Indo Pak Border & LOC


Jun 27, 2024
Use this thread to Discuss the current happening along Indo-Pak LOC and IB. Members are requested to keep the discussion civil and adher to the forum Rules.
All updates from India Pakistan conflicts at IB and LOC - Line of Control.
personally i dont wanna give timeline but not until we reach 10trillion nominal
I voted for bjp but iam not retarded enough to believe this yapping our forces are not ready for a full blown war atleast not till 2029
Sadly it has nothing to do with year or economy
It is completely about intent and geography
1st intent
We never had any intent of capturing pok we had enough chances to push Pakistan but we never did u call it blunder or lack of vision ur wish
Point is we didn't
Secondly is our current economy not sustainable to procure equipments to diminish Pakistan military in conventional warfare
Be it artillery or guns or tanks or attack helis or hordes of pgm or superior squadron strength
We can't bcoz our procurement is fucked we have no idea how to built numbers import lobby operating without fear govt looks indigenous industry as token of jaziya with big foreign players
Our requirements and modernization is piling up we can't operationalize theatre commands which will provide us edge in terms of inter-operation
The economy we have is enough to sustain massive conventional superiority over Pakistan but we are dealing with our own short comings and things aren't moving the way it should have
Just place us in place of Pakistan and those pigs having 4 trillion economy imagine the situation
And it has been pointed out by many members
Then comes geography and we have nothing much to say people with basic understanding of warfare and terrain will know the geography will never support invaders
It will be meat grinder and I don't think the current generation is ready see piles of body bags and the way our military has modernized it seems impossible that we will not have Kargil type picture and especially with terrain and lack of modernization things will go worse
These things won't affect Pakistan as for them it's jihad
But that's not our case our population is not at that stage of sacrifice
Plus many internal problems within forces which isn't addressed at all and those things don't come out

Sorry for such a long and not so important post
personally i dont wanna give timeline but not until we reach 10trillion nominal
Not just that bro, 90% weapons we use must be me Indian origin, much more robust Intelligence network, additional airbases in Afghanistan and Armenia if possible, advanced UCAV, UCGV fleet, additional aircraft carrier at least 3 Squardons of 5th gen aircarfts
Not just that bro, 90% weapons we use must be me Indian origin, much more robust Intelligence network, additional airbases in Afghanistan and Armenia if possible, advanced UCAV, UCGV fleet, additional aircraft carrier at least 3 Squardons of 5th gen aircarfts
not possible imo that would be 20-30 years at best or that would never happen is the worst case

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