Japan General Discussion


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है.
Jun 27, 2024
Yet the japanese are still living under the thumb of these Yankees.
They could have formed strategic partnership with India.
With India relationship with Russia, some of their Russians apprehension too could had subsided.
But they chose USA and beilef in USA propaganda, great, live with it.
Some in Japan should be missing that Russia India Japan tri-lateral.
They could have formed strategic partnership with India
India barely has strategic power beyond Indian Ocean region.

Japan has a security pact with India already btw, but it doesn't work for above reason.
With India relationship with Russia, some of their Russians apprehension too could had subsided.
Any of Japnese value to Russia dwarfed by far from China. India cannot make impact in a region where Russia & China have close baches, North Korea testing ballistic missiles and finally formidable militaries of Japan & Korea.

India is still weaker than Japan in Oceans.
But they chose USA and beilef in USA propaganda, great, live with it.
Japnese state is a US puppet state and they chose it over getting vaporized
Some in Japan should be missing that Russia India Japan tri-lateral.
Since this tri-lateral never existed, no one would be missing it.

India Russia Japan is just a random wild idea.

India should and will focus on superiority in Indian Ocean.

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