Indian Special Forces

IDF has wiped out Hamas? Roflmao. Yeah i mean it’s not so hard when your little fake state (formed from literal compensation after the most humiliating genocide ever faced) gets all of uncle sam’s blessings and resources. Not to mention it took them 20 years to do so which is extremely laughable. Keep hyping them up tho xD. Legit the only reason these hooked nose beasts are able to do what they do is because of MY BLOODY MONEY as an american tax paying citizen. All the damn taxpayer money goes to these potbellied kikes (while btw hundreds of thousands people become homeless after hurricanes in america). Same reason Ukraine wasn’t annihilated in minutes by russia. People like me are the reason these little third world shitholes can accomplish what they do in the middle east.

Btw, Harkat group in kashmir which was direct wing of the Taliban and was filled to the brim with soviet afghan war veterans was wiped out in the 2000s completely. Definitely not on par with Hamas or Hezbollah, but then again, look at the resources used by the indians in kashmir and you’ll see that pound for pound, while its not as impressive as israel’s recent success, it’s definitely a good accomplishment from a soldiering perspective. Not to mention many of the older insurgents came with heavy artillery pieces and ATGM

Also, I was talking about the Pakistanis not being competent after 2015, i bolded israelis on accident. Pakistanis are the ones who lost all their competency after introducing religious fundamentalism in their ranks.

What’s the K/D ratio for any Indian operation? It’s mostly 1:1, IDF is at maybe 100:1

And this is with Isreal fighting with the gloves on, they have had to tie a hand behind their backs at every turn because of the b@stards in the West holding them hostage with military/diplomatic support blackmail

Israelis have shown they can mess their enemies up with almost no resources (6 day war)

Let’s be honest your dislike for them is pure jealousy- they are successful in the West, they are unapologetic about who they are and they will fight for themselves unlike male cucked minorities in the West and brown sepoys
Instead of inviting stupid people for martial arts our Army could invite these soldiers who return from French Foreign Legion and Russian Ukraine war and invite them to talk to jawans and teach new things.

But that would never happen because…

“Me khatarnak hu…me nanga hi kaafi hu Seals k liye…meeine 5000 logo ko aankhein dikha k rok dia” is what we hear and below average IQ audience claps…
Even if someone suggested that some babu would come along and scrub the plan
What’s the K/D ratio for any Indian operation? It’s mostly 1:1, IDF is at maybe 100:1

And this is with Isreal fighting with the gloves on, they have had to tie a hand behind their backs at every turn because of the b@stards in the West holding them hostage with military/diplomatic support blackmail

Israelis have shown they can mess their enemies up with almost no resources (6 day war)

Let’s be honest your dislike for them is pure jealousy- they are successful in the West, they are unapologetic about who they are and they will fight for themselves unlike male cucked minorities in the West and brown sepoys
Wrong! Indian military is at a 5:1 kd ratio with zero airforce and air support. Can you please list me an infantry operation like Operation Dudhi in which israeli infantry inflicted 36:1 kd ratio from a purely infantry standpoint. Also, name me a single source which proclaims Israel’s kd ratio to be 100:1. You are pulling these numbers out of your ass.

How tf is someone who uses f-35 to conduct airstrikes fighting with their hand back, please do explain them. The civilian kill count in Gaza is well over 100,000. It’s India that needs to watch what it does in Kashmir because of the large NGO HRW presence as well as the fact that China and Pak have also been trying to bring out so called HRVs.

Why tf am I jealous of hooked nose subhumans? Soon these animals will meet a fate worse than what was given to them in the 40s, with more people waking up and not being kike slaves.

Btw can you name me a single instance of a group of 10 militants overwhelming an entire base of troops and taking them back to Pakistan or LoC.
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Wrong! Indian military is at a 5:1 kd ratio with zero airforce and air support. Can you please list me an infantry operation like Operation Dudhi in which israeli infantry inflicted 36:1 kd ratio from a purely infantry standpoint. Also, name me a single source which proclaims Israel’s kd ratio to be 100:1. You are pulling these numbers out of your ass.

How tf is someone who uses f-35 to conduct airstrikes fighting with their hand back, please do explain them. The civilian kill count in Gaza is well over 100,000. It’s India that needs to watch what it does in Kashmir because of the large NGO HRW presence as well as the fact that China and Pak have also been trying to bring out so called HRVs.

Why tf am I jealous of hooked nose subhumans? Soon these animals will meet a fate worse than what was given to them in the 40s, with more people waking up and not being kike slaves.

