Indian Economy

where did i denied this?? problem is u r equating two different things. u r saying indian cities air pollution is similar to chernoboyl😂. read Chernobyl situation first, than compare it with indian cities. nuclear disaster isnt same as air pollution of a city. even ur AQI level for major cities come down from previous commented 400 to now 200-300 AQI for most of the year😝.
In the aftermath of the explosion of reactor no. 4 at the Chernobyl (Ukraine) nuclear power plant on 26 April 1986, more than 4 million people living in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia were exposed to radiation. “The Chernobyl disaster is now recognized as having been the greatest technological catastrophe in human history,” writes Belarusian geneticist V. K. Savchenko in his recently published study The Ecology of the Chernobyl Catastrophe.

Do you understand the meaning of the term "literally"....I compared major Indian cities to Chernobyl because living in either of these places would severely impact your health. Living in chernoybl will give you deadly doses of gama radiation whereas living in big Indian cities will give you deadly doses of carbon monoxide,Sulfur oxides and other deadly gases and chemicals.

Places like Delhi is well past the danger mark and it's sufficient to say that city is unfit for human habitation.
People who are crying for low footfall of gora tourists should understand whoever gora comes here comes in for cheapest budget, hence cheapest experience, 100 gora tourists like that dont equal to one gora tourist who visits for luxury in places like Europe or USA.

India offers the luxury if some one is willing to spend in half of what other continents can offer, so if goras are coming for poverty porn or promise of a 2 dollar a day rooms where they can get cheap weed they get cheap experience.

Trust me we are better served if they dont visit, a high end tourist from abroad > 100 goras looking for cheapest experience.

Indians who are settled in foreign knows this with right money India offers best of experiences in luxury goras not only doesn’t have the knowledge they also have race biased.

So if some chutia brown coolies settled abroad shitting on India if they dont get great luxury in 40-50 dollar a day then fckr is too dim to have any serious opinion on India.

One doesn’t get luxury and private beaches and mountains for 50 dollar a day not in India not anywhere on planet and India offers best of luxury if one knows the right places to visit and willing to spend money.
People who are crying for low footfall of gora tourists should understand whoever gora comes here comes in for cheapest budget, hence cheapest experience, 100 gora tourists like that dont equal to one gora tourist who visits for luxury in places like Europe or USA.

India offers the luxury if some one is willing to spend in half of what other continents can offer, so if goras are coming for poverty porn or promise of a 2 dollar a day rooms where they can get cheap weed they get cheap experience.

Trust me we are better served if they dont visit, a high end tourist from abroad > 100 goras looking for cheapest experience.

Indians who are settled in foreign knows this with right money India offers best of experiences in luxury goras not only doesn’t have the knowledge they also have race biased.

So if some chutia brown coolies settled abroad shitting on India if they dont get great luxury in 40-50 dollar a day then fckr is too dim to have any serious opinion on India.

One doesn’t get luxury and private beaches and mountains for 50 dollar a day not in India not anywhere on planet and India offers best of luxury if one knows the right places to visit and willing to spend money.
Luxury tourists don't come to developing countries. Maybe in some specific resort island or in some particular state, but general volume tourists in developing countries are young backpackers and the new category since covid "young working nomads - those who work remotely". Some luxury tourists will obviously come for unique experiences, but most of the luxury tourists prefer to go to a place that looks like developed world. That's why Maldives's most of luxury foreign tourism is on islands with private resorts where entire islands are managed by private cos. Those tourists don't go and interact with everyday maldivians.
Luxury tourists don't come to developing countries. Maybe in some specific resort island or in some particular state, but general volume tourists in developing countries are young backpackers and the new category since covid "young working nomads - those who work remotely". Some luxury tourists will obviously come for unique experiences, but most of the luxury tourists prefer to go to a place that looks like developed world. That's why Maldives's most of luxury foreign tourism is on islands with private resorts where entire islands are managed by private cos. Those tourists don't go and interact with everyday maldivians.

