Modernisation of Indian Army Infantry

They just look tacticool. No BJP, Scopes, Comm. Other than the fact that they're prancing around all over the landscape, the Maps or Ola-Ubers are much greater threat.
+ No muzzle discipline, no trigger discipline,. flagging everyone and everything left right and centre
(Not saying our troops fare good in Rules of firearm safety, but atleast they are passable)
Bayonet charges are cheaper. I doubt enlisted men even train with scopes in basic. Soviet influence did more harm for army's infantry tactics than good.​
Yes they train with bayonets, and no, train like you fight is a concept completely alien to IA

I saw some Small team tactics being instructed to the junior cadre, how much of it is absorbed by them or how importance given to it, I don't know
They just look tacticool. No BJP, Scopes, Comm. Other than the fact that they're prancing around all over the landscape, the Maps or Ola-Ubers are much greater threat.
but still if given chance they will develop faster and smarter than us i genuinely think.
Most likely same Chinese supplier with different labels.
Prob that I just found yet another local army store insta channel with the same exact pc but with different sticker.

Btw this pc are now going to be used for all major foreign exercises to look cool
Prob that I just found yet another local army store insta channel with the same exact pc but with different sticker.

Btw this pc are now going to be used for all major foreign exercises to look cool
Fuck functionality I guess. Made in Bharat my ass!



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