What this most excellent article doesn't highlight is that the IA was only a marginal presence during the framing of the SQRs for the ATAGS way back in 2012 when the entire project was kicked off or before !
What this meant is this was entirely an MoD / DRDO / Pvt Sector baby with the result that when this project started delivering the IA came up with all those objections which the article has detailed.
Why wasn't the IA on board this project since the very inception ? Hasn't the MoD learnt from what's transpired during the Arjun debacle or the near debacle the LCA program faced before MP intervened , put his foot down , came up with a via media in the form of the Mk-1a & Mk-2 & forced the IAF to be part of the LCA program owning it as the end user instead of being an interested by stander always willing to play spoilt sport when the need arose ?
The end result of all this tom foolery is the IA in desperate need of artillery is now on collision path with the MoD where the former are now trialling the ALTAGS to glory for the TGS tender where their first preference is still a foreign system namely Elbit's Athos. All this when we're expected to go up against the Chinese by the end of the decade.
To further complicate matters Nexter has entered into a JV with L&T to locally mfg it's 155 mm howitzers ostensibly to supply Armenia but the intention clearly is a back door entry into the TGS tender where Elbit has now collaborated with Adani.
Why exactly has Armenia chosen Nexter in spite of the initial orders to Kalyani for ATAGS is unknown but we're going in for short cuts thru the Make in India - MII in the form of the Nexter L&T JV at the cost of our own indigenous platforms ?!
There's another analogue in the FAL for the antiquated H-125 established by Tatas in a JV with Airbus to tap the domestic hptr civilian market at the cost of the HAL - LUH .
I can extend the same logic to RRTS being awarded to Alstom under MII , with VB being disqualified from the tender for specious reasons .
It's these policies rather the confusion within them which the GoI seems unable to reconcile or bring clarity to as opposed to say the Chinese which is infuriating.
What exactly is the aim of GoI here ? MII at all costs even at the cost of our native programs which are equally promising or should the endeavour be on bringing Indian products & Indian brands to the fore ?