first retro game that i'd like to introduce to you all,
[ before i move forward, a little disclaimer,
when it comes to cheap chinese FamiClones, a lot of stuff that we got was actually in japanese or chinese; then some outright 'bootleg' stuff was made from existing lesser-known games with replaced sprites of mario or some other characters, then these chinese guys also made their original stuff too so bravo,
thus it's important in this internet age to mention actual origins of these stuffs just to be clear ]
have you seen legendary sports-comedy movie "Shaolin Soccer" ?
the plot of movie was mixing martial arts with football in fantasy-comical ways
But what if I tell you, even before this movie was made, some Nintendo game actually depicted (albeit somewhat crudely and comically at it) fantasy martial arts mixed with football thing? well not actually martial arts x football per se, it's rather like, japanese delinquents going around the world for some football tournament and bringing their hot-headedness in these all...but honestly this video game reminds me a lot, A LOT, of 'Shaolin Soccer' movie
Goal 3 (chinese bootleg name) or
Kunio-Kun no Nekketsu Soccer League ( くにおくんの熱血サッカーリーグ actual japanese title for Famicom, means Kunio's Hot-Blooded Soccer League)
in west it was released as
Nintendo World Cup, actually this
Goal 3 // Kunio-Kun's is a sequel to the western release, but my personal recommendation, don't bother with western release, it's botched a lot
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some pointers for this game
> well, it's football, but mixed with hot-headness of this Kunio guy and his gang, you can do "super shots" by kicking the ball with certain combinations to make it turn say, shuriken, banana (lol yes) and what not before it goes towards the goalpost, and some powerful supershots can hurt others too in comic ways, and yes most football rules regd to player behaviour and all doesn't matter, although there is some way to call for 'foul' in it
> basic commands in-games are to tell nearmost guy to either pass the ball to you, or play on, i believe, he may interact positively or negatively depending on his mood or 'relationship' with your character (more on it later, in RPG-ish pointer)
> this game supports two-players, so you can play it with your friend too
> in-game music is quite good, lots of memorable chip-tunes that repeat
> there will also be...fights with other characters from enemy teams as you play through football field - you and they can elbow, stomp on each others and what not, and the character reactions would definitely tickle your funny bones
> well, it is a pretty easy peasy game to win if you've mastered basic controls, you can rain goals to opponent teams, but in hard mode opposite teams are somewhat proactive and reactive to your movements so yeah it can be made tough
> minor thing in game but can come useful for hard mode players - it does have some RPG-ish elements, like character rooster menus have ;character status; like thing, where each character's mood, willingness to play, likes-dislikes and such things are shown, you can do basic text-selection thing to say, serve some character with his favourite food to elevate his mood, place them in a team with like-minded characters etc all basic tinkering around
i mean, just look at this video yourself
as i said, original game was in Japanese, and chinese bootleg one was also perhaps in Japanese with perhaps title card changed to 'Goal 3' and it could either be in japanese or chinese dunno remember much; but there already are fan-translated english version of it on internet, i shall share one ROM file in english with you, put it on any NES emulator on your PC/Smartphone and it'll run just fine