made prime targets. Thats the by product of any movement guided by Pakis.

But blind hate for Hindus and brahmins literature has its parallels with periyar/dravidian brahmin hate

Yes , so all the more reason they either went in for further education or they stuck to their strengths & opened up more transport businesses across the country. Instead they either turned to drugs or false machismo or dunki.
There were many in national level transport business. Infact many still are.

Punjab also had a massive muslim population. IIRC at the time of partition the state now comprising East Punjab minus Haryana & HP where in any case the Muslim population was on single digits , the Muslim population in East Punjab was close to 47-48% . It was only the combined H+S population which came to 50% +. Where are those Muslims ?

courtesy Full payback by Punjabis who ensured all malsi (except in mkotla) are expunge.
The Qadiani movement basically started out in East Punjab. Where are they now ? The fact is there was a complete population transfer in both parts of the Punjab which simply wasn't the case in Bengal.
population transfer was not due to some govt largesse. it was Punjabis who unleashed retribution completely ignoring Centre appeal.

Agreed. Which makes the transition into industry & from there in to an agriculture + industry + service economy all the more inevitable. Yet that didn't happen or it was prematurely terminated.

Transition to service economy did not happen even though valiant private efforts were made. Terrorism, and acendance of total selfish politics had
taken root. Industries first bore brunt of Terrorism then liberalization. Many simply closed due to no longer being untenable. So what Bengal experienced during early communist rule, Punjab experienced after Terrorism period - which is deindustrialization. Transition to service economy has not been easy for anyone in other state too. But as I said most skilled people left state or even country. Its not Punjabis are dull in tech. Vinod Khosla, Deepinder Goyal , Sabeer Bhatia, binny bansal are some of the Punjabi origin technical entrepreneurs. But due to politics and environment in Punjab you don't see them being bootstrapped in punjab. there are many punjabi entrepreneurs having good deep tech startups outside punjab though.

Punjabi polticians were archaic. They did not understand technology and actually futally ran after manufacturing ventures in state
True & in every such state alternative combinations have emerged compared to Punjab where Jutt hold over the religion & politics is unparalleled. Punjab literally has 32% Dalits & how many CMs have come from this caste ? Just 1 - Charanjit Singh Channi that too for a few months before elections which only came about because Capt Amarinder Singh had a fallout with the Gandhis.

Dalits were divided. Sikhs and Hindus. Now with hallelujahfication - you may get what you desire in near future. First CM of Punjab was Brahmin. That was the reason for asking Punjabi Suba because numbers favored Hindus in undivided Punjab.
For that matter how many non JuttSikh have become the CM after the reorganization of the state ? Just one - Giani Zail Singh that too way back in 1972 whose life the Akalis made miserable. It's thought Zail Singh harboured a grudge against Akalis for he thought they targeted him only on account of his caste. We know what followed ?!
Purpose of Punjabi Scooba was unquestion Jatt dominance in politics of apunjqb 3hich was not possible in undivided Punjab. Have we seen caste causing bifurcation elsewhere in India(hint Andhra).
Yes it may well be true but which state has followed the same trajectory as Punjab. I can't think of any.
Punjab was first to reach good economic status post independence. And first to fall. Keep playing same stupid games in states, same stupid prizes could be won elsewhere.

My point remains. None of these groups initiated the kind of destructive politics which we've seen in the Punjab. Recently in Maharashtra we saw the agitation for reservations for the Marathas. What was the end result ? Ditto for the Patidar led agitation in Gujarat.

Maharashtra had to content with Naxalism for many years. Barring Bombay and Pune rest of state was not in good shape. Even Gujarat was among Bimaru states. It's onl6 under Modi things turned positive. Punjab need similar kind of vionary politician. And it will get once it bears its Karmas
I'd extend this to the Yadav rule in UP & Bihar too. They further ruined a badly run state yet alternative coalitions were formed & the Yadavs booted out. It's another matter that Nitiswa turned out to be a huge disappointment . Yet the fear of Laloo was more than love of Nitiswa which is the reason he's still in power.
Punjab is small state. You will see power dynamics shifting away from Jatts in near future. Already politicians have to appease newly minted christians. Some rumors were floating about Channi being crypto. He in ifact had defended conversions to Christianity.

Yet how's JuttSikhi responding ? Never once has either the SGPC or the Akal Takth or the SAD spoken out against this group . It's always "Agenciyan da sazish ." Same story in both halves of the Radcliffe Line.
Sgpc is firmly under Jatt Sikhism but heavily influenced by Khali. Infaft adGPC was established by British after booting out HindunSikh hybrid Mahants. SGPC, Akali were British creation ans always had anyi Establishment outlook. With complete domination of sgpc of all gurdwara and ousting of any opposition or other Sikh pants, they have religiously carried out villification of Hindus and Hindu rituals and beliefs among sikhs. With social media, this villification got insane level of boost.

The way the economy of Germany is going, I wouldn't be surprised if Germany falls behind Japan. When that happens India will basically become the 3rd largest economy. However, please take it with a grain of salt because the gap between the 3rd and 2nd is HUUUUGE. We are essentially talking about a $13-14T gap by now. That gap is literally 3.5 times the size of India's economy.
The way the economy of Germany is going, I wouldn't be surprised if Germany falls behind Japan. When that happens India will basically become the 3rd largest economy. However, please take it with a grain of salt because the gap between the 3rd and 2nd is HUUUUGE. We are essentially talking about a $13-14T gap by now. That gap is literally 3.5 times the size of India's economy.
germany's nominal gdp somehow adds hundreds of billions of dollars despite its real economy growing at 0%

euro is massively overvalued vs dollar at the moment so we will see this change shortly. but as i said with all this currenncy shenanigans going on, how valuable is nominal gdp anymore.
actually I think that for donald trump to achieve what he wants, USA will have to pursue currency devaluation of their own.

i dont think its possible to onshore manufacturing with DXY at like 109 or whatever it is today and USDCNY at 7.33. unless you want to absolutely annihilate your people's purchasing power.

essentially a modern day Plaza Accord.

However unlike 80s where all the relavant parties were america's vassal states (japan most importantly, other eurocuck states less importantly), trump will have to convince an openly adversarial state (china) to allow their currency to appreciate vs dollar.
I dont think anything negative is in the video.
He is talking about replies under the video. Zero entrepreneurship mindset and resistance towards and change in status quo.
germany's nominal gdp somehow adds hundreds of billions of dollars despite its real economy growing at 0%

euro is massively overvalued vs dollar at the moment so we will see this change shortly. but as i said with all this currenncy shenanigans going on, how valuable is nominal gdp anymore.

is it the case that their I.Ps which they haven't outsourced yet, that is saving their day?
even if inflation is discounted for.

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