Israel - Hamas Conflict

Jews themselves haven't harmed India historically, not even once. They have often been victims of their supposed Abrahamic derivatives( I figure this is what you are referring to). The Islamic atrocities on India for the past 1000 years, are the responsibility of one people, the Islamics. It's all on them.

Lol. Keep telling yourself this pal
This is called identification bias. Does this guy have a large following? It's not really relevant. We know how Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi muslims think because we interact with them on a daily basis. But for Arabs? This is insufficient. From my daily experience, I will say they are not like the others.
Look how Moslems in the subcontinent behave when they are in a majority, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Bangladesh...the latter has been horrific of late, and we would think they would be the most tolerant and pluralistic of all the Moslems. Nothing of the sort.
Who is we? I know how "sub"continental muslims are because I grew up with them, as all of you have. Arabs are, for the most part, not the same.
This is called identification bias. Does this guy have a large following? It's not really relevant. We know how Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi muslims think because we interact with them on a daily basis. But for Arabs? This is insufficient. From my daily experience, I will say they are not like the others.
Arabs are not a monolith, they are just like Indians - with wide cultural focuses. Talk to an emirati or Moroccan and they are all about ' do your religion in your home'. Talk to Saudis and Kuwaitis or Qataris and its like talking to the arab version of pakistanis. Talk to Filastini and its like talking to the taliban.
Arabs are not a monolith, they are just like Indians - with wide cultural focuses. Talk to an emirati or Moroccan and they are all about ' do your religion in your home'. Talk to Saudis and Kuwaitis or Qataris and its like talking to the arab version of pakistanis. Talk to Filastini and its like talking to the taliban.

Issue is muslims follow the culture of Quresh tribe eventhough other tribes in Arab have other cultures but because Mohammad came from Quresh tribe so it became dominant after tribe war.
Who is we? I know how "sub"continental muslims are because I grew up with them, as all of you have. Arabs are, for the most part, not the same.

Real Arabs are dumping izlam. Their kings are banning Sahih (verified) Hadiths, without Hadiths even Quran will be just an unordered unrhyming gibberish. They are turning momo into a mediocre fictional writer from a prophet.

Do not equate current generation of Amirati/Saud etc with what they were 50 years back or with Cuckverts across the globe.
The experience of war and tactics used is vast in IDF. Don't know if Indian armed forces can follow up the same way as India is also being surrounded now.
Taking offensive style is different thing. First of all India never get out of emotion whether to attack or not !
At the least, acknowledge that Indian Jews, whether of Mumbai or Cochin, have never been a problem for India and Hindus. Nor have they, needless to say, experienced any hostility from Hindus.

If you knew the history of "Indian Jews", and Judaicism in general, you wouldn't say this. Btw, they have been a problem in every single country they have ever been. Do you truly believe India is suddenly an exception? (Ans: No). I will never acknowledge a falsehood. Satyameva Jayate.
The experience of war and tactics used is vast in IDF. Don't know if Indian armed forces can follow up the same way as India is also being surrounded now.
Isarel ain't surrounded by two nuclear nations, and well armed & better fighting forces, your moves should be calculated, Yes you can learn some of the stuffs, imp thing's management of air defence, how to achieve maximum results, critical Intel on enemies

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