Indo US Relations

There is no going back home, nor has canada's thirst for immigrants abated long term- yes, it does require some cooling to let the housing market catch up, as the biggest source of underlying canadian inflationary metrics is independent of trumpwa or murrica and has been onging for 20 years in major canadian cities: severe housing shortage, leading to severe house cost inflation.

However, at the same time, Canadian economy is resource extractive and transportationally expansive,meaning, Canada still needs shit tons of people to keep its resource extractive+transportational economy going. This is also evident in every single economic predictor Carney himself has put out in his career and Carley is your RBI head turned into PM guy,so he is an alltogether different beast to deal with.

What we should expect, regardless of who wins in the elections, is a pre-covid level drop in immigration numbers and not post covid level massive spike - many of whom are actually also ukrainian refugees and certain sections in Canada are trying to scapegoat Indians inorder to shelter the Ukronazis so kindly be aware of that angle and not harm the pro-immigrant fabric of canada.
To think that 500,000 immigrants who arrived under the pretext of student can be absorbed and Canada can redevelop its resource sector is full hardy. Trump has taken extreme step of ejecting unwanted people. The same is possible in Canada. Truthfully, these guys arrived on student visa; as soon as that visa expires, they become illegals. That means no benefits, no charity and no welcome.
To think that 500,000 immigrants who arrived under the pretext of student can be absorbed and Canada can redevelop its resource sector is full hardy. Trump has taken extreme step of ejecting unwanted people. The same is possible in Canada. Truthfully, these guys arrived on student visa; as soon as that visa expires, they become illegals. That means no benefits, no charity and no welcome.
It isnt foolhardy at all, given that Canada has absorbed approx 250,000 people per annum into the country at the very minimum for well over 20 years and counting.
Canada definitely can re-develop its resource sector and the answer everyone is forgetting here, in josh and jalwaa, is not we re-orient towards Europe economically but towards CHEEN, who still has hunger for resources and we are the second biggest mall on the planet after Russia as far as raw resources goes.

So to think Canada wont restart its ace-in the hole when under pressure from the US is a very unlikely and foolhardy thing to expect from the Canadian govt, especially if PP wins.

Its irrelevant whether you think of them as illegals and want them gone, you can get rid of those 500K itself, but another 150K will show up legally and the immigration train continues as far as canada is concerned. THAT, is reality.
All Canada is going to do,is reduce immigration numbers for half a decade and let the housing market catch up.
We still need a LOT more people here to function properly and not pay absurd costs and surchages just to keep the country running.
It isnt foolhardy at all, given that Canada has absorbed approx 250,000 people per annum into the country at the very minimum for well over 20 years and counting.
Canada definitely can re-develop its resource sector and the answer everyone is forgetting here, in josh and jalwaa, is not we re-orient towards Europe economically but towards CHEEN, who still has hunger for resources and we are the second biggest mall on the planet after Russia as far as raw resources goes.

So to think Canada wont restart its ace-in the hole when under pressure from the US is a very unlikely and foolhardy thing to expect from the Canadian govt, especially if PP wins.

Its irrelevant whether you think of them as illegals and want them gone, you can get rid of those 500K itself, but another 150K will show up legally and the immigration train continues as far as canada is concerned. THAT, is reality.
All Canada is going to do,is reduce immigration numbers for half a decade and let the housing market catch up.
We still need a LOT more people here to function properly and not pay absurd costs and surchages just to keep the country running.
Not true whatever you say above. I live in Canada. I see qualified boys and girls doing minimal jobs at Tim Horton and Indian restaurants, or packers or unloaded at department stores. They do not want to do these jobs, but forced to as otherwise no money to pay other necessities of life. I pity them… They were told a lie about high rate of money coming into their pockets after reaching Canada. No it is not coming. They cannot wait for ever that things will get better. The current setup is such that except 1% of total who may get lucky; others will have continue on those minimal jobs and loose all skills they probably acquired after paying Rupees 20/- Lakh to an agent.
Not true whatever you say above. I live in Canada. I see qualified boys and girls doing minimal jobs at Tim Horton and Indian restaurants, or packers or unloaded at department stores. They do not want to do these jobs, but forced to as otherwise no money to pay other necessities of life. I pity them… They were told a lie about high rate of money coming into their pockets after reaching Canada. No it is not coming. They cannot wait for ever that things will get better. The current setup is such that except 1% of total who may get lucky; others will have continue on those minimal jobs and loose all skills they probably acquired after paying Rupees 20/- Lakh to an agent.
I have been living in canada since last millenium. Immigrants doing menial jobs goes back to the 90s.
You sound very new here.
Canada probably has re-orient its commercial relation with Europe.