You dont get what I am trying to convey I am not looking for gyan,

What I am trying to convey is some chutia brown coolie shitting on India coz he doesnt get “Experience” in 50 dollah a day.
One doesn’t get experience cheap, if some one is willing to spend money I can suggest places more than the brown niggaa can count where one has best Luxury, beat scenery, best environment with no pollution and friendly people.

This propaganda against India needs to be countered.

If one is willing to spend one get luxury

And if some one goes to his shitty ancestral lands of waste bengal or northen krela or panjab no those r not places for luxury neither one gets it in 50 dollah a day.
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Is the stubble burning still going on ? I thought it happens only octorber and early november, when they have to plant new crops ?

atleast check the bios of the handles before posting, the handle is of suswamy's fanclub.
this seems to be a pre-budget pressure campaign, because pre-budget discussions are going on.

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View attachment 19276
Submarine swamy was against privatising air india so his economics aren't much better anyways
Lol. Bro, seriously? Lmao. Hahaha. You are really delusional if you think this is true.

edit: Btw, whatever crap you believe doesn't matter. Peoples' perceptions world over is that India is unsafe for women and also an unclean country.

I am asking this again? What is the source for this claim? Did you run a survey? And I am asking this in good faith.

All I know is that India does okayish in the perception surveys (the ones conducted by PEW etc) - where the respondents are either indifferent or have somewhat positive views on India (unlike china etc where the views are far more negative).

I asked Grok to compile data. Don't give me "Elon musk is anti India" or whatever. You all use twitter.

I don't use xitter. Either way, irrelevant.

What's the objective data on sexual assault reporting on India? Is it accurate or under reported?

The objective data on sexual assault reporting in India primarily comes from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), an agency under the Ministry of Home Affairs that compiles crime statistics. Here's an analysis based on available data:

Reported Statistics:
  • Number of Cases:
    • In 2021, NCRB reported 31,677 cases of rape in India, translating to an average of 86 rape cases daily.
    • The total number of crimes against women was 428,278 cases, with a rate of 64.5 crimes per lakh (100,000) population.
  • Trends Over Time:
    • The number of reported rape cases has shown an increasing trend over the years, with exceptions like the drop during the lockdown year of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • From 2001 to 2018, rape-related crimes increased by 70.7%, from 11.6 to 19.8 per 100,000 women and girls.

Increment would look muted if the increase in pooulation is taken into account. Either way, why is this not indicative of a better and improved crime tracking framework? Or it might just be the case that the incudents are getting reported more?

States like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh consistently report high numbers.

Of course they would. These are some of the most populous states out there.

Delhi, the capital, often has one of the highest rape rates among metropolitan cities.

Again, the same logic. Delhi NCR is massive. They will always repoet more cases than, let us say, Bengaluru.

Accuracy and Under-Reporting:
  • Under-Reporting:
    • Numerous studies and reports suggest that sexual assault in India is significantly under-reported. Here are key reasons and statistics:
      • Cultural Stigma: Victims often face social stigma, shame, or fear of family reaction, deterring them from reporting. Over 80% of women who have experienced sexual violence never tell anyone, according to the National Family Health Survey.

You should really read up the NFHS survey you are quoting (or how exactly they defined 'rape' in the questionnaire). You have no idea what it actually aimed to gauge.

      • Fear of Retaliation: Fear of reprisal from the perpetrator or their community is a major deterrent.
      • Police and Judicial System: Lack of faith in the police response, potential for victim blaming, and low conviction rates (around 27-30%) discourage reporting.

A conviction rate of 30% is definitely not low (as a matter of fact, among the highest in the world). You should really look up the kind of conviction rates the gora nations maintain when it comes to sexual assaults.
      • NCRB's Own Estimation: An older NCRB report from 2006 mentioned that about 71% of rape crimes go unreported. This figure might have changed due to increased awareness and legal reforms, but under-reporting remains a significant issue.