Btw can you name me a single instance of a group of 10 militants overwhelming an entire base of troops and taking them back to Pakistan or LoC.
Imagine being an Indian and repeating Islamist anti semetic Propaganda like Islamists

Between khalistanis, leftist/commie NRIs and self hating Hindus i feel incredibly isolated and disgusted by those that have left Indian shores

I’m just glad that the Jews in Israel despite all the filthy rhetoric they get they still stand for something and give the Mohammedens a bloody noise when needed- Indians could only dream of having such a backbone

5:1 is laughable. There are multiple sources occasions where an entire SF squad is wiped out by a handful of jihadis, this is unpredicted in modern warfare outside of India
Why tf am I jealous of hooked nose subhumans? Soon these animals will meet a fate worse than what was given to them in the 40s, with more people waking up and not being kike slaves.
Jeez man, who pissed in your cereal? It seems like you wanna revive the 1940s again?
Stop drinking whatever kool aid you are drinking.
Jeez man, who pissed in your cereal? It seems like you wanna revive the 1940s again?
Stop drinking whatever kool aid you are drinking.
You realize Indians are a global laughing stock because of the amount of israeli worship they do , right? And FYI don’t think my hate for Israel will excuse lazy generals behavior.
Imagine being an Indian and repeating Islamist anti semetic Propaganda like Islamists

Between khalistanis, leftist/commie NRIs and self hating Hindus i feel incredibly isolated and disgusted by those that have left Indian shores

I’m just glad that the Jews in Israel despite all the filthy rhetoric they get they still stand for something and give the Mohammedens a bloody noise when needed- Indians could only dream of having such a backbone

5:1 is laughable. There are multiple sources occasions where an entire SF squad is wiped out by a handful of jihadis, this is unpredicted in modern warfare outside of India
Imagine being an Indian and repeating Jewish propaganda. Especially when the average jew views you as nothing but brown filth.

You yourself are incredibly self hating. You refuse to give the Indian military zero credit where it’s due. While you always hit the nail and are 100% right in your criticism of lazy generals, poss poor modernization, etc you always seem to think that Indian forces were always incompetent and have no major achievements to speak off.

Ah yes, bombing little children is the epitome of peak bravery and modern warfare. You should write an entire essay about how warfare should be fought like the chad israelis do as USA dogs (who wag their tail every time I and 300 million more hardworking citizens give them our hard earned tax money). The fact that a ceasefire was needed without the entire systematic destruction of all Hamas shows what they truly are. Indians could only dream about ever having such a backbone which is laughable when India said f U to the entire western hemisphere and their dogs back in 1971 💀

Your point about Modern Warfare in India being the only place where SOF squads have been wiped is false too, happened in russia and to US several times in GWOT. Also Modern warfare doesn’t exist in india. You keep forgetting the gun battles kashmir aren’t modern, they are 90s style gun battles still due to the lack of proper night vision, outdated tactics, and what not.
You realize Indians are a global laughing stock because of the amount of Israeli worship they do , right? And FYI don’t think my hate for Israel will excuse lazy generals behavior
Sure that maybe the case, and yeah that online behaviour is just pathetic trying to look for validation. However, why would you go full Neo Nazi on them.
Sure that maybe the case, and yeah that online behaviour is just pathetic trying to look for validation. However, why would you go full Neo Nazi on them.
Becuase they are going full neo nazi on other races? With a false sense of superiority complex. Objectively what they are doing is a genocide. Bombing children is wrong no matter how you put it. I mean people her criticize the Indian army for OGW murder but celebrate israel’s war crimes???

And off topic, but it’s no longer just online. 2025 will be a harsh wake up for NRIs and Jewish bootlickers.
You realize Indians are a global laughing stock because of the amount of israeli worship they do , right? And FYI don’t think my hate for Israel will excuse lazy generals behavior.

Imagine being an Indian and repeating Jewish propaganda. Especially when the average jew views you as nothing but brown filth.

You yourself are incredibly self hating. You refuse to give the Indian military zero credit where it’s due. While you always hit the nail and are 100% right in your criticism of lazy generals, poss poor modernization, etc you always seem to think that Indian forces were always incompetent and have no major achievements to speak off.

