ISRO - General Discussions

It is those Western countries, particularly the English speaking ones, that are jealous, whiny and petty over India's achievements, because they haven't themseves done it. It is, barring the odd dissonant voice, not Mexico, Colombia, Congo, Philippines, Vietnam etc. Just to keep a,sense of perspective.
He is referring to worst korea in this case.
So, Iam seeing all these Weird Inferiority Complex laden bots from Not-so-Developed Space Industry peedling news like ISRO is only successful because labor is cheap. That's it. How much of this argument is bullshit? Like MOM, CHANDRAYAAN, ADITYA and all these are possible not because they are cheap. I acknowledge they are paid Not-So-Abundantly but they peddle these "Muh Cheap Labor" arguments as if we Intelligence and Quality of Labor doesn't matter.

I still couldn't understand how exactly having cheap labor attributes to success of various complex missions like Moon Landing? I mean if being Cheap resulted in such, we should see dozens of these countries do it isn't it?
They will do, they not able to digest that India able to do these things.

Now, India becoming a needle for them.
Can someone here experienced in Launch Vehicles tell me why can't we attach 2 other Solid Rocket Boosters S-200 making LVM-3 Boosters totally 4 along with its First Stage with 4x Vikas Engines instead of 2. What would happen? It could serve as alternate until NGLV is ready and ofcourse the time has passed for that thought, since we are now focusing fully on Soorya, but why didn't ISRO took this route before this? What would the payload to LEO and GEO would be? Or doesn't it work at all?
Can someone here experienced in Launch Vehicles tell me why can't we attach 2 other Solid Rocket Boosters S-200 making LVM-3 Boosters totally 4 along with its First Stage with 4x Vikas Engines instead of 2. What would happen? It could serve as alternate until NGLV is ready and ofcourse the time has passed for that thought, since we are now focusing fully on Soorya, but why didn't ISRO took this route before this? What would the payload to LEO and GEO would be? Or doesn't it work at all?
4 large solid boosters in first stage will too complex to control

4 Vikas engines can be done, but it will take time, & NGLV will follow immediately, so it's not worth time & effort
Can someone here experienced in Launch Vehicles tell me why can't we attach 2 other Solid Rocket Boosters S-200 making LVM-3 Boosters totally 4 along with its First Stage with 4x Vikas Engines instead of 2. What would happen? It could serve as alternate until NGLV is ready and ofcourse the time has passed for that thought, since we are now focusing fully on Soorya, but why didn't ISRO took this route before this? What would the payload to LEO and GEO would be? Or doesn't it work at all?

The Vibrations and mechanical stresses generated due to the addition of two more 5000 kN SRB's would destroy the Rocket
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So, Iam seeing all these Weird Inferiority Complex laden bots from Not-so-Developed Space Industry peedling news like ISRO is only successful because labor is cheap. That's it. How much of this argument is bullshit? Like MOM, CHANDRAYAAN, ADITYA and all these are possible not because they are cheap. I acknowledge they are paid Not-So-Abundantly but they peddle these "Muh Cheap Labor" arguments as if we Intelligence and Quality of Labor doesn't matter.

I still couldn't understand how exactly having cheap labor attributes to success of various complex missions like Moon Landing? I mean if being Cheap resulted in such, we should see dozens of these countries do it isn't it?
Screw them. If labour is cheap then Entire African continent will be pinnacle of science and Tech. Mofos should be shut their mouth and cope harder.

Not britbongs, but a certain plastic obsessed country, where they inserted in every paragraph that it succeeded because of availability of "Muh Cheap labor" and not on Intellectual Potential. If these butthurt said "Well, these people poured billions and hence they could accomplish this" then that makes atleast a sense, but I could never ever comprehend how is landing on moon is tied to cheap labor and low salaries? Afterall Salaries is just a matter of convenience than can be increased with just a signature, where as even if you pour billions in certain kind of countries they couldn't manufacture a bike much less a moon rover.

I thought maybe I missed any reasons of this Cheap Labor rhetoric and hence asked here.

Plastic obsessed country - South Korea.

With shit tier TFR and an being an bitch to daddy America for 70 years. they should simply worry about their KPOP stars and viral fan wars.

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