There is a new prime minister in Canada. He is unlikely to follow Trudeau’s policy. He is unlikely to get scared by Trump as Trudeau was that after a single and first meeting with Trump at his Golf Ranch, he resigned and then decided to act tough.

New PM Carney will direct his energies in a short time he is left for the elections will open up discussions with Europe to strengthen ties with them. Europe is also under same pressure as Canada is, hence makes sense to strengthen commercial relationship with each other.

It will take 5 years of effort to disengage from America and who so ever becomes the PM of Canada has a major task cut out for them.

In the mean time; Canada would not need so any immigrants who have arrived from Asia under the pretext of studies. They have to be sent back. The Canadian economy already under pressure from Trump has to reorient itself. To do that, Canada will need money and they have to save every penny and not spend on housing, other benefits on immigrants who do not belong here anyway. Trudeau’s invited immigrants have to be clearly told to go back home now.

For Canada, EU will not fill what it lost with USA in terms of market.

There are very few markets for Canada to fill in USA void.

If only Canada did not fk up their relations with India..
Not true whatever you say above. I live in Canada. I see qualified boys and girls doing minimal jobs at Tim Horton and Indian restaurants, or packers or unloaded at department stores. They do not want to do these jobs, but forced to as otherwise no money to pay other necessities of life. I pity them… They were told a lie about high rate of money coming into their pockets after reaching Canada. No it is not coming. They cannot wait for ever that things will get better. The current setup is such that except 1% of total who may get lucky; others will have continue on those minimal jobs and loose all skills they probably acquired after paying Rupees 20/- Lakh to an agent.
Many were misled this way, thinking that Canada had streets paved with gold. There are students who work two jobs( of the Tim Horton, McDonalds, gas station type) to pay for their rent and school courses. And their ' housing' usually involves multiple people sharing a small apartment and common facilities. There are some Indians who have returned to India, and more no doubt to follow. It remains to be seen if this significantly affects Indians coming to Canada on student visas. Let's see.
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Trump and his Merry Ways of Inflicting Pain on others

No amount of prodding will help Trump. The pretext of “MAGA” (Make America Great Again) has had detrimental effects on the rest of the world. Canada, Mexico, and Europe are struggling under the impact of “tariffs,” and the effects of China’s retaliatory measures are still unknown. With China, Trump has limited options for pressure tactics.Smaller nations like India and others have no choice but to sit back and endure Trump’s rude shock to their economies without any clear reason. India’s trade deficit is hardly $30 billion, so it’s not worth wasting time on significant trade deficits with China or even Canada. However, all this talk of tough tariffs has resulted in a trillion-dollar loss of stock capitalization in India, as reported by Reuters. This is a serious blow.There’s not much that can be done. Trump is Trump. Just two months ago, he was re-elected with a landslide victory, which is helping to unleash unfair financial burdens on smaller economies.Trump is lesser of a ‘Statesman’. He is a businessman hence thinks of profits first and by hook or crook damage the competition.
US SEC summons against Adani forwarded to Gujarat Court

"The Centre forwarded a summons from the US Securities and Exchange Commission to a Gujarat court to be served on industrialist Gautam Adani in a bribery case, The Hindu reported, citing an internal note sent by the Ministry of Law and Justice dated February 25 to a sessions court.

The summons, issued by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), was forwarded in February under the Hague Convention after a request from the Central Authority of the USA, the report said, citing the government note reviewed by the newspaper."

US tariffs on India will be a bitter pill to swallow

Nearly half of all generic medicines taken in the US come from India alone. Generic drugs - which are cheaper versions of brand-name medications - imported from countries like India make up nine out of 10 prescriptions in the US.

This saves Washington billions in healthcare costs. In 2022 alone, the savings from Indian generics amounted to a staggering $219bn (£169bn), according to a study by consulting firm IQVIA.

Without a trade deal, Trump's tariffs could make some Indian generics unviable, forcing companies to exit part of the market and exacerbating existing drug shortages, experts say.

Dilip Shanghvi, chairman of India's largest drugmaker Sun Pharma, told an industry gathering last week that his company sells pills for between $1 and $5 per bottle in the US and tariffs "do not justify relocating our manufacturing to the US".

"Manufacturing in India is at least three to four times cheaper than in the US," says Sudarshan Jain of the IPA.
While Canada does have natural resources, their left policies mean that these resources will be very expensive when they reach open market.
it's moot anyway, Canada govt has already shut down mining if I understand.

UK is already showing signs of becoming a third world country.
Parts of UK and sections of UK populace are living in very poor conditions.
UK is basically showing the world what would happen to countries like Canada, Germany, France, Sweden etc.

