Panty sniffers are holding some of the highest posts of the land. This has been the bane of Hindu society since independence.I often get trolled for my opinion by Panty sniffers. But Truth remain the Truth.
Funny thing is, to hide women's crime panty sniffers will give an imaginary and fake theory "" 60% crime against women go unreported in India"
Holding longhouse opinions seems to be politics-agnostic in India, left right centre doesn't matter. Leader ji has uttered platitudes like 'Agar aap apne bete ko nahi kehte ho raat ko bahar mat jana to beti se bhi mat kahiye' or some such thing lol. Only 'based' ones in this regard are the likes of Owaisi and other katmulla vote bank politicians.Panty sniffers are holding some of the highest posts of the land. This has been the bane of Hindu society since independence.
Wherever you see panty sniffers, attack brutally. Remember, you are saving some innocent man somewhere in future.
Panty sniffers enable and "empower" unimaginable and anti human crimes by laadli behenas. For them, it is equivalent to "Nari shakti".
Pretty sure he even paid for multiple cosmetic procedures during the course of the relationship apart from the alimony he is now paying.
Its not just decriminalization of adultery, its also how easily po*n is being created, distributed, sold in India via webseries while our minsters who are in charge, talk about sanskars and Indian culture, when they are the ones who can actually bring the change. In 99% of these videos, they will show married Hindu wives, in their traditional attire, opening up their legs for anyone.All these adultery related cases exploded after Modi made adultery decriminalised.
it is indeed strange that the avg person definitely asserts his cultural identity much more unapologetically than before yet it feels like degeneracy has never been higher. The 2 are not as irreconcilable as they seem tbh. Even dyed in the wool phlegminists 20-30 yrs ago were not dressing the way many avg nibbis dress nowadays to go outside.Its not just decriminalization of adultery, its also how easily po*n is being created, distributed, sold in India via webseries while our minsters who are in charge, talk about sanskars and Indian culture, when they are the ones who can actually bring the change. In 99% of these videos, they will show married Hindu wives, in their traditional attire, opening up their legs for anyone.
Also I feel a lot of degeneracy being promoted by none other that Hindutvadis. I remember during the time of Congress(not a fan of them), consumption of alcohol was still a very big taboo by the Indian middle class atleast. To see a women smoking or drinking was very very rare. But now the situation has changed.
Also this whole madness of calling ordinary women as Devis by Hindus is so cringe, like just because she has XX chromosomes, that doesn't equate her with some God or Goddess. Putting man or women on a pedestal is never a good idea.
Then comes the full force of pseudo feminist articles videos on Internet telling Indian women to become degenerates. And our communication minister does nothing. And there are so many other points to mention but it will take days to write them...
The Indian Hindu society in general have become what they used to make fun of 15-16 yrs back. Now your own daughters are there doing digital prostitution on Instagram and the father is proud that her daughter is an "influencer".
I whole-heartedly second all that you have said.Its not just decriminalization of adultery, its also how easily po*n is being created, distributed, sold in India via webseries while our minsters who are in charge, talk about sanskars and Indian culture, when they are the ones who can actually bring the change. In 99% of these videos, they will show married Hindu wives, in their traditional attire, opening up their legs for anyone.
Also I feel a lot of degeneracy being promoted by none other that Hindutvadis. I remember during the time of Congress(not a fan of them), consumption of alcohol was still a very big taboo by the Indian middle class atleast. To see a women smoking or drinking was very very rare. But now the situation has changed.
Also this whole madness of calling ordinary women as Devis by Hindus is so cringe, like just because she has XX chromosomes, that doesn't equate her with some God or Goddess. Putting man or women on a pedestal is never a good idea.
Then comes the full force of pseudo feminist articles videos on Internet telling Indian women to become degenerates. And our communication minister does nothing. And there are so many other points to mention but it will take days to write them...
The Indian Hindu society in general have become what they used to make fun of 15-16 yrs back. Now your own daughters are there doing digital prostitution on Instagram and the father is proud that her daughter is an "influencer".
We don't need men's rights. We need just one thing from any self-respecting government - is to follow common sense and natural justice.Last time we had a party in LS elections whose poster became viral because it specifically championed mens rights. It took a few decades of social engineering for things to get to this point so Won't be addressed overnight. Society will have to suffer more first.
We can also add the lgb*q madness as well. Seems like the so called modern Hindutva political leaders has done nothing substantial for the Hindus in the long run. No Gurukuls, no Hindu institutions, no proper scholarship schemes for the Hindus, no help to persecuted Pak and Bangladesh Hindus, no jhatka certification, nothing which can be said as permanent and long lasting.I whole-heartedly second all that you have said.
It is shocking to see the kind of degeneracy which is being allowed to be promoted under a Hindutvabadi rule. Yes I too remember, that under Congress, alcohol was taboo, smoking was seen as bad and many a times we had people just taking cigarettes from women and throwing it away, also many shopkeepers refused to sell cigarettes to women. All that has gone for a complete toss.
I tell you, if I there is logical promise by any Congi that he will undo all the above. I say, I can bring them back. Nation does not survive without a society, and the manner in which BJP has allowed woke poison to flow into the veins of the society is mind-numbing.
That too Modi himself is at the forefront using all this non-sense Nari shakti.
Also remember something - we bow our heads in front of goddesses whose arms are raised towards us bestowing Ashirwaad. We can never, and will never bow our heads in front of women who are showing their clenched fists towards us. Never.
People get the leaders they deserve. That is simple reality of any democracy: create space for political capital xyz amongst people = some politician will come along and champion it.We can also add the lgb*q madness as well. Seems like the so called modern Hindutva political leaders has done nothing substantial for the Hindus in the long run. No Gurukuls, no Hindu institutions, no proper scholarship schemes for the Hindus, no help to persecuted Pak and Bangladesh Hindus, no jhatka certification, nothing which can be said as permanent and long lasting.
Just some lip service, some jai shri raam dj being played, building some temples which are basically selfie hotspots nowadays. After all without gurukuls, we will not have any knowledge of how to make use of temples.
BJP is like the student who is happy scoring more than Congress but what's the point if its less than 40? They both have failed the exam.
Ok. Granted.People get the leaders they deserve. That is simple reality of any democracy: create space for political capital xyz amongst people = some politician will come along and champion it.
You want gurukul and hindu institutions and all that ? Bacchey, thats called you want to sprint before you can even stand.
Hindus are not united like muslims+christians + libbus are. First order of business is to create hindu consciousness. That is our generations ( 40+ peoples) job in BJP/hinduvta. Another 20 years later we can talk of strarting a gurukul or two depending on how the next 20 years fare in our quest to lern how to stand on our two feet, aka create basic hindu unity.
Its one thing to come to hindu-leanining forums like this, its another to create such momentum ON GROUND.
One thing that is true for post-Advani era BJP,aka motu-bhai+modi Bjp,is that they are your good old 'chakki pees-ing' model of politics : slow, steady grinding, shifting of overton windows. They are never in a hurry to get anything done, unless they deem it an emergency issue like article 370 or such - because the largest party in the world and most successful party in the world for last 15 years,isnt gonna abandon the model that works.
Modi i think is a visionary because he has the realism of a visionary - he knows how to plant the seeds and focus on watering the seeds,rather than whining or wishing why we dont have a lotta fruit in our garden right now.
We have not won the most basic war frontier to win : control our own narrative. That is the first order of business of hinduvta, not gurukul or jhatkaa certification- those will automatically follow once we win the basic frontier war : control our own narrative.