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Amitabh Chaudhary
“If Modi govt bans Waqf board or makes any changes in it , we muslaman will burn down Bharat and take it back to chaotic times of 1980’s and bring social instability in the country.”

And this man is the 5 times Member of Parliament.

What’s stopping
to initiate a case of Treason and communal unrest against him , what’s stopping the
govt from proposing his membership cancellation to the
?? How can such a hate monger walk free on the streets and keep spreading venom throughout the nation , are we waiting for him to burn the nation in real and only then the govt will act !!?? #RepublicDayIndia #India

This 🕌 suddenly came up next to one of the entrances to Arunachalam temple.

As per the video, it came up within past 1 year.

Urging Hindu organisations to do the needful and remove this encroached dargah/🕌.

All land surrounding temple is temple’s land only. How can this be allowed?





करोड़ों हिंदुओं की कंपनी में मुस्लिम काम करते हैं लेकिन कभी किसी हिंदू ने किसी मुस्लिम कर्मचारी पर धर्म परिवर्तन का दबाव नहीं डाला होगा

लेकिन वह क्या करते हैं इस वीडियो में देखिए


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