Modernisation of Indian Army Infantry

On surface level things look quite good. Modern rifles, all with optics, EyePros, Anti-UAV, good gears.
Someone might even comment badass.

But anyone with good understanding of weapons would see a serious problem here. Not just a lack of modern technologies or procurement issues, but problems with training and the attitude.

The only thing this poor grunt is seeing despite having a 600m rifle and a good german RDS is sadly just the top of his rifle's Picatinny rail.
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This is why any serious operator would have used a risers; so that his line-of-sight and weapon's sight picture could've coincided in the first place.
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This is not a lack of technology thing, this is simply a lack of awareness. Just like how a bunch of guys completely blocked their sight picture with a flashlight and no one questioned why.
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More than not, I have seen such showmanship of poor training or awareness. Are we doomed to stay like this, does the officer cadre also suffer from such goofups. I guess we are doomed to remain medicore then.
30.66% of budget goes to pay and 22.70% to pensions. Not commenting on whether it's good or bad, but can't we forgo just 1% to bring in ex-SpecOps guys from US or heck even private mercenaries for surrogate training!?

Joint exercises are cool but only a small percentage of the whole exercise translate to any actual learning as compared to proper training. Just look how a bunch of NATO trainers completely changed the way Ukrainian army used to be in under an year.

China has been successfully poaching high level NATO fighter pilots for training for years now.

And despite being out biggest threat, can't we do this much?

I've a serious question.
Who is this Alpha Defense guy?
I'm noticing him from DFI days. It always seems like he lurks here on DFI, goes through all the discussion we've and then puts a video or tweet to defend each and every mediocrity.

Patka this, Patka that....this is a Patka
Even if we leave aside all the terminal ballistics of a human cranium taking 1.5kJ of energy on a material that neither deforms nor disintegrates the problem is, only the green part has any protection (a steel belt with Kevlar and foam) and the top red part is just a layer of thin aramide.

And what's the most common position a soldier would be in? Prone
Now tell me which part of his body would be most exposed to incoming fire from 12 o'clock and what protection he'd have against that wearing a Patka.

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