Israel Iranian proxy Conflicts

same old iranian BS , nothing just showbaazi to regain trust of ummah. they are getting freehand of attacking israel's no man's land by papa US. how can we believe that israel can hit leader of hezbollah easily and not have first hand knowledge of such big attack. only gazans will pay now with more bombing.
Iran’s 180 missiles have been mostly intercepted or fell at places where damage was light. The Western news media about 16 minutes back had photographed the interception. Iron dome was useful.

What a grand mistake by Iran……

Now get ready to loose Iran’s nuclear program because it will be targeted.

I think these were no value missiles designed to draw out the David's Sling and Arrows before they send in their sophisticated missiles. That is what I would do. Saturate the areas so the enemy expend all their defensive weaponry and then follow up with more accurate missiles and take out the high value targets such as runways, airplane shelters, HQs, intelligence nodes, power plans, nuclear facilities, etc.

But I do agree with you on one thing: Iran will definitely for in a world of hurt on another level. Question is: can Iran withstand it? And will Russia or China step in to save Iran from Israel in order to poke a finger in the eyes of US and/or EU?
I think these were no value missiles designed to draw out the David's Sling and Arrows before they send in their sophisticated missiles. That is what I would do. Saturate the areas so the enemy expend all their defensive weaponry and then follow up with more accurate missiles and take out the high value targets such as runways, airplane shelters, HQs, intelligence nodes, power plans, nuclear facilities, etc.

But I do agree with you on one thing: Iran will definitely for in a world of hurt on another level. Question is: can Iran withstand it? And will Russia or China step in to save Iran from Israel in order to poke a finger in the eyes of US and/or EU?
Situation is such that neither Russia nor China can intervene. It is a God sent opportunity when nobody can intervene if Israel decides to bomb the Iran’s nuclear sites. Israel has to do no more but just destroy the four nuclear sites. Then rest of the ME can sleep easy.

All the Iranian missiles are Chinese copy of copy. If the accuracy is doubtful. If these reach the ground, these probably destroy something but not critical infrastructure. That price Israel has to pay.

Moreover the Americans have arrived in the Eastern Meditranian Sea, Red Sea and the Gulf. They will help to stop missiles.
Scary and unpredictable time ahead. It seems great game has begun.

Hindus who believe they will remained untouched from whatever has been going around the world are busy in candlelight’s march.

Hindus need to be assertive before things come to us. Stop shillings for anyone.

Work for political Hindutva on the ground and on social media.

Abrahamic will eventually look for scapegoat.
Bhai, let me tell you and all one thing, if even whole Islamic world think that along with their citizens who resides in India with the name of "Indian muslims" they can islamize India.
Then I think they are living in highest fallacy, I want India to enter war because then 0.5 front will be destroyed completely.
They can bark very much in X or facebook or telegram, but once India enters they will run faster than anyone to CHOWMEINS to control India, that's why you all see Bangladeshis and Pakistanis talking always bringing China in the minx, same will be the situation with middle-east Rambos too.
Use this thread for further discussion, it's now a full fledged War.

This thread will be used for greater proxy conflict.
It'll be better if our ships hang around in international waters with declared positions and have their radars on scan mode. Will generate a treasure trove of data as Iranian missiles and Israeli F35s fly nearby. Will be excellent real-time training for our boys at others expense although there will be a big risk of taking collateral damage

Why else do you think we are there ? To do some naval exercise with a navy that is 10 times worse than ours in what is effectively a shallow saltwater lake with one outlet ? Especially when we do naval exercises with Murrica, France, etc. and gain something out of it ourselves.
This is like asking Bruce Lee to 'get some practice' with fat b@stard from Austin powers.

We are there to record the radar signatures of whatever missiles Israel & Iran are hucking at one another, whatever planes are flying there and more importantly, to record acoustic signature of pretty much ALL warships that are in the region - and in rare stroke of luck, we are going to have acoustic signature of not one but TWO US CBGs.
We are there to record the radar signatures of whatever missiles Israel & Iran are hucking at one another,

Bi-lateral exercises are usually planned months in advance as both forces have to agree on what each of them will do. Very unlikely that we would have anticipated Israel-Iran to get into shooting match right when we were docking into a Iranian port. It's just that we are very luckily to be so close to a very hot area and have a very good reason to be there
Bi-lateral exercises are usually planned months in advance as both forces have to agree on what each of them will do. Very unlikely that we would have anticipated Israel-Iran to get into shooting match right when we were docking into a Iranian port. It's just that we are very luckily to be so close to a very hot area and have a very good reason to be there
You think with Israel-Palestine-Hezbollah going bat-shit crazy for almost 11 months now takes a genius to figure out that it will suck in Iran and there will be bombs and missiles flying and if we can get our military over there during this period, there is a high chance we will show up at the right time in the right place to gather intel of foreign militaries's assets ?!?

