Indian Special Forces

What are people so triggered about Major Sahani here ?
Listen, you guys need to wake the hell up. This guy’s been in the mud, seen more in one day than most of you ever will. You don’t like it ‘cause it ain't all guns blazing and Jai ho gang crap? Tough. He’s giving you the truth. Here’s the deal. If you’re upset because it doesn’t fit your idealized version of the military, that’s on you. Yes I disagree with his vision about agniveer, so what do I abuse him ? Aboslutley not! Constructive criticism from a warrior who's been there is worth more than a thousand armchair opinions from fanboys like y'all
2 reasons people are offended:-

1.How is our king of chapri reels on Youtube compared by a nobody on social media like Major Sahini.

2.Fauji kids and fauji family friends being offended coz they think constructive criticism by Major sahini is indirectly criticisinng their families and their efforts in SF.
Everyone is free to hate anyone or like anyone.

I myself am not a fan of Major Jacob and only respect him for his service and not his opinions.

But, i hope you know the difference between serving in Kashmir and serving in North East.

Let me give you a example…if you catch a Pistol in North wast on a search you will get COAS Citation..for the same to be earned in kashmir you would need multiple Aks and decent ammo.

Secondly,North East militants are 10 times better trained than Kashmiri terrorists.

Thirdly,Major Sahini and Major Jacob both were a part of SG.

I dont see how Major Jacob is too superior to Maj Sahini that my comparison has made untouchable Major Jacob a SC/ST now from his General class.
Maj Sahani was in SG ??
Historically, we've been a bunch of softies. Hindu kings never went on the offensive and ended up loosing land to the Islamic hordes of Central Asia & Gulf primarily due to their defensive approach and appeasement policies and the current establishment isn't any different.

We're ok with loosing tens of thousands of soldiers over a decade to keep the status quo intact but loosing a few hundred or couple of thousand men over a short span for strategic gains would create chaos in the masses and the possibility of their govt being toppled
OT, but need to correct. You are only relying on leftist islamo history books written about us. Read about Lalit Aditya Muktapida of Karkota dynasty Kashmir and Bappa Rawal, read the book Maharanas by dr. Omendra Ratnu. We finished arabic islam. Its the later turks who after a gap of 200 yrs or so slowly encroached and established a gangster regime here. Even then, down south islam couldn't penetrate much because of the Vijayanagara empire which was established to protect Dharma. Of course after 1200AD we became politically disunited and lost the conception of defending Dharma, hence the fall. However it is true that we totally forgot Chanakya tactics and rather the British truly followed chanakya.

In short we lost a lot of battles even wars short term, but long term managed to win and preserve Sanatana Dharma. The very fact that we are hindu majority means we won. But doesn't mean we will not lose in the future, given the current pace of demographic change & rohingya , xtian infiltration.... @mods pls move to other thread if you deem fit.
Indian kings never had the capabilities to go on the offensive
Thirdly,Major Sahini and Major Jacob both were a part of SG.
no but both were in 11 Para together. Maj Sahani revealed that Major Jacob met him first during his probation in 11 Para. The two of them are friends and were in the same team. Major Jacob therefore served in both Kashmir and NE as well as elsewhere maybe while he was in SG I dont know. But Major Jacob would have not been involved in any operation in NE since he spent 9 years out of his total 14 in combat, I guess he was being one of the few to set up 11 Para, mostly doing administrative and training stuff
no but both were in 11 Para together. Maj Sahani revealed that Major Jacob met him first during his probation in 11 Para. The two of them are friends and were in the same team. Major Jacob therefore served in both Kashmir and NE as well as elsewhere maybe while he was in SG I dont know. But Major Jacob would have not been involved in any operation in NE since he spent 9 years out of his total 14 in combat, I guess he was being one of the few to set up 11 Para, mostly doing administrative and training stuff
Major Sahini was in SFF due to some reasons i cannot mention he didnt go to SG.
2 reasons people are offended:-

1.How is our king of chapri reels on Youtube compared by a nobody on social media like Major Sahini.

2.Fauji kids and fauji family friends being offended coz they think constructive criticism by Major sahini is indirectly criticisinng their families and their efforts in SF.
Agreed...especially the second part...I posted this earlier too that some children mirror the pride or sense of importance their parents place on the military because that's the only life they've known. Now it feels like a personal attack if someone says something to the top brass. All these cringe insta and twitter handlers and 'ass pirants' are the josh and januni type but lack clarity of mind. They somehow belive that they deserve an equal appreciation as their fathers or uncles did because for them it's a question of being raised right.
As for the first point...I'm assuming you're talking off Maj Jacob but see people make chapri reels for Col Shivender and other SF guys too. Those thunderbolt eyes and faded background with cheap snapchat filters make me go "haaawwkkk thuuuu" but can't blame the guys, ab reels unhone to nehi na banayi hai. But there are some like an NSG officer and an army officer who served in Africa who probably enjoy this reputation so put it up on their stories too. I wont take names, DFB pe enough name calling hogyi hai
Agreed...especially the second part...I posted this earlier too that some children mirror the pride or sense of importance their parents place on the military because that's the only life they've known. Now it feels like a personal attack if someone says something to the top brass. All these cringe insta and twitter handlers and 'ass pirants' are the josh and januni type but lack clarity of mind. They somehow belive that they deserve an equal appreciation as their fathers or uncles did because for them it's a question of being raised right.
As for the first point...I'm assuming you're talking off Maj Jacob but see people make chapri reels for Col Shivender and other SF guys too. Those thunderbolt eyes and faded background with cheap snapchat filters make me go "haaawwkkk thuuuu" but can't blame the guys, ab reels unhone to nehi na banayi hai. But there are some like an NSG officer and an army officer who served in Africa who probably enjoy this reputation so put it up on their stories too. I wont take names, DFB pe enough name calling hogyi hai
Major Sahini was in SFF due to some reasons i cannot mention he didnt go to SG.
I wager he was not well liked by high command . Understandable as he complains and tried too hard to change things .
He also said he didn't give way to pressure from above .
What's you source here ?
And are you saying people like Col Vishal Dubey were also misfits ? Because he was in 10 Para, had served in NSG, SFF, RR & Assam Rifles.....he was the first Indian Army Officer to climb the Mt Everest without artificial oxygen in 2017. He served in Op Vijay and is a decorated officer
I cant share bro it will create controversy!
That's understandable actually....earlier I used to think that he went to the SFF to take some direct hit at China if and when the chance comes because his time in the NE, almost every terror group there is funded and trained by the Chinese but I guess real life's not like CBS's SEAL Team episodes.
He must have had his his first interview with millitary mantra he said that he was greatful that his superiors found him fit to do various courses like freefall, diving, sff etc.
That's understandable actually....earlier I used to think that he went to the SFF to take some direct hit at China if and when the chance comes because his time in the NE, almost every terror group there is funded and trained by the Chinese but I guess real life's not like CBS's SEAL Team episodes.
He must have had his his first interview with millitary mantra he said that he was greatful that his superiors found him fit to do various courses like freefall, diving, sff etc.
He was the SO to IG bro..Uska Ghanta nhi ukhad sakta tha koi😁😁

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