I am searching for the 'older NCRB report'. Will respond once I have gone through the same.
  • External Assessments:
    • The UN and various NGOs estimate that globally, including in India, only a small fraction of sexual assaults are reported. The UN has suggested that worldwide, only about 11% of rape cases are reported.
  • Legal and Definition Challenges:
    • The legal definition of rape in India is broader than in some countries, including non-penetrative sexual assaults, which might affect comparative statistics. However, this does not compensate for the large number of unreported cases.

Again, wild claim and no citation provided.
  • While the NCRB data provides valuable insights into the extent of reported sexual assaults, it's widely accepted that these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. The actual incidence of sexual assault in India is likely much higher due to under-reporting influenced by cultural, social, and systemic factors.
  • Efforts like increased awareness, legal reforms post the 2012 Delhi gang rape case, and the establishment of fast-track courts have aimed to improve reporting and conviction rates, but significant challenges remain in ensuring accurate and comprehensive data on sexual assault in India.


How do foreign tourists feel about India? Particularly women? Do they feel safe or do they anecdotally report that men stare and behave strange with them?

Based on various sources including travel forums, social media, travel blogs, and travel advisories, here's an overview of how foreign tourists, particularly women, feel about traveling in India:

General Sentiment:
  • Diverse Experiences: Many foreign tourists are captivated by India's rich culture, history, landscapes, and hospitality, describing it as an "unforgettable" experience. However, opinions on safety can vary widely.
  • Safety Concerns:
    • Men Staring and Harassment: There are numerous anecdotal reports of men staring, taking unsolicited photos, or engaging in what's known locally as "eve-teasing" (a euphemism for sexual harassment). This behavior is often cited as unsettling for female tourists.
    • Sexual Harassment: Many women report experiencing various forms of sexual harassment, ranging from verbal comments to physical touching or groping, particularly in crowded places like markets, public transport, and tourist sites.
    • Safety Perception: The perception of safety varies by region. Some tourists feel safer in cities like Mumbai or the tourist-friendly areas of Kerala and Goa, compared to places like Delhi or parts of Uttar Pradesh, where reports of harassment or crime are more common.

Anecdotal Reports:
  • From Women Travelers:
    • Many women express that they've had to adapt their behavior, like dressing conservatively, avoiding travel alone at night, or even hiring personal security in extreme cases, to feel safer.
    • There's a common theme of needing to be constantly vigilant, which can detract from the travel experience.
    • Some women report positive interactions with locals, especially when traveling with a guide or in groups, suggesting that the experience can be greatly influenced by how one travels.
  • Men's Experiences: While men might not report the same level of harassment, they also mention being subjected to staring or scam attempts, though generally, they feel less threatened.

Specific Sources:

  • Travel Advisories: Many countries issue travel advisories for India, particularly warning women about the risks of sexual harassment and assault. These advisories often highlight areas to avoid and precautions to take.

Except that they don't. The kind of travel advisories a majority of the nations issue on India are just standard boilerplate stuff - generally indistinguishable from the ones they issue on other emerging economies (I am ignoring unstable/war torn/terror infested nations like pakiland here).

Looks like it's a mixed bag,

Of course it is a mixed bag - given the moderate levels of violent crimes the nation as a whole experinces.

but the perception is substantially worse than this. Nobody gives a shit about other countries. The discussion is centered on India. To change perception means to change behavior. Idk if Indians can do this.

You should really look up how this 'discussion' actually started here.
Ya'll as Bangladeshi Textile sector halts, Ichalkaranji Textile exports booms by 200 percent. Production is more than double now and many are planning expaniaon and speedu basis.

Most major Indian cities remain at 200-300 AQI level for most of the year. Living in these cities means you probably won't survive to see yourself becoming a grandparent.And even if you do,you will end up with plethora of serious health issues.

Not true. Not even close.

Delhi NCR != most major Indian cities

Delhi AQI can never be improved to a satisfactory level and the reason isn't policy but geography.
It seems people have fallen prey to hype machine created by yotube chamgadars.


Have mentioned this before - a 45%ish reduction in stubble burning led to an AQI improvement of ~7% in NCR. So yeah, a minor contributor. The same holds true for fireworks etc (milards can ban them to virtue signal all they want but it won't lead to anything substantial).