Ah yes, bombing little children is the epitome of peak bravery and modern warfare. You should write an entire essay about how warfare should be fought like the chad israelis do as USA dogs (who wag their tail every time I and 300 million more hardworking citizens give them our hard earned tax money). The fact that a ceasefire was needed without the entire systematic destruction of all Hamas shows what they truly are. Indians could only dream about ever having such a backbone which is laughable when India said f U to the entire western hemisphere and their dogs back in 1971 💀

Your point about Modern Warfare in India being the only place where SOF squads have been wiped is false too, happened in russia and to US several times in GWOT. Also Modern warfare doesn’t exist in india. You keep forgetting the gun battles kashmir aren’t modern, they are 90s style gun battles still due to the lack of proper night vision, outdated tactics, and what not.
Indians are certainly capable of greatness but thinking small and hoarding merely for personal gain also seems to be a pretty intrinsic desi trait

Until the 80s India seemed to be able to put its interests above the petty self interest of individuals but there hasn’t seemed to be much of that since then.

Hamas and their ilk put ‘civilians’ in harms way as a deliberate tactic, I have zero sympathy when the IDF realises they have to use kinetic means to eliminate tangible threats.

If the west didn’t keep interfering Isreal would wipe these scum from the face of the planet in 24 hours. I’m quite disappointed genuinely to find out that you are an anti-Semite, this is the lowest form of intelligence as far as I’m concerned and effectively buying leftist and Islamist talking points. If Indians/hindus cannot stand with the Jews Of all people then they deserve the annihilation the aforementioned foes plan for them

+ Indian SOF units being wiped out was not nothing to do with modern warfare just abysmal tactics and equipment. The PAFF videos are out there for all to see. Whilst I’ll accept that the likes of operation red wings were an abject failure, these are the exception that prove the rule. Read the citations of most of the indian SF commendations and they are pure propagandist bs. Indian SF soldiers died in broad daylight like losers- this is not what their calibre of human deserved but the Indian system is so inept and indifferent it is unable or unwilling to marry the bravest and most capable human beings with the equipment and tactics to make them superhuman.
FBI's HRT has exactly the same kind of shoot house as Delta, their were news reporters who ran us through much of it,

Just to give you a sense of mindset and sheer determination to get better. JSOC assault units routinely spend time with LAPD SWAT / NYPD ERT / FBI HRT - because they realised the cutting edge of CQB Tactics and Tech was actually with these units. They then learned shit and adapted the new learnings to JSOC ROEs and Speed etc etc.

Evolution - Stagnation is death
+ @KumaoniReborn fk those ‘little children”’ bomb them twice as far as I’m concerned. Future terrorists deserve their fate too

Hope your family is never put in such a situation ever - you will find yourself becoming a terorrist really fast.

Its funny how this country that still harps about Mughal and British invasion and rule will support the Colonial Geonicde happening infront of our eyes because the recieving party is part of the same larger group that did the same to us.

And round and round the filth of human beings go.
Hope your family is never put in such a situation ever - you will find yourself becoming a terorrist really fast.

Its funny how this country that still harps about Mughal and British invasion and rule will support the Colonial Geonicde happening infront of our eyes because the recieving party is part of the same larger group that did the same to us.

And round and round the filth of human beings go.
It’s funny. Never knew why people praise Israel. It’s not Israeli competency or martial shit that’s winning them anything. We all saw how in 2008 Hezbollah kicked their royal asses (and btw, about KD ratios, in 2008 it was 1:1). It’s american tax money
Even if someone suggested that some babu would come along and scrub the plan
I am damn sure they are going to say something like this "if you are so patriotic now then why did'nt you join Indian army" cause both of the guys, the FFL one and Russian one both willingly said they'd want to contribute their knowledge to India.

The babus just dont want anyone else being credited but them. And in the larger scheme of things, the bad thing about babus is that some of them wear uniforms. Yes I am talking of the top brass
I am damn sure they are going to say something like this "if you are so patriotic now then why did'nt you join Indian army" cause both of the guys, the FFL one and Russian one both willingly said they'd want to contribute their knowledge to India.

The babus just dont want anyone else being credited but them. And in the larger scheme of things, the bad thing about babus is that some of them wear uniforms. Yes I am talking of the top brass
It’s because egos of Top Brass is so soft they can’t possibly fathom learning from even their own people even if they have good experience that was t the aindian army.

It’s funny, in the USA most firearm instructors are actually ex military, SF, marines, etc but in India, the cream of the crop are trained by low class idiots like Shifuji who even a teenager in the usa could take in a one on one fight. A joker like Shifuji would be bullied to suicide in america but in India, he’s training what should be the pride of the nations security.

And those damn Babus better not be talking about patriotism with how many soldiers they themselves have killed indirectly with their piss tier imports.

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