We are the LEAST vulnerable side in terms of being at risk from Israel or Iran, coz I cant think of a SINGLE other nation that has better relations than India does with Israel AND Iran as a sum total.
We are Israel's strongest ally in Asia and our relationship with Iran ranges from ' cordial' to 'frosty' at worst.

Not even murrica or Russia or China or anyone else in Europe or Asia can claim to have the same level of postive relations with BOTH of them.
@Azaad Looks like our prediction might be close to come true. Can't say what may or may not happen from now on, but if Kamala becomes first woman President then she will definitely be tested. Both Iran and China will push the envelope and test her nerves.
Arre these are all jhumlas fed to civilians.
They have built China all these years precisely to be the Big Bad of the coming decades like the Soviet Union was for latter part the 20th century

It is not an accident, it is not a wrong prediction.

They fed PRChina the monetary investment, the technical knowledge, the sweetheart trade deals and concessions, knowing how the CCP regime works there, they looked the other way while the Chinese stole US defence tech secrets and made various 1:1 clones of their high tech weapons and jets.

It's almost what they gave Korea and Japan but those were/are vassals.

Meanwhile our govt has to beg , plead and do mujra for a few GE jet engines, a few semiconductor fabs and even assembly plants for Laptops, god only knows what all has been "given" for the privilege of buying Russkie oil without sanctions.

They even stopped regime change stunts after the Tianmen Square protests failed with the massacre.

What our govt and nation suffers is the defacto policy of the West for un-enslaved( or "allied" in their terminology ) nations,
So you might wonder why was so much lavished upon China? people bandy about what jhumls you've mentioned and the classic "China was cold war ally against Soviet Union" but these are all copium meant for civilian consumption.

Truth is the China you see today is according to plan, it is not an accident, it is not a fuck up.

There is nothing substantial in comparison between USSR and PRC.
For one, even at its peak, USSR was never more than 40% of US GDP. China is already at 70-80%.
For two, USSR and USA had next to zero trade links and trade links ARE the major barrier to direct or indirect confrontation, because trade means they have ability to hurt you as you do to them.
USA and PRC are practically conjoined twins when it comes to trade and no mount of American handwringing is gonna turn the trade scenario of USA-PRC to USA-USSR, not in the globalisation era, where there are a lot of workarounds for direct trade even under tariff regime.

China today is most definitely not according to plan. In the 90s there was HUGE belief in every sector of US politics and economics that investment in China will make Chinese richer, which will give them sufficient disposable income to want democracy. Well, the chinese got richer than the west expected but no such political liberalisation followed suite.

What you are seeing with India is 'once bitten twice shy' syndrome. West is already aghast that it created the monster of China because of its own copium about what it thought about Chinese future, its loathe to make that mistake twice with India, especially since unlike China, India is a democracy and will be even harder to vilify in legacy media and drive opinions.
'Dumb cow piss drinking pajeet' line of thinking is something they may hold inside/talk on 4chan but thats not what you can use in legacy media to drive mass opinions over time like they do with China.
For that, you need actual big ticket ideological sticking points like 'muh freedom vs their evil repressive dictatorship'.
PS: reason the US thought that economic liberalisation would lead to political liberalisation, is because of glasnost with USSR.
In glasnost, USSR allowed Iron curtain countries to start travelling to the west, which resulted in them coming back with 'OMFG WE ARE CAVEMEN IN MATERIAL LIFE COMPARED TO THE WEST, WE WANT SAME, MUST HAVE DEMOCRACY'.
***THIS*** was the driving force in killing communism in Europe.
The 'travel to west -----> have your eyes opened about how awesome life is in the west--->go home and demand the same, starting with democracy' pathway is what they expected to recreate for China via economic liberalization.
Ie, Chinese get richer ----> chinese get disposable income ---->Chinese travel to the west--->go home and demand the same, starting with democracy pathway.

Well, it took only 20-25 years, till literally last 5 years or so, for the west to realize that their vaunted pathway termintes at 2nd last step and everything in that flowchart stays same, except the last step becomes 'and chinese when they go back to their home countries after travelling, go back to being politically oppressed and dont give a shit because CONTRARY to the western prediction, Chinese think 'this govt is what is getting us richer so we can travel the world, so lets not fuck with it as long as it doesnt completely bollox up the economy ( and by that i dont mean some housing giant going under or some stock market bubble crash' but getting significantly poorer materially, like the soviets did in the 80s compared to their 60s and 70s life.
PS: reason the US thought that economic liberalisation would lead to political liberalisation, is because of glasnost with USSR.
In glasnost, USSR allowed Iron curtain countries to start travelling to the west, which resulted in them coming back with 'OMFG WE ARE CAVEMEN IN MATERIAL LIFE COMPARED TO THE WEST, WE WANT SAME, MUST HAVE DEMOCRACY'.
***THIS*** was the driving force in killing communism in Europe.
The 'travel to west -----> have your eyes opened about how awesome life is in the west--->go home and demand the same, starting with democracy' pathway is what they expected to recreate for China via economic liberalization.
Ie, Chinese get richer ----> chinese get disposable income ---->Chinese travel to the west--->go home and demand the same, starting with democracy pathway.