The major contributors would be,
1. Industries
2. Construction works
3. Vehicles
4. Thermal plants

Not sure how to deal with these. Do you shut them down (and take NCR down with it)? Do you force tougher emission norms and make your products as expensive as the ones produced in EU?

NCR would still be okay if not for its geographic location. The geography just messed things up.
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Have mentioned this before - a 45%ish reduction in stubble burning led to an AQI improvement of ~7% in NCR. So yeah, a minor contributor. The same holds true for fireworks etc (milards can ban them to virtue signal all they want but it won't lead to anything substantial).

The major contributors would be,
1. Industries
2. Construction works
3. Vehicles
4. Thermal plants

Not sure how to deal with these. Do you shut them down (and take NCR down with it)? Do you force tougher emission norms and make your products as expensive as the ones produced in EU?

NCR would still be okay if not for its geographic location. The geography just messed things up.

it's only a matter of time, when a tuglaq is born and comes up with the idea, "move all manufacturing industries and thermal power plants south of vindhyas and move all service industries north of vindhyas" :bplease:
Have mentioned this before - a 45%ish reduction in stubble burning led to an AQI improvement of ~7% in NCR. So yeah, a minor contributor. The same holds true for fireworks etc (milards can ban them to virtue signal all they want but it won't lead to anything substantial).

The major contributors would be,
1. Industries
2. Construction works
3. Vehicles
4. Thermal plants

Not sure how to deal with these. Do you shut them down (and take NCR down with it)? Do you force tougher emission norms and make your products as expensive as the ones produced in EU?

NCR would still be okay if not for its geographic location. The geography just messed things up.

Delhi NCR will be a dust bowl no matter what.
I doubt it will ever see improved air quality in the future.

The reason is entirely geographical, almost all British and medieval books mentioned delhi as dusty.
The months of Oct, Nov and Dec are hard on delhi in particular since the dusty winds of central Asia and from all over India converge in this month.

Stubble burning and Industrial pollution is a recent addition that make it unbearable.

The whole of NCR is a mistake
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Delhi NCR will he a dust bowl no matter what.
I doubt it will ever see improved air quality in the future.

The reason is entirely geographical, almost all British and medieval books mentioned delhi as dusty.
The months of Oct, Nov and Dec are hard on delhi in particular since the dusty winds of central Asia and from all over India converge in this month.

Stubble burning and Industrial pollution is a recent addition that make it unbearable.

The whole of NCR is a mistake

partial solutions exist, for some factors but not all.
but it will take a lot of capital spending, both from public and gormint.

solutions exist without having to move the capital :

- smoke from stubble burning : either as a result of farm laws or on their own, punjab and adjacent region farmers planting anything other than rice and wheat for the season before.
- smoke from power plants : solar plants + rooftop solar.
- vehicular pollution : electric vehicles for in-city travel.
- smoke from winter fires on roads : public electric heaters (preferably connected to rooftop solar)

this will cover most of the particulate matter.

remaining ones are industrial pollution, and road dust. there is a commercial cost to solving these two.

i suppose next opportunity to solve this will come around the time renewables reach 500 gw capacity, in the meantime EVs need to give a good value proposition for mass transition(from ICE) for delhi NCR wallahs.

even with all this, AQI is unlikely to go below 150. but it is better than what it is now.
Hahahahahaha. Holy ****. There is no way you really believe that. Hahahaha
India is one of the model nations, along with Japan, China, Emirates, Singapore, etc. for high standards of women's safety.
Certainly more of a model nation than western nations or SoKo, where women are 10 times more likely per capita to be murdered and/or raped.
India is one of the model nations, along with Japan, China, Emirates, Singapore, etc. for high standards of women's safety.
Certainly more of a model nation than western nations or SoKo, where women are 10 times more likely per capita to be murdered and/or raped.

You're an Indian man telling people what is a model nation. Lmao.
I am asking this again? What is the source for this claim? Did you run a survey? And I am asking this in good faith.

