Indian Private Defence Sector

Lekha wireless 4g/5g communication system used in swarm drones.

Lekha Wireless, QNu Labs team up to develop quantum-secured 4G, 5G infra

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Two key points from speakers:

Satish reddy , companies who want to stay in defence manufacturing have to plan for an export stream to stay in the game, since domestic defence market will not be sufficient to sustain their operations.

Sanjeev sanyal , GoI is planning to develop domestic commercial ship building industry.
if this works out, one of the spin off effects could be that IN can plan for double digit batches instead of 3-4 boats of a class like they currently do.


Chanakya Defence Dialogue 2024 - Day I (Session Two)​


Unguided but still there's this clear plexiglass dome on the bombs
I'm quite sure there's a COTS type laser rangefinder otherwise there no need to have a window with this much of clarity
If indeed then it's a nice touch to add air-burst capability to these tiny bombs. Ukrainians are already using pretty similar arrangement and it's quite effective in targetting soft targets in open.

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