Indian Special Forces

Watch from 50:00 onwards.....retired Cdr of Naval Spec Ops and Diving says that America's JSOC units are the best SF units in the world, ab boldo ki ye bhi SSB fail hai. Btw also watch his podcats with Yash Mor where he mentions his SSB score which was really good, above average. But nehi 'eph 9 Pera not da best then you r SsB fail" - Mountain Rats/Elite Preditors and their pitty followers

Lt col , serving and abusing just think about the soldiers working under him who can't express themselves
Hanji wo karne main mera account suspended ho gaya 😭😂
lets say other than he suspending ur account he have very high probability get in to issues cant even fathom, if he have single brain cell he knows its against army cyber opsec SOP for a serving personal to boost anything on SM or having this kind of arguments on SM, other than his empty threats am pretty much sure he is a empty canon
Hanji wo karne main mera account suspended ho gaya 😭😂
Your account yeah, heard about that... the mountain rat guy posted on Twitter, mocking my last message. I'm up for him to bring up a chat, hope he’s got plenty to say. He's a priviliged brat, I’m all for a civil convo. Let’s see if he can keep it grown, no need for drama that goes nowhere.
I guess opinions beyond Jai Ho Jai Ho aren’t really liked or appreciated. Anyway, is there an Indian equivalent to Kali Vigo? Just asking for a friend.
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the weird part of all this is, we are being vocal and are getting abused even threatened for asking better gear and manual updates for the individuals in the army so, they can get the job done safely and come back home safe to their families. And who are against us? its the same individuals and their family members. lmao. delulu country.
Mind your business mitron. Or this forum might get a knock on the door in the coming days, from the looks of things.

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