Indian Special Forces

While we are dicking around with Helmets, and Kneepads and what not

"In what might be a world-first, a Ukrainian national brigade has just launched an all-robot, combined-arms drone attack on Russian forces. The assaulting force, a mixture of ground- and aerial unmanned vehicles, was used in the Kharkiv Oblast in northern Ukraine."
"Regarding the actual combined-arms robotic assault, the operation used a mixture of remote-controlled aerial surveillance and minelaying drones, kamikaze ground and aerial drones, and gun-armed ground robots. This operation was also based on a smaller-scale test run on a Russian-entrenched position in September."
This, right here; is the future of warfare. Western countries will no longer need to send their sons to battles.
The Chinese will take the above and perfect it. Cheap Drones mass produced and controlled by AI. Will negate any single issue with the quality of their HR in their military.
And this is what will lead to AI taking over the world.
What’s the K/D ratio for any Indian operation? It’s mostly 1:1, IDF is at maybe 100:1

And this is with Isreal fighting with the gloves on, they have had to tie a hand behind their backs at every turn because of the b@stards in the West holding them hostage with military/diplomatic support blackmail

Israelis have shown they can mess their enemies up with almost no resources (6 day war)

Let’s be honest your dislike for them is pure jealousy- they are successful in the West, they are unapologetic about who they are and they will fight for themselves unlike male cucked minorities in the West and brown sepoys

They don't fight with "one hand tied behind their backs" lol :bplease:
We do, not with just one but both hands.

If they were, they wouldn't be bombing Gaza, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen with impunity, inspite of the greens there filling their missile storage areas and bases with women and children so as to when the bombs fall, they can screech GENOCIDE in the vain hopes of actually stopping the Joo :bplease:

Yahoodi SOF has better training, better gear and better technology and support( Air power, Mossads spying kikery etc ) and unlike our Genrols, theirs actually seem to be competent.

OTOH the average Joo including the enlisted is a little whiney bitch, and seemingly incompetent too considering how many of even serving soldiers got taken hostage on October 7th.
Unlike our boys who may not have anything else but have HIGH JOSH and jazba, junoon wagera.

No point glazing the Israelis, they are playing the game on ez mode, and whatever you assume to be "hands tied behind the back" is because they don't want to provoke the Greens they are surrounded by into another invasion, the threat of US support for Israel only works for so long and the Six Day War's generation is probably old and dead by now.

It is ok to cheer for them when they clap the greens, but there is no point with comparison since they can get away with anything and everything, their only constraint is losing their precious (((chosen))) people.

We do even 1% of what the average Israeli stuff is and we get sanctions of both the open and covert manner

btw don't bother arguing with the Kumaoni creature, he's just hates da Jooz so you cannot expect any objectivity from him, imagine hating the jooz more than the Greens :facepalm4:, knowing their history and current behaviors specifically towards Indians
US SOF helped them set it up in the first place.

They also use clip on thermals on their rifles and all that stuff. Overall impressive.

India on the other hand ordered bolt action rifles only after being hammered on the LOC.

And abhi jake Sako commonly dikhta hai, with tripods and stuff.

I read that IAF decided to get SDRs after their normal radios got jammed in Feb 2019
Ye aur ek, these guys seriously always need a live demo including guys dying and equipment losses to learn a lesson?

If i was Genrols i would be taking notes about what is happening in Ukraine-Russia viz drones because that is the next greatest rug-pull they will face in any actual conflict.
btw don't bother arguing with the Kumaoni creature, he's just hates da Jooz so you cannot expect any objectivity from him, imagine hating the jooz more than the Greens :facepalm4:, knowing their history and current behaviors specifically towards Indians
I have equal disdain for both. Btw are you done ranting against me yet?
I read that IAF decided to get SDRs after their normal radios got jammed in Feb 2019
Ye aur ek, these guys seriously always need a live demo including guys dying and equipment losses to learn a lesson?

If i was Genrols i would be taking notes about what is happening in Ukraine-Russia viz drones because that is the next greatest rug-pull they will face in any actual conflict.
It will take another 1962 for the upper brass and babus to wake up at this point

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