Indian Special Forces

The only Indian SF units I can think of who can possibly carry out a counter terrorist operation like this are MARCOS (VBSS/CQB) and NSG (SAG).

Para SF is not designed for these kinds of operations (assymetric) which is why they were not even considered during 26/11.

Para SF is more of US Army Ranger/ Green Beret specialist for conventional warfare.

GARUDS don't have a lot of operational experience.

Any local police/SWAT/QRT is best used for screening and chasing local leads.
In Mumbai instantly available capable force is marcos which was stationed there so they called for situation control then nsg hold the ground , many nsg guys got kia , 1 marco got severely injured
Similar situation happened in pampore then para sf was called and all hostages were rescued , 3 braveheart got kia also
It was just the matter of time and availability
Unpopular opinion: the 25,000 SF allowance should be ammended in a way that you can only spend it on PPE and get refunds when you show proof of purchase.
It’s a typical dehat mindset seen in many Indians—what’s the point of saving money if you never use it? And if something happens to you, what will your family do with that unspent money? It’s disheartening that we have to push people to prioritize essential purchases, especially when such items should be their first priority using special allowances.

Yet, for many Indians—regardless of their profession—showing off iPhones and four-wheelers seems to take front seat.

Given the terrain and this train being held up in a remote region, it'd be extremely hard for Indian SF to handle such an op. NSG took days to wrap up the ops in Mumbai or Pathankot and in this case, with suicide bombers holding hostage a large number of passengers where the potential for fatalities is significantly high - GoI would probably spend days in negotiations just trying to wear em' out

Also, Marcos might not want to take up this op since this isn't their turf but might act as a support group if requested, no point considering Garuds since they're more like glorified air base security. It should be NSG only or a combo of NSG (SAG) and Para SF (OG units) with support from Marcos
Also whoever said 9 got AT kits standardised was saying half truth. I revisited pics from both the kulgam encounter from Dec '23 and multiple squads dismounting from a 2.5 ton in Udhampur.

In the former case, yes the guys were wearing some kinda square cut PC but they were very worn out ones and definitely not AT (maybe the same chinese ones they got few years back).

In the latter, only officer was wearing a AT shooter's cut whose back panel got the id. But the fact that almost everyone else was wearing unit stiched (jhola-chaap) PCs was ignored.

They don't use battle belts either - just a pistol holster + jugadoo dump pouch somehow attached to the belt.

Only units that have adopted AT Gear en masse is Marcos & 11 Para.

Hell armasen could even become our domestic cyre equivalent if this becomes a thing (Won't be as good as cyre but will be very decent, more equivalent with agilite standard if armasen expanded)

sadly jawans are not trusted with money at all by our officers, and I don't think this will be changing for a while

Edit: will be a slightly different scenario for SF I hope
Armasen may become indian cyre and multiple indian company will rise in this field if something like this happens

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