Indian Special Forces

I’m sure these are loudmouths but they also represent a certain complex most army officers carry I would say

The I know best and how dare you challenge me attitude leads to a very toxic outlook, they are more interested in their own image than making things better

absolute crapheads man, ask them what about Lt Gen PC Katoch, Maj Avinash Sahni, Maj Sushant Singh, Capt Albert Louis and all, vo bhi SSB fail hain kya ?
These acquisition procedures generally don't apply on sf procurement

They have lot of freedom to adopt adapt and modernize but they are none other than aurangzeb(X handle) type person
Sf do have freedom i shared it just to let others see what general procurement process is next time any one start dancing on rfi they should know full process
I’m sure these are loudmouths but they also represent a certain complex most army officers carry I would say

The I know best and how dare you challenge me attitude leads to a very toxic outlook, they are more interested in their own image than making things better

Offlate some insta page is promoting this dude. I had many friends who had cleared SSB and became officers in all three branches.But each one of them had almost very same kind of disciplined mindset.But none of them were street smart or the best i had seen during my life.And the best guys with most leadership skills whom i am sure of withstanding any issue with cool head and ingenious ideas never had any distant interest in military.Even if they got selected either they may be either fit for SF kinda ones or will be utter misfit for ‘yes sir ‘no sir kinda regular units.
Army officers having self pride is good but thinking they are the best lot or cream of the youngster society is absolute crap.
On a personal note i am okay with my SsB rejection because i was a total idiot back then and even now not much have changed😄
man fuck this.. what the hell is exactly wrong with our armed forces. sometimes there is hope but then reality hits hard and rough. they will do "special" "unconventional" raids on chinese? their condition looks worse than an average PLA infantry man patrolling indo tibetan border loaded with proper helmets, chest rigs, ir strobes, optics and thermals lol especially their recon units and mountain troops .. let alone their massive numbers of airborne and special forces
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mind you these are infantry..
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These soldiers are from 9 para from the looks of it. Every SF unit in that region including Marcos & Garuds wear stuff like these. Harnesses/LBV/Chest rigs and no helmet for longer duration ops in this enviirnment.
Offlate some insta page is promoting this dude. I had many friends who had cleared SSB and became officers in all three branches.But each one of them had almost very same kind of disciplined mindset.But none of them were street smart or the best i had seen during my life.And the best guys with most leadership skills whom i am sure of withstanding any issue with cool head and ingenious ideas never had any distant interest in military.Even if they got selected either they may be either fit for SF kinda ones or will be utter misfit for ‘yes sir ‘no sir kinda regular units.
Army officers having self pride is good but thinking they are the best lot or cream of the youngster society is absolute crap.
On a personal note i am okay with my SsB rejection because i was a total idiot back then and even now not much have changed😄
I wont say much and make it personal but in todays world you can do everything a SF soldier does except killing someone and still make a million dollars a year.

So its not a superiority kind of job nor is IAS and IPS to be honest.

You could shoot in Vietnam,Hike in Europe,Sky dive in Dubai and Scuba dive in Maldives while driving a Ferrari.

But its not about that!

Its about patriotism and sacrifice thatswhy we respect them..I dont respect Armymen coz they are superior to me i respect them coz they are making that sacrifice.
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These soldiers are from 9 para from the looks of it. Every SF unit in that region including Marcos & Garuds wear stuff like these. Harnesses/LBV/Chest rigs and no helmet for longer duration ops in this enviirnment.
How about good quality harnesses/LBV/rigs? And a camo matching with Ladakhi terrains? Bass. Helmets and PCs not needed here - no one is even asking.

Can you engage with a holo in those areas? Such long gaps and hilly terrains.
Offlate some insta page is promoting this dude. I had many friends who had cleared SSB and became officers in all three branches.But each one of them had almost very same kind of disciplined mindset.But none of them were street smart or the best i had seen during my life.And the best guys with most leadership skills whom i am sure of withstanding any issue with cool head and ingenious ideas never had any distant interest in military.Even if they got selected either they may be either fit for SF kinda ones or will be utter misfit for ‘yes sir ‘no sir kinda regular units.
Army officers having self pride is good but thinking they are the best lot or cream of the youngster society is absolute crap.
On a personal note i am okay with my SsB rejection because i was a total idiot back then and even now not much have changed😄
A lot of legendary WW2 officers came from population who flat out cheated to clear screening or were allowed due to lowered standards or flat out conscripts .
just putting it out there ............
all we have to do is wait.... patiently..... and the hammer needs to strike at the right time... but keep in mind the window is narrow
Hard cash flow needs to re-start. Like the early 2000s. Pin-point intel - cleanly laid ambushes - heads will roll.

It's 2025 and a bunch of porkijabis are chilling deep inside our territory in the jungles of Kishtwar. Like a group consoliated together. 10-15 (entire cadre in the district).

Had this been 2002-06, 2 para would have come and smoked them there.

Instead, they are coming in for casos and lose a senior jco/offr.
True that, during GWOT when you'd do door kicking mostly and LRRP not so much, majority of the guys were bulked up.
You'll see however members of sniper units would be lean, like this SEAL Team Six guy here, he's around 5'6" and lean and talks about how snipers would do LRRP cause for assaulters it pretty much phased out


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