Indian Special Forces

Was watching this podcast last night..

I have a preference for jawans over officers for podcasts and this guy didnt disappoint.

Clearly said we use RLs as we dont want to get gotta stop bullshiting somewhere that you are a He Man and he was very honest about it.

Went on to say when compared to Foreign SF we lack in shooting skills specially pistol shooting..they are better built but we are all rounders and all the technology is theirs but we have started making our own.

Very humble guy..even said he was nervous when he took the head shot coz had he missed his juniors would make fun of him and say what did u learn in NSG.

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Was watching this podcast last night..

I have a preference for jawans over officers for podcasts and this guy didnt disappoint.

Clearly said we use RLs as we dont want to get gotta stop bullshiting somewhere that you are a He Man and he was very honest about it.

Went on to say when compared to Foreign SF we lack in shooting skills specially pistol shooting..they are better built but we are all rounders and all the technology is theirs but we have started making our own.

Very humble guy..even said he was nervous when he took the head shot coz had he missed his juniors would make fun of him and say what did u learn in NSG.


Yep. Had listed the same stuff in my summary here last week.
Can robbo-kutta do room intervention? 🙂 They have weapon mounting also?

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