America built China and America take it away any day. Rather Trump is working on it.Online journalism is always the lowest of the low as it doesn't pay, That's why you have sites like NYT and Guardian begging for donations each time you visit that site, These sites usually work in a small commission basis where certain people are asked to write articles and there is no quality control so they can state any bs they want. The problem is this gets shared and eventually gets viral.
My suggestion is just follow some reputable journalists who write long form articles and just forget about the rest
@Azaad @ezsasa my prediction made last year november comes true/bharti-airtel-to-bring-elon-musks-starlink-in-india-signs-agreement-with-spacex-11741691431791.html
Most likely leaderji wanted to show Big Bani its place for supporting Pappu in 24. BSNL and Airtel are all in the race to check Jio's expansion.
There is lot of chatter in Mumbai circle. Most common chatter is that
"Mota Bhai had tried to cross Topji last year and is now getting payback or put into place"
ModiWho is Topji?
2000 Crore infusion To opposition ecosystem was not only due to India , Mota bhai is deeply into Clinton deep state chainThere is lot of chatter in Mumbai circle. Most common chatter is that
"Mota Bhai had tried to cross Topji last year and is now getting payback or put into place"
Nope thr is no point re routing through ground stations as whole architecture is direct from Sat, it will slowdown the service in few years its direct to Mobile, I am not sure how to control it though unless we shoot the sats by lasers if Musk foes rougeHopefully, this is how it works.
Jio and Airtel lease starlink satellites, provide ground stations for the satellites, and provide recievers for the customers.
The recievers can be made to work only if routed through the specified ground stations.
So, all the routing is done througn Jio and Airtel, and starlink has no control over the data.
But the risk still remains of smuggled starlink recievers, and laser link.
Twitter exfarts already started claiming that starlink latency is lower than Fiber broadband. In reality its exact opposite. Starlink's stability with such low userbase would depend on satellite availability, and I don't see its userbase growing anytime soon. Fiber dropkicks this satellite tech by 1/10th of the cost. Only issue is receivers falling into the hands of separatists, naxals and spy command centers.Oneweb failed long timeback.
This is the way to handle Starlink and Tesla. Force them for JV with Indian players and work under Indian Jurisdiction.
People have already declared "Its over" for India on twitter like Starlink is a replacement for wire/fibre broadband and all Indian service providers will be killed.