Indian Infrastructure & Discussion

Seriously though, what exactly is wrong with us? This is embarrassing.
1.Majority of tax revenue goes to the state govmint as opposed to the local/municipality. So the dehaat dhotis will spend this on gibs in rural areas for votes.
2. Urban planning is non existent.
3. When a city expands and swallows up a village, The actual village is kept intact with its road . So villagers use the money they got from selling land to construct said ugly blocks in place of their original homes and give it on rent. SO low and behold the village turns into a slum. The farmland is used for commercial uses Malls,private apartment complexes, business/tech parks etc.
These are my observations.
Bangalore consumed 25 million sqft in 2024 And already has 200-250 million sqft space and will have 300-400m by the end of decade. It still looks like a 3rd world shithole. The below beauty is la defense financial district in Paris has 38million sqft space. Bangalore can easily build la defense every 2 years with it's office demand. But it still doesn't. Just endless unplanned sprawling it parks. 10-15 years down our cities will still look like 3rd world.

Since I was talking about urban infra and planning, here's some random city in literal Congo.


These are some more

Although, yes most of their capital/country looks like this...


But, it's GDP per capita (as what their government claims) is around $700. Less than Bihar. But in reality, it's per capita electricity consumption is more than a dozen times less than India per capita, and a quarter of Bihar. Indicating that it is an extremely poor country with agriculture as main source of economic activity. Even in agriculture their output of various agro commodities is far lower than India per capita.

By the way these are much older numbers, our output volume has increased by a lot since these were published.

Now, this isn't supposed to shame them or mock them, but rather appreciate how they built better urban infra than much of India given their conditions. Although much of Congo's cities look pretty rural, that is expected due to very low population density and economic prosperity.

This is literally how entirety of Bihar looks like.


May I ask where would you live, Bihar or Congo based on the visible difference?

Large portion of Indian cities look similar, just slightly better than above.

Meanwhile capital of Philippines, country that is slightly poorer than India.


Seriously though, what exactly is wrong with us? This is embarrassing.

Few months back saw an video in Deccan Herald where due to lack to work in Bellandur Rail station subway there is an huge traffic jam with 2-3 hours block.

Now fun part is that area is an simple suburb and IT companies started to build up. BMC forgot to build capacity to cater this new areas. Ends up with 20m roads carrying an 4 lane road traffic.

Now few of the folks were telling they are living just 2 km from his Office but still uses Car and bike. On first thought 2 km is walkable and even cycling will take 5 mins. But since the road is an old street there is nothing called Footpath.

Even small initiatives may change our cities, unfortunately we are living in corrupted society.
Since I was talking about urban infra and planning, here's some random city in literal Congo.


These are some more

Although, yes most of their capital/country looks like this...


But, it's GDP per capita (as what their government claims) is around $700. Less than Bihar. But in reality, it's per capita electricity consumption is more than a dozen times less than India per capita, and a quarter of Bihar. Indicating that it is an extremely poor country with agriculture as main source of economic activity. Even in agriculture their output of various agro commodities is far lower than India per capita.

By the way these are much older numbers, our output volume has increased by a lot since these were published.

Now, this isn't supposed to shame them or mock them, but rather appreciate how they built better urban infra than much of India given their conditions. Although much of Congo's cities look pretty rural, that is expected due to very low population density and economic prosperity.

This is literally how entirety of Bihar looks like.


May I ask where would you live, Bihar or Congo based on the visible difference?

Large portion of Indian cities look similar, just slightly better than above.

Meanwhile capital of Philippines, country that is slightly poorer than India.


Seriously though, what exactly is wrong with us? This is embarrassing.

And this is why every nationality like to dunk of indians. Tbh are they wrong? Every indian city with few exceptions are filled with unimaginable filth. Just because indians are too used to living in filth and see nothing wrong with it, doesn't mean the rest of the world does. Your bihar video is a perfect example. Majority of indian cities looks like it except the bigger few regardless of state. They have the same characteristics -> non existent footpaths, sandy roadside with stagnant water or rubbish or some panipuri seller using the place as his own rubbish bin, roads with 0 lane markings, chaotic traffic due + honking to no traffic enforcement, ugly buildings, overhead wires etc. Add to a bigmouth diaspora and media/politicians who like to boast about being a supapowa, and you become a perfect magnet for hate.
Most third world countries have slums and run down cities, but very few have the level of consistent filth India (and Bangladesh) does.
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Bangalore consumed 25 million sqft in 2024 And already has 200-250 million sqft space and will have 300-400m by the end of decade. It still looks like a 3rd world shithole. The below beauty is la defense financial district in Paris has 38million sqft space. Bangalore can easily build la defense every 2 years with it's office demand. But it still doesn't. Just endless unplanned sprawling it parks. 10-15 years down our cities will still look like 3rd world.

View attachment 21252
Since I was talking about urban infra and planning, here's some random city in literal Congo.


These are some more

Although, yes most of their capital/country looks like this...


But, it's GDP per capita (as what their government claims) is around $700. Less than Bihar. But in reality, it's per capita electricity consumption is more than a dozen times less than India per capita, and a quarter of Bihar. Indicating that it is an extremely poor country with agriculture as main source of economic activity. Even in agriculture their output of various agro commodities is far lower than India per capita.

By the way these are much older numbers, our output volume has increased by a lot since these were published.

Now, this isn't supposed to shame them or mock them, but rather appreciate how they built better urban infra than much of India given their conditions. Although much of Congo's cities look pretty rural, that is expected due to very low population density and economic prosperity.

This is literally how entirety of Bihar looks like.


May I ask where would you live, Bihar or Congo based on the visible difference?

Large portion of Indian cities look similar, just slightly better than above.

Meanwhile capital of Philippines, country that is slightly poorer than India.


Seriously though, what exactly is wrong with us? This is embarrassing.

[Mod’s Note] your post has been deleted. Don’t try this again. Enough.
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