Indian Economy

Lol. Bro, seriously? Lmao. Hahaha. You are really delusional if you think this is true.

edit: Btw, whatever crap you believe doesn't matter. Peoples' perceptions world over is that India is unsafe for women and also an unclean country.

I asked Grok to compile data. Don't give me "Elon musk is anti India" or whatever. You all use twitter.


What's the objective data on sexual assault reporting on India? Is it accurate or under reported?

The objective data on sexual assault reporting in India primarily comes from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), an agency under the Ministry of Home Affairs that compiles crime statistics. Here's an analysis based on available data:

Reported Statistics:
  • Number of Cases:
    • In 2021, NCRB reported 31,677 cases of rape in India, translating to an average of 86 rape cases daily.
    • The total number of crimes against women was 428,278 cases, with a rate of 64.5 crimes per lakh (100,000) population.
  • Trends Over Time:
    • The number of reported rape cases has shown an increasing trend over the years, with exceptions like the drop during the lockdown year of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • From 2001 to 2018, rape-related crimes increased by 70.7%, from 11.6 to 19.8 per 100,000 women and girls.
  • State and City Variations:
    • States like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh consistently report high numbers. Delhi, the capital, often has one of the highest rape rates among metropolitan cities.

Accuracy and Under-Reporting:
  • Under-Reporting:
    • Numerous studies and reports suggest that sexual assault in India is significantly under-reported. Here are key reasons and statistics:
      • Cultural Stigma: Victims often face social stigma, shame, or fear of family reaction, deterring them from reporting. Over 80% of women who have experienced sexual violence never tell anyone, according to the National Family Health Survey.
      • Fear of Retaliation: Fear of reprisal from the perpetrator or their community is a major deterrent.
      • Police and Judicial System: Lack of faith in the police response, potential for victim blaming, and low conviction rates (around 27-30%) discourage reporting. A notable percentage of cases are closed without trial due to insufficient evidence or lack of follow-through.
      • NCRB's Own Estimation: An older NCRB report from 2006 mentioned that about 71% of rape crimes go unreported. This figure might have changed due to increased awareness and legal reforms, but under-reporting remains a significant issue.
  • External Assessments:
    • The UN and various NGOs estimate that globally, including in India, only a small fraction of sexual assaults are reported. The UN has suggested that worldwide, only about 11% of rape cases are reported.
  • Legal and Definition Challenges:
    • The legal definition of rape in India is broader than in some countries, including non-penetrative sexual assaults, which might affect comparative statistics. However, this does not compensate for the large number of unreported cases.

  • While the NCRB data provides valuable insights into the extent of reported sexual assaults, it's widely accepted that these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. The actual incidence of sexual assault in India is likely much higher due to under-reporting influenced by cultural, social, and systemic factors.
  • Efforts like increased awareness, legal reforms post the 2012 Delhi gang rape case, and the establishment of fast-track courts have aimed to improve reporting and conviction rates, but significant challenges remain in ensuring accurate and comprehensive data on sexual assault in India.


How do foreign tourists feel about India? Particularly women? Do they feel safe or do they anecdotally report that men stare and behave strange with them?

Based on various sources including travel forums, social media, travel blogs, and travel advisories, here's an overview of how foreign tourists, particularly women, feel about traveling in India:

General Sentiment:
  • Diverse Experiences: Many foreign tourists are captivated by India's rich culture, history, landscapes, and hospitality, describing it as an "unforgettable" experience. However, opinions on safety can vary widely.
  • Safety Concerns:
    • Men Staring and Harassment: There are numerous anecdotal reports of men staring, taking unsolicited photos, or engaging in what's known locally as "eve-teasing" (a euphemism for sexual harassment). This behavior is often cited as unsettling for female tourists.
    • Sexual Harassment: Many women report experiencing various forms of sexual harassment, ranging from verbal comments to physical touching or groping, particularly in crowded places like markets, public transport, and tourist sites.
    • Safety Perception: The perception of safety varies by region. Some tourists feel safer in cities like Mumbai or the tourist-friendly areas of Kerala and Goa, compared to places like Delhi or parts of Uttar Pradesh, where reports of harassment or crime are more common.

Anecdotal Reports:
  • From Women Travelers:
    • Many women express that they've had to adapt their behavior, like dressing conservatively, avoiding travel alone at night, or even hiring personal security in extreme cases, to feel safer.
    • There's a common theme of needing to be constantly vigilant, which can detract from the travel experience.
    • Some women report positive interactions with locals, especially when traveling with a guide or in groups, suggesting that the experience can be greatly influenced by how one travels.
  • Men's Experiences: While men might not report the same level of harassment, they also mention being subjected to staring or scam attempts, though generally, they feel less threatened.

