Indo Pak Border & LOC

How are they able to finance such projects?!? I dont get how this bhikari nation is having such expensive toys!! PRC must be massively bankrolling them, meaning the bhikaris must have mortgaged their wives, sisters, mothers and daughters to the PRC/PLA. :angry:
Believe it or not porki army general make it a priority to provide maximum possible deterrence to India. Even in their most incompetent years they have made it a point yo nerve fall behind in terms of procurement and policy.
Indian counterparts are just fleecing the nation, porkistani army exploits outright and the indian one does it in a very low life crook and under the belt manner. Alas we can't even blame the SC/ST for this, for our military is the pinnacle of indian meritocracy.

Clarification for you know who(I don't want my head on spike):
When I say indian military I mean the brain of this institution and its decision maker, not the common Jawan who make the bulk of its headcount.
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How are they able to finance such projects?!? I dont get how this bhikari nation is having such expensive toys!! PRC must be massively bankrolling them, meaning the bhikaris must have mortgaged their wives, sisters, mothers and daughters to the PRC/PLA. :angry:
Heh works out for them. Their military will keep liquidating public assets to maintain some capability. This is an early warning air detection radar to keep an eye on our birds flying low through the valley. It's also a nice ARM magnet placed this close to the border and will eat a handful at first contact.

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