Israel Arab Conflicts

What men , you disappeared only & bloody DFI shut down .

On topic , he could be using this as a ruse to buy time for both Iran & it's proxies like Hezbollah to set their house in order. Whoever's sold Hezbollah out is from the top leadership in Iran but he's not allied to the current leadership or even their supreme leader.

Then again it could be part of the game of thrones in Iran for the position of the supreme leader now that Khamenei is himself on the verge of kicking the bucket & there's a succession crisis looming.

Forum is time sink so i try to avoid but then this is the only forum where you can discuss happenings with like-minded folks.

There's another theory that there's an internal tussle between the IRGC boys and the mullahdom for control of the country ironically IRGC was created by the mullahs to protest them against any coups and all by the Irani armed forces.

Supposedly the IRGC is more (((pragmatic))) or rather money-minded while the actual mullahs are rabid fanatics only tempered by the threat of a regime change in Iran
Please someone tells our UN Generals that it's not Israeli weapons but strategy and vision which keeping them ahead from their adversories.

Jago !! UN Generals Jaago.

Israeli deepstate sees itself as the custodian of the survival of the Jewish state and all jaat-bhais within, which is why they have strategy and vision.

Jernails only concerned with lining their pockets, pounding foreign raands and placing their brood in top gora universities and settling them there, and also (((post retirement careers))).

I think the Late CDS Rawat could have brought some changes but then that's the reason that he was made "late" i guess

On the politician side, they are busy getting good economies by bending the knee to Uncle Sam.

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