Specific Sources:
  • Travel Advisories: Many countries issue travel advisories for India, particularly warning women about the risks of sexual harassment and assault. These advisories often highlight areas to avoid and precautions to take.
  • Social Media and Blogs (as reflected in posts found on X):
    • There are posts where travelers express reluctance to return due to negative encounters, especially women who have faced harassment.
    • Conversely, some travelers share strategies they used to navigate India safely, emphasizing the importance of local knowledge and cultural sensitivity.
  • Travel Forums (e.g., Tripadvisor): Discussions often include mixed reviews. Some female travelers report feeling safe and well-cared for, especially when adhering to local customs, while others recount disturbing experiences that have made them wary.

  • Safety as a Spectrum: The feeling of safety in India for foreign tourists, especially women, exists on a spectrum. It's influenced by one's travel style, regions visited, and personal experiences.
  • Preparation and Precaution: Many travelers suggest that with proper preparation, understanding of local customs, and taking safety precautions, one can have a positive experience in India. However, the risk of harassment remains a significant concern that shapes many travelers' perceptions and experiences.
  • Cultural Understanding: Foreign tourists often recommend learning about and respecting Indian culture to mitigate some of the unwanted attention, though this doesn't eliminate the risk of harassment entirely.

In summary, while many foreign tourists, including women, do enjoy their time in India, there's a prevalent concern regarding personal safety, particularly due to the reported behavior of staring and harassment by men.


Looks like it's a mixed bag, but the perception is substantially worse than this. Nobody gives a shit about other countries. The discussion is centered on India. To change perception means to change behavior. Idk if Indians can do this.
dont tell me u r same "british indian"😝 who wrote that quora forum😂. i dont care what other nation thinks about us. neither its effect me. may be "ghumakkad" people like u face any consequences for that😝. i will live my whole life in my state, i dont want to leave it. i m satisfied nd happily living in my life.
now first thing i never said anything related to indian datas (not farzi ones). i can throw same type of data for "any country" if u want. it will take time, but tell me. i will do it for u😝.
secondly show me data of perception/survey of people, which said they hv bad feeling/thoughts about india. atleast provide 1% world population opinion, i mean 8 billion world population 1% is 80 million. than i will think about it😂. although honestly even if this number goes to more than 99% of world population, even than i dont care😝.
do u british (indian🥶) or ur british masters care u genocide more than 100 million indians in famine, looted trillions, slaved etc. leave other countries aside. do ur crimes, world even remember or critisize u??
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This whataboutism is why people think Indians are stupid. "30-40 dollar" makes absolutely no difference in terms of hygiene, unless you're saying that if you want clean you should spend more money. If this is your point, then India is truly a hopeless country

It's also unbelievably difficult to read your writing. Half the vowels are missing in words. You are saving so much time with your ramblings by using "m" instead of "am" and "r" instead of "are".
let us remain hopeless😝....u already named urself 3 countries (london, paris, tokiyo), care about their problems. we want to live lowest level. even below than world poorest country like sudan nd burandi. plz dont come in india nd suggest others to dont come in india. plz save foreign girls to hunted down in india🙏.
u know its very tough to came in top its better to remain in last top 10. coz nobody care nd talk about middle rank countries. 😂
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that 9.24 million includes

She is an hollywood actress. She was the wasp in antman and the wasp (Marvel movie) . You cannot compare her experience with ordinary backpackers.
okkk ....than build a data of how many foreign female tourists came to uttarakhand nd how many of them face rape nd sexual harrasment etc. than we talk forward. i cant take ur words as proof. show us data.
Talk to actual travellers, they will tell you experiences. Sexual harassment is not even captured in official statistics, because most of the time people don't report it, specially foreign tourists.

The only thing which molests you in Uttarakhand is either a tendua or a tiger, if you are unlucky then some one can throw a devta on you and phir koi ilaaj nahi hai. Small appeal to dhesis other overrated fags daru pi kar rengna mat 7 bjy ke baad. Janwar ki Adhi khayi hui body milegi.
Good that we will have at least 1 state taking footwear seriously. Bimaru states can continue signing fake MOUs at every summit. This 1 plant will likely have equal output to the entire shoe cluster in Agra
Why the fuck is she finance minister? Mudi can't find a better person ?

