Indian Special Forces

HR is part of special forces mandate. Just because para SF aren't trained for it doesn't change the fact.

In US military even ranges do tactical HR operations if situation arises. Yes I agree, Training level of para SF is poor, training infrastructure is pathetic compared to other foreign special forces. Look at the casuality rate of para SF.. 3 to 4 trained terrorists are talking out whole SF squad.. multiple such insiders happened.. always casualties on para SF is far higher than their counterparts who are facing far better trained enemies. But Army is filled with ego which prevents them to consider improvement in training, instead they justify their failure with other excuses.

Father had priority of saving his family. Why would he inform army which might harm his family?(Exactly what happened after army got involved).

Lack of confidence in their own capabilities made them return and opt for less dangerous (for para) way.

It doesn't matter if the the hostages were non Kashmiri or Kashmiris, para SF are still the same. Ya if the hostages were non Kashmiris and highly influential then NSG might have involved in the operation instead of para SF.
They didn't return and opt for the "less dangerous way".

When they found out the kid had been killed, they neutralized the terrorists.
As mentioned by @Jedi Operator and some senior members our "SF" problems are on the admin side. Call them SMU, SF, SOF, SOF CAPABLE, *Insert cool ass Amreekans term* The higher ups are least interested and want them as an aiding force in everything impossible. They are mostly used as disposable hunter force by the PVSM aspirant gang. Only Marcos are been given Special Operations at a larger level than para sf. Don't get me wrong here, para sf is staffed and equipped for special operations but are mostly subjected to operations with ridiculous ROE and Restrictions as per the theatre of conflict. Even the Special Groups are being subject to ops that can be tackled by a Commando RR.
CAG and DG are "SMU" actually and, SMU is a term used for JSOC units afaik
It is and always will remain as such but the 'special operations capable' part is why I said SMU and not SF, it's probably better to describe its 'Spec Ops' part as an SMU than saying SG is our equivalent to ST6 or CAG...
oh bhai SMU is a term used for Tier 1 SOFs
Bring Para SF directly under MoD headed by IPS, but no change in intake and training methods. All personals should be from within army.
IPS?? Never met an IPS worth the salt until now? They are good only on movies.Policing around the country is still run by inspectors constables and sub inspectors.If they can’t properly run policing what good they will bring to military which they don’t have any idea about 😑
Source:Trust me bro coz i am a policeman 😂
You mean a SG like SMU which we already have?

But they are basically not meant to operate within Indian territory, lot's of ifs and buts for deployment. More over their strength is very less compared to Para SF. But it is well managed.

For betterment in budget allocation, training and procurement for Para SF the way goes through civil servant. Like NSG is under home, SG under cab sec, Para SF should be under MoD headed by an IPS. Let the ministry handle the special forces directly.
IPS?? Never met an IPS worth the salt until now? They are good only on movies.Policing around the country is still run by inspectors constables and sub inspectors.If they can’t properly run policing what good they will bring to military which they don’t have any idea about 😑
Source:Trust me bro coz i am a policeman 😂
Exactly ! Idk what's with this image of ze IPS being the creme De la creme of management. The only good ips that I know were state cadre before getting absorbed into ips
IPS?? Never met an IPS worth the salt until now? They are good only on movies.Policing around the country is still run by inspectors constables and sub inspectors.If they can’t properly run policing what good they will bring to military which they don’t have any idea about 😑
Source:Trust me bro coz i am a policeman 😂

Where do you serve as a policeman? My uncle was a commissioner of the Jaipur Police back in the 70s, 80s, and early 90s. He retired during mid 90s.

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