Jokes Thread

mujhe to ye lioness lag rahi....kya ye jungli billa hai?? i didnt see jungli billa yet.

Looks like a Caracal, it is endemic to North West India.

Each and every engineer in India irrespective of branch irrespective of college is dependant over youtube

Why to give fees to clg rather buy youtube premium and go to clg for exams with examination fee

Above is wild idea dont take it seriously

In case of the STEM disciplines (plus Medical), formal education is absolutely a must. Don't take what TESLA's recruitment policy says too seriously. Formal education is very important. In addition to the theory, the curriculum is carefully designed to teach the students the "ethics" of the business.
Looks like a Caracal, it is endemic to North West India.

In case of the STEM disciplines (plus Medical), formal education is absolutely a must. Don't take what TESLA's recruitment policy says too seriously. Formal education is very important. In addition to the theory, the curriculum is carefully designed to teach the students the "ethics" of the business.
That's why I have written wild idea

My point was for exams and studies u can't rely on any prof in India there are exceptions but in most of the cases youtube zindabad

What's up with the Tamil political circle nowadays? These things seem to be too much prevalent in the South. Chutmulla Netas, specifically within the preiyar circle. They're behaving very rogue, stupid & cringy nowadays. Even Islamists look better. They're inciting the delimitation row just to push regional division. Now posing with Sunita Williams whom they were bashing a few days ago because she worshipped Ganesha. I don't understand these people. They're the most divisive, sectionist, casteist & discriminative people I've come across. They don't consider other region people as humans but then they pretend that they're saving democracy.

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