Indian Special Forces

Indians are certainly capable of greatness but thinking small and hoarding merely for personal gain also seems to be a pretty intrinsic desi trait

Until the 80s India seemed to be able to put its interests above the petty self interest of individuals but there hasn’t seemed to be much of that since then.
You would be correct in this assessment. Also a controversial topic but the British Indian Army officers who fought in ww2 arguably were the best officer class in India. 1947 India Pakistan war had Indias largest victories as an independent military- if the current officer class was in charge of command than india would have lost kashmir in days back then.
Hamas and their ilk put ‘civilians’ in harms way as a deliberate tactic, I have zero sympathy when the IDF realises they have to use kinetic means to eliminate tangible threats.

If the west didn’t keep interfering Isreal would wipe these scum from the face of the planet in 24 hours. I’m quite disappointed genuinely to find out that you are an anti-Semite, this is the lowest form of intelligence as far as I’m concerned and effectively buying leftist and Islamist talking points. If Indians/hindus cannot stand with the Jews Of all people then they deserve the annihilation the aforementioned foes plan for them
I won’t say much about this is becuase this is off topic. But the West isn’t interfering and is the number one financier of apartheid genocide fake state of Pissrael. Also- Israelis don’t view me as human, they view me as brown filth as they come to my neighboring state, make restaurants with “no Indians allowed”, and act like they shouldn’t be executed on the spot.Kikes aren’t entitled to my support and they will never get it. So yes, let “Jihadis” spread in the middle east for all I care.
Indian SOF units being wiped out was not nothing to do with modern warfare just abysmal tactics and equipment. The PAFF videos are out there for all to see. Whilst I’ll accept that the likes of operation red wings were an abject failure, these are the exception that prove the rule. Read the citations of most of the indian SF commendations and they are pure propagandist bs. Indian SF soldiers died in broad daylight like losers- this is not what their calibre of human deserved but the Indian system is so inept and indifferent it is unable or unwilling to marry the bravest and most capable human beings with the equipment and tactics to make them superhuman.
Okay, now there are still few instances of Indian SF squads being wiped. Most of them being recent time. After Sri Lanka, Indian SF had a flawless run in Kashmir till Harfurda forest incident in 2008, and even then they managed to kill 17 militants. The Kandi may ambush of 2023 was the only instance of a whole squad being actually wiped out- Randori Behak and Kalakote both had 1-3 survivors per squads. I’m not aware of any more wipes in the SF.

As per the PAFF videos, they never released any proper footage of the encounters with Paras. They only released tapered footage of encounters with the RR and peacetime units.

With all that being said- Indian SF dying in encounters more than they should be as the upper brass, like we have said hundreds of time, misuses SF and will continue to do this until they get either a new Gen BC joshi or a 1962 slaughterhouse.
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It’s funny. Never knew why people praise Israel. It’s not Israeli competency or martial shit that’s winning them anything. We all saw how in 2008 Hezbollah kicked their royal asses (and btw, about KD ratios, in 2008 it was 1:1). It’s american tax money
@rkhanna Just heads up - the demonization of Indians in the west has already begun, with many ( at least online) wishing for similar treatment of Indians. And these are not muslims.
@rkhanna Just heads up - the demonization of Indians in the west has already begun, with many ( at least online) wishing for similar treatment of Indians. And these are not muslims.

Yes - and round and round we go. Always found it hilarious when Indians (domestic or NRIs) support western right wings thinking they are one of the crowd.
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Just to give you a sense of mindset and sheer determination to get better. JSOC assault units routinely spend time with LAPD SWAT / NYPD ERT / FBI HRT - because they realised the cutting edge of CQB Tactics and Tech was actually with these units. They then learned shit and adapted the new learnings to JSOC ROEs and Speed etc etc.

Evolution - Stagnation is death
The only time I have seen , Military guys learning from Police Units are NSG training under GreyHounds for Anti Naxal Ops
The only time I have seen , Military guys learning from Police Units are NSG training under GreyHounds for Anti Naxal Ops

Sir NSG is a police unit. NSG Training Greyhound is just Police Training Police.

That being said- I know SG spends time in NSG's kill house - there are some pictures to that effect from the mid 2000s floating around.
Yes - and round and round we go. Always found it hilarious when Indians (domestic or NRIs) support western right wings thinking they are one of the crowd.
Used to be like that, then I woke up and stopped being a moron.

With that being said, I was discussing defense related news with a buddy of mine whose a U.S. defense enthusiast (we share stories and history of Iraq/Afg and Kashmir with eachother). We recently touched upon the use of small groups to cause large damage. As per him, Green Berrets used to go in groups of 8-10 deep behind insurgent lines, disguised as militants, and burn down strongholds and key insurgent assets and fortifications. Does Indian SF train for similar kind of operations?
Indians are certainly capable of greatness but thinking small and hoarding merely for personal gain also seems to be a pretty intrinsic desi trait

Until the 80s India seemed to be able to put its interests above the petty self interest of individuals but there hasn’t seemed to be much of that since then.

