Agree with your sentiment but lol just to argue for the sake of it
1. Our concept of slavery is a moving target. Dravadians, Tribals, Caste system et al - so IMO its an essentially counter-productive argument that will always move us AWAY from national unity not towards it. There will always be some group in the Subcontinent that is agrieved over some historical/mythical injustice. Its high time we grew up drew a line in 1947 and build ourselves from there.
2. Ancient and Middle Ages India had outstanding militaries and tacticians - our Military Orbats ofcourse we suited for fighting in the plains and low lands - We struggled with new tech and tactics (The fast moving Mauraders from the west and the Guns from Europe)
- We had one of THE most impressive Naval Traditions (Chola's et al) (pound for pound across Human History) (This whole facination with Shivaji is starting to get irritating)
- the Rajputs held the Turks/Mughals at bay for nearly 600 years before that Damn broke.
Why did that happen? - [the Turks and Persians were a worldy people - they accumalated vast knowledge from all over the world and incorporated it into their way of life and militaries - they saw so much conflict in so many varied places that they evolved. We did not. We didnt care to. Evolution stopped somewhere in the start of the second millenia.
3. The Gora's need to march in place came from training their soldiers (illiterate) on advanced Mechanical weapons - needed to free the mind of will and replace it with muscle memory. They imported their training and SOP to us - just the same way they imported their Victorian Era Conservatism to our society (which we call Sanskriti today) - They evolved out of all that - we havnt.
4. In WWII (Burma) the British officers were absolutely useless and if it wasnt for the Indian officers the Japanese would have been within our borders. Even in WWI (Haifa liberation, Baghdad Liberation), Indian Soldiers were outstanding
Question: Why did the British and Mughals/Turks beat us - varied answers/theories but few points to ponder
1. We were never ONE - there as no US - the british for example were able to use the local populace to oppress and govern the rest. - Ever know what the word Bahadur comes from? It was a name for a british govt Lacky. The Marwaris, Sindhi's, Parsis - all made shit load of money alongside the british. Each king/princling looked at the East India company as allies (and money bags) to be used against their neighbour (enemy)
- The Subcontinent - if any of you cares to do so - do a DNA geneology study of yourself - has genes from the steppes to the tigris and the sienne to the Ganga. The Subcontinent nearly bankrupted the Romans (twice?) due to the trade imbalanace. Kaballa was sacked by Mohammad because it was actually a Vedic place (Kurds are decendents of the people of the Subcontinent)
- Central Asian, Persian, Turk, Arab, Hun, European - the Subcontinent is one of the most transitional cultural land mass there has ever been from a nonnative/ indiginious perspective.
- The Subcontinent was one of THE most fertile parts of the world due to the ancient civilization a very wealthy place (~27% of the worlds GDP when the britsh came) - a very juicy fruit for invaders and no unifying factor protecting it.
2. We have an inherently built in supriority complex and prevents us from exploring, learning, discovering. In the middle ages (BEFORE the Mughals) the evolution of science had effectively stopped in India and was thriving in Iran, Bagdad, Central Asia - they learned from our frigging texts and expanded.
We believed (i Mean the ruling class - brahmin, kastriya) that we were the center of the universe and the vedas were exact and complete knowledge. nothing more to be learnt. [ see similar attitudes across most parts of life in India today also]
IMO the Mughals invasiosn coincided with the end of the Golden Era of the Subcontinent .
Suggested Reading for a different perspective of Ancient/Middle Ages of the Subcontinent
Al-Biruni - Travelled to India in 1017 wrote -
Tārīkh al-Hind
Marco Polo - 1200s-1300s - The Customs of the Kingdoms of India
The Above books are to be read with a pinch of salt ofcourse (as all historical texts should be) but make for fascinating reading