LCA TEJAS MK-I & MK-IA: News and Discussion

Which next Generation Tank army is designing??
Which next generation BMP and amphibious vehicle army is designing??
Which Assault Rifles is army designing??
Which ATGM army is designing??

2035 will come in next 10 years. Meanwhile designing, prototype development and trials alone take 15 years.

It's not blackpilling, it is a state of our armed forces
Tanks, armoured carriers will fall easy prey to flying bombs and UAVs, hence too much emphasis on them is not good.

We have Ak203 then we do not need to design and build anything else. Although there is one better designed by private sector.

ATGM of hand held and helicopter mounted are ready. Except that Army men did not get commission hence making no progress.
Tanks, armoured carriers will fall easy prey to flying bombs and UAVs, hence too much emphasis on them is not good.
Actually other way around is true... To much emphasis on UAV is also not good. UAV is okay but strong jamming can leave them useless. Until we have autonomous UAV.

Without armoured carrier and tanks it's impossible to launch an attack on front line.

UAV is just another layer of offence and defence in the battle but UAV presence doesn't mean Tanks or armoured carriers are useless.

Even knife is still relevant in the war and you are disregarding tanks and armoured carrier.

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