Well, it took only 20-25 years, till literally last 5 years or so, for the west to realize that their vaunted pathway termintes at 2nd last step and everything in that flowchart stays same, except the last step becomes 'and chinese when they go back to their home countries after travelling, go back to being politically oppressed and dont give a shit because CONTRARY to the western prediction, Chinese think 'this govt is what is getting us richer so we can travel the world, so lets not fuck with it as long as it doesnt completely bollox up the economy ( and by that i dont mean some housing giant going under or some stock market bubble crash' but getting significantly poorer materially, like the soviets did in the 80s compared to their 60s and 70s life.
The issue is that people don't really understand the average Chinese citizen. It’s deeply ingrained in their folklore, traditions, and culture, passed down for over 5,000 years. From childhood, they’re spoon-fed this idea, passed down from their ancestors, that they are somehow a superior, noble race, descended from the Yellow Emperor and some mythological creature like a lizard or dragon. The average Chinese person is raised to believe that they are part of the “Middle Kingdom,” and that all surrounding countries are lesser, deserving of being vassals. In some ways, they are similar to other supremacist ideologies, like certain extremist groups, but less overtly violent. You can see this mindset in their folklore and cultural emphasis on lineage, ancestry, race, and bloodline, which are more unchangeable than even religion in their society. The former is deadly in uniting people than religion.

You’ll notice this attitude if you encounter Chinese people in the West, as some of my friends have. Many come across as snobbish, viewing themselves as a superior race. Of course, you see this among white nationalists too, but they developed that attitude after Western hegemony. In contrast, the Chinese have carried this belief of superiority for over 5,000 years. If you compare this to the Soviets, there's a major difference. The Soviets were united by a newly formed ideology—communism—which the average person couldn’t really relate to on a personal or cultural level. It’s easier to get people to rally behind the idea of being a noble race with a noble lineage than to unite them under an abstract ideology that lacks deep roots in their identity.

Also, keep in mind that the small fraction of English-speaking Chinese you might meet, less than 0.1% of the true mainland population, are often more open-minded. But the average Chinese citizen is very different. I've read some of their wuxia/xianxia novels, and the level of racism in those stories is nauseating, far worse than anything you’d find on extremist online forums like 4chan. 4chancels could even come close to writing puke-worthy scripts compared to average chinese citizen. You can find 100s or if not 1000s of novels in Urban Novels section where there is regular ge*ocide/slavery/rape of other countries set in alterate world. Even after their so-called “century of humiliation,” the Chinese haven’t seen it as a humbling lesson but rather a temporary setback, with their sense of superiority and desire for hegemony intact.

It’s no accident that democracy doesn’t work in mainland China. Taiwan is just a small, whitewashed version of democracy. In comparison, the Soviet Union’s glasnost succeeded to some degree because the people were from diverse cultures, bound together by an artificial ideology. That ideology couldn’t truly unite people, which is why it eventually fell apart. But in China, the deep-rooted sense of racial and cultural superiority makes it much harder for such ideological shifts to take hold.
You think with Israel-Palestine-Hezbollah going bat-shit crazy for almost 11 months now takes a genius to figure out that it will suck in Iran and there will be bombs and missiles flying and if we can get our military over there during this period, there is a high chance we will show up at the right time in the right place to gather intel of foreign militaries's assets ?!?

We are the LEAST vulnerable side in terms of being at risk from Israel or Iran, coz I cant think of a SINGLE other nation that has better relations than India does with Israel AND Iran as a sum total.
We are Israel's strongest ally in Asia and our relationship with Iran ranges from ' cordial' to 'frosty' at worst.

Not even murrica or Russia or China or anyone else in Europe or Asia can claim to have the same level of postive relations with BOTH of them.

Laying off "5D chess" copium shots is good for mental health. We'll only be fooling ourselves if we took what is obviously a coincidence and termed it a remarkable move.

We splurged millions on each of the Predators only to see them getting taken out by HOUTHIS! who are essentially tribal militias in Uniform carrying 70s-era soviet weaponry or it copies! And our geniuses expect to field these Predators against Pak & China!

Didn't our immaculate planners have enough data to know that these slow moving flying kits were good for target practice even if one didn't have a functional radar? And these immaculate planners have supposedly positioned our ships just in time to gather signatures of CBGs & F35s when in combat?

Our boys are good, extremely good, but the rot at top & middle layers of our establishment will not be overcome anytime soon. It is better to understand our weaknesses and be in touch with reality than be delusional, in denial and then panic when our adversaries decide to switch on the spot lights
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