Indian Special Forces

SSG's Zarrar unit (our NSG equivalent) is definitely impressive tbh when compared to SOF units in South Asia. They also seem to be beefier (maybe predominantly Punjabis), well built and relatively better equipped

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What the hell does them being Punjabi have to do with them being beefy and they all look in terrible shape LMAO?
Sir - you misunderstand. The Organization Structure of the SSG - from Selection to Battalion and HQ formations and uniformity is far better than ours. SSG was raised by GB and SAS. you are talking USAGE

The Entirety of the Pak Military has degraded in quality over the past 3.5 decades- Religious Fundamentalism Political/Tribal divions in the Armed Forces. A Mil/Civilian leadership that needed to give quick results and bolster population "Morale". and inturn backed by a Population (large part) that reveres their Military blindly.

The SSG has now been used for the last 2 decades as super infantry, propogranda machinary to control/pacify their own local population. Over time the free thinkers (since the 80s) were moved out and replaced by yes men - more fundamentalist - less Skill quality. SSG is more trusted than Pak Line Infantry and Para Mils where tribal loyalties are drawing lines. SSG officers are also more senior across the Mil establishment and control alot of the strings.

The SSG and AF used to be the cream of their Crop. Religious Fundamentalism that started pervading the country from the 80s has now deeply affected the way their Military operates. - Starting from Primary school education - resulting in Poor quality Officers in the Armed Forces. [The abject lying in Press Releases to hide their own Dead is a shocking display of No Integrity]

POINT BEING - non of the above has anyting to do with their Organizational Structure. Which is now absolutely wasted. But ON PAPER - their structure is superior to ours.

2 Side Points:

1. We are slowly seeing the same/similar rot now entering our own Military
- The Same Corruption, Yes men, incompetence, lack of responsibilty, arrogance is now becoming more open. - and YES including overt religiosity/tribalism - with full support of a hardline population that wont let you question anything

2. Kargil - from the Pak side - the SSG led grey op to occupy our heights in the dead of winter was a CLASSIC SOF operation. Them Leading Conventional Units / Militia is entirely the role of SOF. the Op needed Bodies as it required to take and Hold ground.
- in this case your example is missplaced.

- BTW they did EXACTLY the same to get the Taliban to take out the ANA overnight and retake Kabul.
If you ask any US soldier who fought in Mogadishu in 93 they have all praise for Pakistanis dont let delusional Indians tell you otherwise that Pakis are some pushover.
SSG handles 3 theates on a daily basis and they are their Para Comando,NSG as well as the right arm of ISI as well.

On paper they do ops which the SF should do unlike ours.

Major achievement was underground work against soviet forces.

Their synergy with their ISI is anyday better than what we can dream for the AFSOD.

LOC is full of ISI and SSG operators and thats what keeps their picture going.
Wasnt uncommon for ISI operators die to Indian troops back in the old days of the insurgency.
Their Mandate is Strategic
No, their mandate isn't strategic. They are used as assulters to achive conventional military goals. That's the reason why they are deployed for clearance operations in TC/CI operation.

Dedicated SOF C&C that answers Directly to GCHQ and PMO
What PMO!? None of the army units are answerable to PMO. everything controlled by army chief. That wikipedia statement is made by some fanboy pakis who did a cut and paste from SAS and US special operations wiki page,
Look here.. OF -1 RANK is NATO terminology. Pakis don't have nato military designation. And the link they provided as source is ISPR's propaganda video..!!
Also Pakistani marines doesn't even have special operations unit. That is copy paste from US SF command page.

Not Co-mingled with a conventional infantry unit which they are subservant to - (SF is subservant to the Paras in the Parachute Regiment)
SF aren't meant for that. And para SF discontinued such deployment of few para SF soldiers with RR as it isn't their job to led an infantry unit during conflict, even then para SF hate such deployment. During Kargil 9 para show middle finger to some brigadier who ask for their help to capture a mountain top with few para SF soldiers as pont men for open assault. SSG still does such operations for infantry units.
They are their own Command - not linked to theater commands and answerable to Conventional COs
They are linked to local commands. What do you think, how is one of two SSG soldiers deployed with conventional units !?
780 SSG soldiers killed in just 2 years of Operation Zarb-e-Azb, that happed because SSG were used as assulters for infantry operations. And in border posts at LOC, SSG soldiers are deployed with infantry troops.

Unified Training, Selection, Pocurement
This one might be true, but I don't know much about their selection process.

SOF elements from Cherat get rotated through Brigade Combat Teams (Theater Commands)
Don't know about this..
They Even have Specific Units for ELINT/COMMS Support that are dedicated to Support Zarar (Iqabal Co)
Zarrar company is small CT force of a company size(my understanding is, they are 300 strong unit). They don't have specialised ELINT/COMMS support unit. MI and ISI provide such support to all army units.

They have a lot of specialization - musa company for example
Musa company is their army's specialised underwater diver unit. Meantime para SF battalion have both CFF specialists and combat divers within each battalion. Training soldiers in CFF(not static line) and Combat diving is costly thing, so pakis just kept it to a small company size units.
Meantime para SF have most of the soldiers who are either CFF qualified or combat diver qualified. And many officers are qualified in both.

When they expanded to add new battalions - they ran selection and raised new units - they did not convert an existing Conventional Unit. (AFAIK - happy to be corrected)
SSG was created by converting some baluch and frontier force battalions. Even the the SSG training centre at Cherat is former training center of baluch regiment.
In 2009 an ambush in which 5+ SF were killed leads to 17 terrorists being killed but in 2023 they get wiped without a trace of casualties to terrorists!

And happened multiple times.

Many people disagree but i would say again that Para SF lost some of the skill it learnt in Sri Lanka like tracking and killing etc.

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