Indian Special Forces

News from 2015. I think after this para sf soldiers start posting more pictures and videos on social media.

News from 2015. I think after this para sf soldiers start posting more pictures and videos on social media.

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They are talking about this picture.. too much carelessness imo. How can you release pics of your special forces operators who have just returned from the op. Till today US and western countries haven't released most of their SOPs photos.. the only ones we get are usually from retired vets. Also most of the boys were from north east itself.. I can only wonder how much worried they were for their families after this stupidity from army.
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They are talking about this picture.. too much carelessness imo. How can you release pics of your special forces operators who have just returned from the op. Till today US and western countries haven't released most of their SOPs photos.. the only ones we get are usually from retired vets. Also most of the boys were from north east itself.. I can only wonder how much worried they were for their families after this stupidity from army.
The drone operator who leaked CAG vids is facing court rn
Here are a few simple tricks to avoid getting a visit by the ghosts:

  1. Never mention a specific units name whenever discussing something too accurate.
  2. Don't pinpoint the unit which did a recent Op, the HD pics of the live encounters we get are good for seeing but don't try to name or pinpoint the unit.
  3. Never post pics with the faces visible.
  4. Don't name the unit if uploading any content(they see everything).
  5. Don't ask veterans of the units about the recent or ongoing Op(they are very proactive).
  6. Don't try to reveal the units location during CI/CT or any other tenure, i you know then keep it to yourself.
  7. Try not to discuss about orgs like the Tri-Service SOD atleast, they know everything.

"We see everything guyz, don't be too accurate..."
Here are a few simple tricks to avoid getting a visit by the ghosts:

  1. Never mention a specific units name whenever discussing something too accurate.
  2. Don't pinpoint the unit which did a recent Op, the HD pics of the live encounters we get are good for seeing but don't try to name or pinpoint the unit.
  3. Never post pics with the faces visible.
  4. Don't name the unit if uploading any content(they see everything).
  5. Don't ask veterans of the units about the recent or ongoing Op(they are very proactive).
  6. Don't try to reveal the units location during CI/CT or any other tenure, i you know then keep it to yourself.
  7. Try not to discuss about orgs like the Tri-Service SOD atleast, they know everything.

"We see everything guyz, don't be too accurate..."
Welp... Gotta shift to global sof then
Yeah.The names are of meiteis.

It is a communist group can't call it Meitei group, the KYKL is a funded group and has less with Meiteis to do. The group was most probably raised to subvert hindu Meiteis in believing communism. Anyways.
It is a communist group can't call it Meitei group, the KYKL is a funded group and has less with Meiteis to do. The group was most probably raised to subvert hindu Meiteis in believing communism. Anyways.
It's kind of interesting how communism is their main ideology.
The group was most probably raised to subvert hindu Meiteis in believing communism. Anyways.
Then, it has failed in this matter.
Dude said our SF have AKs with multiple uppers like wtf , pehle google pe search kar lo ki upper kya hota hai

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He also got in an unnecessary fight with the more technical side of indian defense space regarding Arjun Vs T90 when they criticized army's procurement policies and was blasted away with spec sheets while his comebacks were lame without any hard source .
Dont forget the Australian sf photo which he claims was Para sf even after we gave him evidence. He just coudnt comprehend the fact that he was wrong.
not really his fault , journalists don't know batshit and even then publish shit without cross-referencing .
The level of primary research in India is close to zero. They even made myths of MARCOS doing "death crawls" and 5 week Hell Week, and that they fight pirates with crossbows. Same thing they did with TSD, saying that it was a technical intellegence unit. Similarly they often confuse Para SF with Ghataks, I mean you should read some it seems that their primary research is YouTube comment section lol

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