Jokes Thread

Ya'll Going to watch Shararat.


The shittiest term ever in history is this western historical crap of 'xyz the great'. Peter the great, akbar the great, so n so the great.
When they are ALL fucking examples of being poor scholars and basic failure to translate greek.

The first ever usage of the term 'great', is the greek term 'megas'. Which actually means 'mega' as in big/great in size/gigantic, etc etc. Why ? Because of Aleaxander III of Macedon, aka the one we call Alexander the great. Why ? Coz his dynasty ( Argeads) loved the name Alexander and there were ones before him as kings ( hence III for him), numerous princes, etc. and many AFTER him.
So this was their obvious short-hand for THAT Alexander - you know - the BIG one. Coz before and after this Alex, Macedon = a country the size of Uttarakhand.
Not even the greeks associated the term megas with 'awesome standard setting dude', though they DID worship Alexander for the 'halcyon greek hero'.

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