Modi himself is the problem. He lacks the intellect to understand the economy, so surrounds himself with those who suck him off instead of actually fixing the economy. GST itself is a very simple concept. Only indians can manage to fk it up to such an extent.
so u r agree with that person? if u dont find ur kind of situation in country, u will call it shit etc...good for u guys than👍👍. i never said anywhere that we hv no problems. i can debate with u whatever hyperbolic things u say above. but leave it. think whatever u like, indian tier 1 cities nd chornobyl as same...yeah for sure, they r really same same. 😂😝.

Did you understand exactly what I wrote?

This is the AQI of Delhi today


For reference here is the scale

Pollution in Delhi is well Beyond the Hazardous level. At this level, breathing is equivalent to smoking 40-50 cigarettes at a time. Moving out without good quality face mask can put your health at risk.

Most major Indian cities remain at 200-300 AQI level for most of the year. Living in these cities means you probably won't survive to see yourself becoming a grandparent.And even if you do,you will end up with plethora of serious health issues.
Did you understand exactly what I wrote?

This is the AQI of Delhi today

View attachment 19189

For reference here is the scale
View attachment 19168

Pollution in Delhi is well Beyond the Hazardous level. At this level, breathing is equivalent to smoking 40-50 cigarettes at a time. Moving out without good quality face mask can put your health at risk.

Most major Indian cities remain at 200-300 AQI level for most of the year. Living in these cities means you probably won't survive to see yourself becoming a grandparent.And even if you do,you will end up with plethora of serious health issues.
What's the point tough, no politicians has backbone to stop the stubble burning . These annadatas are literally gangsters especially the ones from drugsjab
Good that we will have at least 1 state taking footwear seriously. Bimaru states can continue signing fake MOUs at every summit. This 1 plant will likely have equal output to the entire shoe cluster in Agra
These bimaru state babus are highest grade of buffoons
They have no understanding regarding how industry works and these terminologies
They are born retards

second time in recent weeks this twitter handle has come into my notice, the other day it was about net petroleum imports.

his handle bio says, he is a economic liberal meaning he favours pure market economy . our economy is still in the stage of state capitalism where market economy is not given a free reign yet by design. he has positioned himself to be at odds with the way Indian economy works.

through out his life, he will be finding faults in the way India works, which will amount to nothing in real world terms, except for amplifying half baked ideas that start with "you know the problem with India is..." .
Did you understand exactly what I wrote?

This is the AQI of Delhi today

View attachment 19189

For reference here is the scale
View attachment 19168

Pollution in Delhi is well Beyond the Hazardous level. At this level, breathing is equivalent to smoking 40-50 cigarettes at a time. Moving out without good quality face mask can put your health at risk.

Most major Indian cities remain at 200-300 AQI level for most of the year. Living in these cities means you probably won't survive to see yourself becoming a grandparent.And even if you do,you will end up with plethora of serious health issues.
where did i denied this?? problem is u r equating two different things. u r saying indian cities air pollution is similar to chernoboyl😂. read Chernobyl situation first, than compare it with indian cities. nuclear disaster isnt same as air pollution of a city. even ur AQI level for major cities come down from previous commented 400 to now 200-300 AQI for most of the year😝.
In the aftermath of the explosion of reactor no. 4 at the Chernobyl (Ukraine) nuclear power plant on 26 April 1986, more than 4 million people living in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia were exposed to radiation. “The Chernobyl disaster is now recognized as having been the greatest technological catastrophe in human history,” writes Belarusian geneticist V. K. Savchenko in his recently published study The Ecology of the Chernobyl Catastrophe.

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Remittance to India is a powerful force.

During my working days in India, I used to send small money orders to my mother. Though the amount was modest, she took immense pride in receiving it. Now, magnify this simple act into a massive scale: millions of families in India receiving money from relatives working abroad. This phenomenon is called ‘remittance’.

Today, around 35 million people of Indian origin living and working abroad send money—primarily in dollars—back home, totaling an astounding $125 billion this year (2024) alone. These remittances significantly uplift the living standards of families in India and economic bonanza for dollar reserves.

In major cities like Delhi, the influx of money has driven up real estate prices. True to tradition, the priorities of many recipients remain consistent: the first is buying gold, the second is investing in real estate, and the third is improving general household living standards. In Trivandrum, the capital of southern state of Kerala, the number of people working abroad is much larger, there every tenth shop is a jewellery shop, where buying and selling gold occurs. Most of the money in those pricey transactions is monies received from abroad.

The word NRI (Non Resident Indians) commonly refer to people living and working abroad. Much of the Middle East construction work is handled by mostly India born NRIs. Citizens of other countries are also there but bulk are from India. In Europe and America, a big percentage of systems/computer analysts are from India. It is this highly skilled pool which is driving the current U.S. & Europe drive in artificial intelligence and other system related expansion etc. These two groups are the main source of remittance.

