Indian Special Forces

Very articulate and mature points!

Plus love his Rolex!
A lot of old-school guys have it, particularly those who went through combat dive school or were part of IMSF.
The Rolex Submariner, still favoured by many frogman, though replaced by the cheaper G-shock was the quiet assurance of gear built to last and suiting it's name
Why is are only two guys in the open-leg prone position while the other two aren't?

The whole purpose of the open-leg prone position with their inner ankle bone resting on the ground is to enhance stability, minimize recoil disruption and improve ground contact for consistent positioning and stability while maximizing both comfort and accuracy
You can see the GB influence on them. Guess its just the Paras who are slow in evolving.

Think its the French

French IIRC had the Legion deployed along with some SF elements. However DR Congo also has a sizeable US mil deployment including multiple ODAs since 2020-2021 for ops against IS.
The country that does the most (bilateral) joint exercises with the US in the world?


Yet you see 1940s infantry kit/tactics for infantry and ‘special forces’ running around with bandanas screaming COMMANDOOOOOO

what is it about Indian mentality/psyche that makes it so oblivious to intervention or even critique?

Online Indians are always benchmarking and declaring India ‘da best’ at XYZ but why is there not an actual interest in creating excellence? Poverty argument only gets you so far. SF units cost peanuts in the grand scheme of things to train and equip- if the Indian army can drop $1bn for 6 apaches then this argument is dead. It’s all about mentality. I genuinely have to wonder about the average IQ level of Indian SF/military that look at this in 2024/5 and are pleased:




FYI for as bad as you think things are they are ALWAYS worse, if you want to delude yourselves that kit is a secondary issue but these big brains with decades of ‘experience’ are somehow master tacticians:

SF with Infantry
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Yep, all that makes someone ‘special’ to big brain Indian generals is a Tavor (which most of the world’s SFs wouldn’t touch with a barge pole)

The entire Indian army’s plans seem merely to jam the tracks of the enemy with bodies whilst having a tiny amount of ‘futuristic’ kit (jet packs, robodogs etc) for parades and to impress dimwits in ministries and social media
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Meanwhile NSG waiting for another big attack for modernization
Controversial take- Indians develop humiliation fetishes at a young age and only learn by getting a hard beating

NSG has barely evolved since 2017/18 and outside from some niche areas of expertise I’d doubt their dynamic fighting abilities- a lack of permanent cadre and serious training efforts severely limits it
If you remember I had pointed out atleast one or two in my posts just from their YouTube claims.One is that Major Pooniya.If you again watch his old TedX speak you will know.
We are discounting the exaggerated stories told by every uncle in military 😀. Telling some non harmful exaggeration’s to family and friends in closed circles is a joke but telling it in open events or podcasts for business gains is another thing.
major pooniya seemed pretty level headed in his interview with maj nirmith, had some good combat stories as well. Mind pointing out what he exaggerated?
I've said this before and will say this again, 'Bisleri ka pani peete hai western SF hahaha' shit is a joke, maybe applicable to the Americans. But the brits ? They have it all - technology, mandate, skill and mindset

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Delta is another world above any other unit on the planet, even SAS today will accept they are leagues behind D boys purely in terms of support delta has, they are like a military inside an already elite military
Why is are only two guys in the open-leg prone position while the other two aren't?

The whole purpose of the open-leg prone position with their inner ankle bone resting on the ground is to enhance stability, minimize recoil disruption and improve ground contact for consistent positioning and stability while maximizing both comfort and accuracy
Cause it's just a photo that captures a single frame ? If two guys from the same outfit are doing it logic says that the other two also deem to posses similiar knowledge on snipers ! Or maybe they are just trainees ?! No need to go hyper over a pic. chill
pretty much happens, one CAG guy and one SAS guy died while being stuck like that and not being able to come out of it.
I remember reading how 3-4 plank owners of Team six just died in training just three years into its formation. I would liek for you to think that these training accidents, happy it's not fatal are more common than you think. MARCOS have got 5 KIAs and 6 killed in training so far since there formation
rarely does this stuff happen for public displays but training which is a big difference

At least in the West they keep their SOF away from public eyes and they are mission focused. When you do learn of their deaths it’s usually either in operations or training and that keeps some mystique of them

SF are treated like toy things in India whether it is these shows, marching on R day or PSO duties for big brain very very important generals

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