The shit these countries are important are not through programs that ensures quality immigrants that are meant to enrich these countries.
Most immigration into these countries is now of the illegal kind and are literally people who are mooching off others adding very little quality to these countries. Worse, they bring the same kind of lazy shit hole culture they came from.
While Canada does have natural resources, their left policies mean that these resources will be very expensive when they reach open market.
it's moot anyway, Canada govt has already shut down mining if I understand.

Not that I care about two anglo saxon majority countries fighting each other but this is not true. Murican economy is heavily dependent on Canadian resources - stuffs they just cannot shift to sourcing from elsewhere overnight.
Trump and his Merry Ways of Inflicting Pain on others

No amount of prodding will help Trump. The pretext of “MAGA” (Make America Great Again) has had detrimental effects on the rest of the world. Canada, Mexico, and Europe are struggling under the impact of “tariffs,” and the effects of China’s retaliatory measures are still unknown. With China, Trump has limited options for pressure tactics.Smaller nations like India and others have no choice but to sit back and endure Trump’s rude shock to their economies without any clear reason. India’s trade deficit is hardly $30 billion, so it’s not worth wasting time on significant trade deficits with China or even Canada. However, all this talk of tough tariffs has resulted in a trillion-dollar loss of stock capitalization in India, as reported by Reuters. This is a serious blow.There’s not much that can be done. Trump is Trump. Just two months ago, he was re-elected with a landslide victory, which is helping to unleash unfair financial burdens on smaller economies.Trump is lesser of a ‘Statesman’. He is a businessman hence thinks of profits first and by hook or crook damage the competition.
It’s a good thing because we are able to deal with this blow and make India more resilient in the days to come. Trump is ensuring that India is becoming more US proof economic powerhouse. Trump is not using tariffs effectively. Trump is brandishing tariffs like a hatchet or sledgehammer against everyone everywhere. The problem with that approach is your arm and body is gonna get tired and exhausted from all that swinging all over and you can’t effectively apply it to a few selective places for maximum effect.
US SEC summons against Adani forwarded to Gujarat Court

"The Centre forwarded a summons from the US Securities and Exchange Commission to a Gujarat court to be served on industrialist Gautam Adani in a bribery case, The Hindu reported, citing an internal note sent by the Ministry of Law and Justice dated February 25 to a sessions court.

The summons, issued by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), was forwarded in February under the Hague Convention after a request from the Central Authority of the USA, the report said, citing the government note reviewed by the newspaper."

And the Indian court is gonna tell the SEC to eff off because SEC is trampling on Indian jurisdiction. This is one area where an Indian court has no problem establishing jurisdiction.
Orange rapist is causing irreparable damages to the US hegemony. I am just not sure how this will affect us - a multipolar global order is in our interest but there are caveats. For instance, burgerboys leaving WHO, climate pacts and WTO places the chongs in the pole position to dictate pacts on their own terms.

Also, we should 100% engage with the rest. The FTA with the UK should be signed at the earliest. It does not matter if they are unwilling to grant more medium/long term visas for us to ship IT coolies or asking for more market access for their whiskeys - we stand way way more to gain. Joker Tai and pappu Piyush should get their act together.
Orange rapist is causing irreparable damages to the US hegemony. I am just not sure how this will affect us - a multipolar global order is in our interest but there are caveats. For instance, burgerboys leaving WHO, climate pacts and WTO places the chongs in the pole position to dictate pacts on their own terms.

Also, we should 100% engage with the rest. The FTA with the UK should be signed at the earliest. It does not matter if they are unwilling to grant more medium/long term visas for us to ship IT coolies or asking for more market access for their whiskeys - we stand way way more to gain. Joker Tai and pappu Piyush should get their act together.
Yeah, we want their Political Clout reduced but not Economical Clout. That's a very tight rope to walk.
Orange rapist is causing irreparable damages to the US hegemony. I am just not sure how this will affect us - a multipolar global order is in our interest but there are caveats. For instance, burgerboys leaving WHO, climate pacts and WTO places the chongs in the pole position to dictate pacts on their own terms.

Also, we should 100% engage with the rest. The FTA with the UK should be signed at the earliest. It does not matter if they are unwilling to grant more medium/long term visas for us to ship IT coolies or asking for more market access for their whiskeys - we stand way way more to gain. Joker Tai and pappu Piyush should get their act together.

No to FTA with UK and Canada until they behave.
No to FTA with UK and Canada until they behave.
FTA discussions with Canada are stalled rn. UK runs its economy by sheltering the most problematic elements from across the world - they aren't explicitly anti India or pro khalistani.
Meanwhile China is launching its own constelation of satellites to take on starlink and here are we who despite existence of launch capability are not taking this path and are simply surrendering. Had the government been bit visionary it could have always asked big players like Reliance Adani Airtel to build India's own starlink



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