Launch: GSLV F15 - NVS-02 (aka IRNSS-1K) 29 Januray 2025 06:23 IST


शौर्यम् दक्षम् युध्धेयः, बलिदान् परम् धर्मः
Jun 30, 2024
Last edited:
We are making good use of 2500kg of GSLV GEO payload. INS Gen 2 sats are 2250kg compare to 1500kg of gen1.

"NVS-02, the second satellite in the NVS series, is configured with navigation payload in L1, L5 and S bands in addition to ranging payload in C-band like its predecessor-NVS-01. It is configured on standard I-2K bus platforms with a lift-off mass of 2,250 kg and power handling capability of ~3 kW"
There were supposed to be orbit raising firings after the initial orbit, these don't appear to have taken place. Hope things are all right.
The vehicle GSLV Mk 2, seemed to have worked very well, and the scientists were pleased with its performance. There is a defect in the satellite this time.
No he is right, why every time need to fire thrusters of satellite to raise its orbit. Why cant placed it directly.

Even after 40-50 years we dont have rocket that can place object on geo orbit directly, than we are failed.
The vehicle GSLV Mk 2, seemed to have worked very well, and the scientists were pleased with its performance. There is a defect in the satellite this time.
Vehicle worked flawlessly based on its design. The problem is the vehicle is not designed to put satellites in such orbits directly. We desperately need bigger rockets. But our chalta attitude and pride in this jugaad nonsense is killing us. Jugaad can only take us so far and using satellites thrusters to maneuver into the final orbit it a jugaad in today's standards, especially for a satellite weighing only 2200kgs. Finally our chalta and jugaad attitude is catching up to the one last good thing we have had - ISRO. If our work and scientific culture doesn't change, even ISRO will be doomed soon (not even later, but very soon).
Vehicle worked flawlessly based on its design. The problem is the vehicle is not designed to put satellites in such orbits directly. We desperately need bigger rockets. But our chalta attitude and pride in this jugaad nonsense is killing us. Jugaad can only take us so far and using satellites thrusters to maneuver into the final orbit it a jugaad in today's standards, especially for a satellite weighing only 2200kgs. Finally our chalta and jugaad attitude is catching up to the one last good thing we have had - ISRO. If our work and scientific culture doesn't change, even ISRO will be doomed soon (not even later, but very soon).
Thats why as always said, first create a heavy launcher, than go for other thing. Now what happened, just for saving some money ISRO lost whole satellite.

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