How does remittance help at the national level?

When an NRI sends or transfers money to their family or others in India, the process begins with converting foreign currency—typically dollars—into local currency, i.e., rupees. This is done through a local bank, where the converted amount is deposited into the recipient’s account. The dollars accumulated in the bank are then transferred to the Reserve Bank of India, becoming part of the country’s foreign exchange reserves. These reserves play a vital role in strengthening India’s economic stability and global financial position.

Globally, NRIs and remittances are integral to India’s financial power. Larger foreign exchange reserves translate into greater leverage in trade and commercial negotiations. Remittances contribute approximately 2% to India’s GDP as this money circulates through the economy in various ways. This underscores the importance of sustaining and increasing remittance inflows year after year.

In 2023, global remittances totaled around $670 billion, with India accounting for a significant 20% share. A major portion of India’s remittances comes from the U.S. and the Middle East, particularly the UAE and Saudi Arabia. While other Gulf states also contribute, their share is smaller compared to these two countries. With their oil-rich economies, the UAE and Saudi Arabia rely on imported labor to drive construction and manage domestic operations—a demand that India’s NRI workforce efficiently fulfills.

Consequently, as long as the Middle East possesses substantial oil reserves and there exists a substantial demand for highly skilled computer specialists in the United States and Europe, remittances will persist. Let us extend our gratitude to the diligent NRIs who are making significant contributions to the Indian economy.

What's the point tough, no politicians has backbone to stop the stubble burning . These annadatas are literally gangsters especially the ones from drugsjab
Is the stubble burning still going on ? I thought it happens only octorber and early november, when they have to plant new crops ?
you speaking with 5 people that are not blind tested just shows you are an uneducated idiot who doesnt know simple data collection protocols.
Numbers are irrelevant but 'i spoke to some random people, trust me bro' is relevant ?
Where exactly did you go to school again, kiddo ??
Reality is, India is a model nation for how to treat women without violence compared to every single western country.

Hahahahahaha. Holy ****. There is no way you really believe that. Hahahaha
let us remain hopeless😝....u already named urself 3 countries (london, paris, tokiyo), care about their problems. we want to live lowest level. even below than world poorest country like sudan nd burandi. plz dont come in india nd suggest others to dont come in india. plz save foreign girls to hunted down in india🙏.
u know its very tough to came in top its better to remain in last top 10. coz nobody care nd talk about middle rank countries. 😂

These are the ramblings of a madman lol
okkk ....than build a data of how many foreign female tourists came to uttarakhand nd how many of them face rape nd sexual harrasment etc. than we talk forward. i cant take ur words as proof. show us data.

Not everything is in data. Conviction rate means absolutely nothing. Nobody thinks about conviction rate when they're harassed, they think about stigma associated with something happening to them in the first place, they think about how the fact that it happened to them, and they feel tremendous shame about it too. When you add being a foreigner, it only makes the whole thing worse. Literally nobody cares or thinks about "conviction rate" and the fact is, despite what you may want to believe "based on the data", it's underreported. Anecdotes, while anecdotes, provide data far more valuable than official statistics. This is a game of perception and people like you who rabidly defend India as the greatest place on the planet, and refuse to ever consider counterpoints, are going to be the reason India is held back from anything great.

To fix pollution and harassment, India needs extremely harsh measures. Jailings, fines, and social ostracization.
Not everything is in data. Conviction rate means absolutely nothing. Nobody thinks about conviction rate when they're harassed, they think about stigma associated with something happening to them in the first place, they think about how the fact that it happened to them, and they feel tremendous shame about it too. When you add being a foreigner, it only makes the whole thing worse. Literally nobody cares or thinks about "conviction rate" and the fact is, despite what you may want to believe "based on the data", it's underreported. Anecdotes, while anecdotes, provide data far more valuable than official statistics. This is a game of perception and people like you who rabidly defend India as the greatest place on the planet, and refuse to ever consider counterpoints, are going to be the reason India is held back from anything great.

To fix pollution and harassment, India needs extremely harsh measures. Jailings, fines, and social ostracization.
are tu nikal re...brown collie. ja ke apne malik gore ka pichwada chaat😂. ha hum under reporting krte hai, sirf humare hi yaha hota hai. tumhre britain me sab recorded hota hai. tabhi 18 saal se pehle most ki virginity khatam ho jaati hai.
na hume nhi krna pollution nd harrasment theek. hum aise hi rahenge. tujhe nhi pasand to apni ankhe nd kaan band kr liya kr india ke related topic me. mai khud bol raha, puri duniya me sabse bure hum hai. tum ache first world ke log humse dur hi raho...😝

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