They just procured more flattop tavors and were straightway sent to the valley.
"They" have repeatedly claimed over the decades that they are the same/= to SF.
They just procured more flattop tavors and were straightway sent to the valley.
Ironically after being converted to sf there are still infantry battalion better equiped than them"They" have repeatedly claimed over the decades that they are the same/= to SF.
He himself looks shoddy and chapri-tier
For nsg as urban CT unit black camo makes sense but why does infantry and para even invest in black camo doesn't it stands out in every terrain
80s aur 90s mein Armoured regtt ka swag tha jaise ajkal Para ka he.For nsg as urban CT unit black camo makes sense but why does infantry and para even invest in black camo doesn't it stands out in every terrain
I know black is supposed to be cool but when you are in jungle of kathua hunting for pigs you aren't supposed to be cool you are supposed to be effective