Indian Economy

Looks like the stage is being set for Tesla to import their wares into India without any commitment whatsoever by Musk to set up mfg here.

For all these concessions , wonder what did Modi get in return ?
Won't this also enable BYD to flood our market. Tesla will be a niche player in India, BYD will completely takeover.


Quite frankly I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this bit of news.

just to add a bit of nuance to that lady's tweet.

if anyone says something on the lines of "without industrialisation" wrt India, i presume they haven't spent enough time in industrial belts/estates(corporate offices do not count) of the country. a better way to say it, is that manufacturing capacity could not keep up with the demand. for a country our size, growth and urbanisation happened pretty fast.

similarly when people say India skipped manufacturing, what they mean is India skipped manufacturing as primary driver as growth in GDP terms. does not mean it happened without industialisation.
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Looks like the stage is being set for Tesla to import their wares into India without any commitment whatsoever by Musk to set up mfg here.

For all these concessions , wonder what did Modi get in return ?

Tesla's PR blitz has been pretty damn amazing these past few weeks. Shows how easy it is to buy these dalals.

Either way, do not think it is aimed at appeasing Elmo; he is has no reason to set up plants in India. Gormint is looking to modify this scheme because of lukewarm responses - they will keep tweaking the details till the policy clicks (just like they did with electronics PLI). Going by these reports, the localization/domestic manufacturing clauses will still remain in place; provisions like these will not appease Elmo or orange man.

Won't this also enable BYD to flood our market. Tesla will be a niche player in India, BYD will completely takeover.

Read the article - domestic investment commitments would remain in place. Only the timelines are being made less stringent. And chong investments into EV can be blocked (a number of chong automakers have been shown the door in recent years).
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