All I know is that India does okayish in the perception surveys (the ones conducted by PEW etc) - where the respondents are either indifferent or have somewhat positive views on India (unlike china etc where the views are far more negative).

I don't use xitter. Either way, irrelevant.

Increment would look muted if the increase in pooulation is taken into account. Either way, why is this not indicative of a better and improved crime tracking framework? Or it might just be the case that the incudents are getting reported more?

Of course they would. These are some of the most populous states out there.

Again, the same logic. Delhi NCR is massive. They will always repoet more cases than, let us say, Bengaluru.

You should really read up the NFHS survey you are quoting (or how exactly they defined 'rape' in the questionnaire). You have no idea what it actually aimed to gauge.

A conviction rate of 30% is definitely not low (as a matter of fact, among the highest in the world). You should really look up the kind of conviction rates the gora nations maintain when it comes to sexual assaults.

I am searching for the 'older NCRB report'. Will respond once I have gone through the same.

Again, wild claim and no citation provided.

Except that they don't. The kind of travel advisories a majority of the nations issue on India are just standard boilerplate stuff - generally indistinguishable from the ones they issue on other emerging economies (I am ignoring unstable/war torn/terror infested nations like pakiland here).

Of course it is a mixed bag - given the moderate levels of violent crimes the nation as a whole experinces.

You should really look up how this 'discussion' actually started here.

I admire how strongly Indians are willing to defend India. This forum is for the Economy so I will refrain further from posting here. Your guys' mentality will hold the country back. I am telling you this. Criticism is a good thing. You have to be open-minded to it.
I admire how strongly Indians are willing to defend India. This forum is for the Economy so I will refrain further from posting here. Your guys' mentality will hold the country back. I am telling you this. Criticism is a good thing. You have to be open-minded to it.
Look at the kind of responses I have typed and compare them with what you have come up with.
I have;

1. Picked a five eyes country and gave a summary of their travel advisories to show that their gormint considers India as safe as an avg emerging economy (including the ASEAN nations, LatAm etc).

2. Also showed that their gormint is far more concerned about terror attacks (and violent demonstrations) on their citizens. Everything else comes after that. This is despite the fact that, there has NOT been a major terror attack in this country in years.

3. Claimed that the kind of travel advisories the avg gora gormint issues on India is generally standard boilerplate stuff - which is again, a verifiable claim.

4. Explained why India missing out on a significant no of violent crimes (including, but not limited to rapes and sexual assaults) is unlikely because the death registration system is pretty solid and AADHAR backed. Not to mention that, rapes/sexual assaults do not happen in isolation. The nations who top the population adjusted rape rate charts (Brazil, South Africa etc) suffer from high overall crime rates (they are also the ones who top the population adjusted homicide/burglary charts). So an overall crime rate is indeed indicative of something.

5. Asked you the refer to the NFHS survey (which you didn't) your AI bot cited - which was riddled with errors and inaccuracies (NFHS being NFHS!), came up with their own definitions to estimate the no of 'unreported rapes' (definitions that ran contrary to the existing legal framework) and ultimately, confused domestic violence with 'sexual asaaults'.The particular data point has since been removed from the NFHS framework because even the MoSPI/NSO babus had enough of it (off topic but their shithousery is not limited to this one off incident, I can write an entire essay bashing NFHS).

6. Wrote that stubble burning is a very minor contributor to the poor air quality of NCR and industry etv only add up to it. It is not at all easy to sort this mess because NCR is geographically messed up.

And yet the kind of responses I have received here,

1. "Rapes are way more underreported in India because my gut tells me so...."

2. "Nooo, India bad because XYZ said so."

3. "Nooo, India bad because a Random Reddit user said so and thus, we all need to cope and seethe."

4. "All major Indian cities have avg AQI @ > 200."

And then finally from user londonparistokyo;

5. "Nooo, why defend India so 'strongly'! Criticism is a good thingg acknowledge my insights reee."

I will request the memebarans here to go through the comment histories of both of us and determine who writes crazier stuff. Have a nice day.

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