Hamas and their ilk put ‘civilians’ in harms way as a deliberate tactic, I have zero sympathy when the IDF realises they have to use kinetic means to eliminate tangible threats.

If the west didn’t keep interfering Isreal would wipe these scum from the face of the planet in 24 hours. I’m quite disappointed genuinely to find out that you are an anti-Semite, this is the lowest form of intelligence as far as I’m concerned and effectively buying leftist and Islamist talking points. If Indians/hindus cannot stand with the Jews Of all people then they deserve the annihilation the aforementioned foes plan for them

+ Indian SOF units being wiped out was not nothing to do with modern warfare just abysmal tactics and equipment. The PAFF videos are out there for all to see. Whilst I’ll accept that the likes of operation red wings were an abject failure, these are the exception that prove the rule. Read the citations of most of the indian SF commendations and they are pure propagandist bs. Indian SF soldiers died in broad daylight like losers- this is not what their calibre of human deserved but the Indian system is so inept and indifferent it is unable or unwilling to marry the bravest and most capable human beings with the equipment and tactics to make them superhuman.
I wrote a long ass answer to tell you what went down in Kandi. You even reacted to it. Probably no where on the internet you'd find such an answer because it was painstakingly put together by me after talking to a no. of people who had some idea. What happened in Tongo Tongo though? You know even in Kandi 3 out of the 6 member squad could have fallen back to cover or even runaway like Marcus Lutrell to just counter your future theory of squad wipeout. But they chose to save their squad leader, who somehow survived while the poor boys could not. Go and read what SF did in the early to mid 2000s. I hard agree on your points against genrols and their braindead tactics but saying SF commendations are propagandist? I think you should just shut up sometimes. Its very easy to get traction on the kind of posts you write and while most of the rant is fair, you do forget to draw a line. Not expected from someone as matured and grown up as you.
Used to be like that, then I woke up and stopped being a moron.

With that being said, I was discussing defense related news with a buddy of mine whose a U.S. defense enthusiast (we share stories and history of Iraq/Afg and Kashmir with eachother). We recently touched upon the use of small groups to cause large damage. As per him, Green Berrets used to go in groups of 8-10 deep behind insurgent lines, disguised as militants, and burn down strongholds and key insurgent assets and fortifications. Does Indian SF train for similar kind of operations?
Yes..Para SF does those kind of ops its their bread and butter on LOC.

They have even got recruited and trained in Muzzafarabad camps and come back to tell…I am not sure these were Para guys or MI guys but they went.
Cant seem to find any way for improving tactics - unlike the chinese we are too egoistic to hire foreigners for this.

Upgrading into more modern weapon systems and new tech (foreign or local) is one thing, and has a proper government to government level procedure

But Improving tactics? How will this be executed?
We only know of this 11 Para Instructor dude who was hired for a limited time and that too its just a SF unit - Infantry needs this the most specifically with that long sig, they don't seem to handle it well (fire and move) and most infantry units only use attachments for public display, exercises etc
There is controversial stuff involved…then human rights will jump in.

Its dirty blood vs dirty blood kind of thing.
Yeah, I heard once they crossed the loc and did some gory bloodshed in a village and nailed bodies to poles after a paki team did something similar on our side. World media will feast on stuff like these.
Yeah, I heard once they crossed the loc and did some gory bloodshed in a village and nailed bodies to poles after a paki team did something similar on our side. World media will feast on stuff like these.
Once paki terrorists killed an entire hindu marriage barat…what followed was something so bloody that they never dared to go that way…
Yeah, I heard once they crossed the loc and did some gory bloodshed in a village and nailed bodies to poles after a paki team did something similar on our side. World media will feast on stuff like these.
' HMT Watch vala incident?
Yes..Para SF does those kind of ops its their bread and butter on LOC.

They have even got recruited and trained in Muzzafarabad camps and come back to tell…I am not sure these were Para guys or MI guys but they went.
Para SF is at best similar to Rhodesian SAS in terms of roles, they do psuedo ops and jungle warfare very well. Not that much kinetic ops or with a big support system though.
Para SF is at best similar to Rhodesian SAS in terms of roles, they do psuedo ops and jungle warfare very well. Not that much kinetic ops or with a big support system though.
Hit and run is not a difficult thing for any well trained force.
As per him, Green Berrets used to go in groups of 8-10 deep behind insurgent lines, disguised as militants, and burn down strongholds and key insurgent assets and fortifications. Does Indian SF train for similar kind of operations?

Yes - Indian Army SF used to operate alongside the NA against the Taliban in the 90s, used to do LRRP and actually maintain HUMINT inside POK. Bangladesh / Lanka / NE / Myanmaar - many stories. Problem is that the impact of those operations was just routine and maintaince.

in the 71 war, Lanka Conflict, Kargil - though strategic long duration missions with small teams did take place with great effect.

unless or until fellow Indians aren't getting hurt I DON'T CARE

What is the qualifications for this statement - Indians have a shifting definition of what "Indian" means to suit their religio/economic/social world view.

When you shrink the ego you also shrink your tribe - So a Maratha / Kanada / Bengali can begin justifying their supremacy and ethnic tribalism?

Just curious that all.

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