Indian Special Forces

freedom of speech is doxxing now?

‘Karma got served’? So you say things so like doesn’t like you get your identity revealed online?

Just be honest and say it’s for intimidation purposes, why can’t you guys ever defend your positions? Just hide behind innuendoes and vague threats

You creeps have nothing better to do than try and ruin the lives of those that disagree with you, real honourable men you are
I am just a lay person, giving you an objective view.

You stepped out of line, your fault.. you paid for it.
You can keep on ranting, & your eco-chamber will keep supporting you.. but that doesn't make you right.
I am just a lay person, giving you an objective view.

You stepped out of line, your fault.. you paid for it.
You can keep on ranting, & your eco-chamber will keep supporting you.. but that doesn't make you right.
Who decides where the line is?

And who decided that crossing that ‘line’ means personal attacks that include the publishing of your private information?

Like I said, you people are just full of honour and dignity
You can keep on ranting, & your eco-chamber will keep supporting you.. but that doesn't make you right.
Same applies to your importkhor jurnails and jaiHo gang. They circle jerk with substandard obsolete MO and outdated equipment, resting on past laurels when none of these Jurnails were even in armed forces. How many decades has it been since we fought a war with peer enemy.
I am just a lay person, giving you an objective view.

You stepped out of line, your fault.. you paid for it.
You can keep on ranting, & your eco-chamber will keep supporting you.. but that doesn't make you right.

Son stop.

Back in the day we used to call this Lahori Logic. Its also how the Terorrist also justify taking innocent life and mass murder.
freedom of speech is doxxing now?

‘Karma got served’? So you say things so like doesn’t like you get your identity revealed online?

Just be honest and say it’s for intimidation purposes, why can’t you guys ever defend your positions? Just hide behind innuendoes and vague threats

You creeps have nothing better to do than try and ruin the lives of those that disagree with you, real honourable men you are
Had you been in India

And had money to spare

And a fetish for revenge

I could lend you a Lawyers contact who would have taken a very good care of all threats.

Long ago i was also threatened by a couple of thousand crore company…my lawyer took such good care that they were begging for settlement outside court.

“Me lord my client would like to issue unconditional apology…me lord we dont do such practices “

And this conpany had a team of lawyers.

India is not Pakistan where few people in unifom decide the fate of the nation.

We are a democracy with fundamental rights and the court of law is very strict if it is violated.

Those who think they are above this are living in their wonderland.

I still feel you could have done better…but i dont endorse any threating.
I am just a lay person, giving you an objective view.

You stepped out of line, your fault.. you paid for it.
You can keep on ranting, & your eco-chamber will keep supporting you.. but that doesn't make you right.

So can you say the same about those armed forced generals who complain and keep on ranting about those who criticizes their performances etc.?

Talk about a double standard.
The poster has been warned for attempting to start a flame war and trolling.
Son stop.

Back in the day we used to call this Lahori Logic. Its also how the Terorrist also justify taking innocent life and mass murder.
[MOD's NOTE] Content deleted as it is full of trash and nothing of worth.
Last edited by a moderator:
I am just a lay person, giving you an objective view.

You stepped out of line, your fault.. you paid for it.
You can keep on ranting, & your eco-chamber will keep supporting you.. but that doesn't make you right.
Oh, spare me sir, the "objective view" nonsense. You are not some impartial observer, you're just parroting the same tired lines to justify petty vindictiveness.

He stepped out of line? By what standard? If defending facts makes you uncomfortable, maybe the problem isn’t him.

And please "echo chamber" ? The only echo I hear is the sound of you lot repeating the same self-righteous drivel while pretending to be the voice of reason

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