Russian Ukrainian War

Don't know why the American is laughing, bitches ran from Afghan like their mama got raped. When was the last time US won at anything? Your country has been invaded by 6.5 million atleast in last 4 years and they got all the way to New York and beyond without firing a shot. Cunt. Your country is the definition of whore.

For all its faults, US military is still the alpha male by a long stretch! Not defending their prowess or deeds by any means, but let's be realistic about one's own capabilities. Without them, NATO would be a paper tiger and sodomized by both Ruskis and PRC.

Russia control 5 Ukrainian provinces which comprise of 20% total Ukrainian territory. Now if you know mathematics.
18%. But apart from Crimea - not a single one completely.
Your problem is that you measure linearly. Those who measure in this way should have won in the first months, because Russia has more of everything. However, we have been holding on for 2.5 years already.
Little Vietnam was not a rival for the USA, but it managed to win.
I hear many versions of further developments, from an exchange to a "Russian Taiwan" as part of Russia without Putin. But I prefer the version of creating a new state with a population of 20 million. It is not for nothing that Zelensky signed a decree on historical lands in January. If you break the Constitution of Russia, then you need to do it significantly.
Russia has a well-developed occupation mechanism and does not report to anyone. We are doing this for the first time, and will need reports on the share of partners - from providing food to textbooks by September 1.
huraaaa.... russis going doomed---
How many russis got slaughtered in kursk region? My guess is at least 15k+ in last 1 week. Everywhere we see, see burning rusi armors.
slave ukraineeee...:peace:
Footage of a head-on battle in Girya, Kursk Oblast, between a Ukrainian armored personnel carrier BTR-4E and a Russian armored personnel carrier BTR-82A. Both combat vehicles are armed with 30-mm 2A72 cannons. In general, the combat vehicles are approximately equal, but the Russian BTR-82A opened fire first, which decided the outcome of the battle, the BTR-4 caught fire. It is worth noting that, according to all the facts of the use of equipment in battles in Ukraine that have been shown over the past 2 years, it was important who first noticed the enemy, this decides the outcome of the battle.

Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars who believe Nord stream sabotage was inside job.

Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars are real jihadi.

It was a work of USA, Poland and Ukraine.
@Akim , Any comment on destroying German infrastructure??


There is also a video where he sells Ukrainian souvenir flags and mini-calendars with the lyrics of the Ukrainian anthem. Did I show you this trolling?
It pisses me off when some English-speaking creature tries to prove that he has better information.
There are many viral videos now: an interview with a local resident, a report by a Ukrainian journalist from Sudzha, an appeal from a civil volunteer...
If you doubt my words, then check the geolocation, if your brain allows it.
In fact, Sudzha now looks like after a neutron bomb. An empty town - everyone hid.

Biden is ending his term with big setback in Ukraine

Biden as President of US is poorly advised. He has been a bureaucrat through out his life has been dependent on advisors. A few but influential bunch advised him to get Ukraine into NATO fold. That was a bad advice. Over confident and ill advised he went ahead and started the process of enrolling Ukraine into NATO.

Russia as a defensive move could not let it happen. It was a direct threat to its heartland. They warned US and NATO not to do it. They even said war will result. Hence it did result in a huge war right in the heart of Europe.

Once an evil gets started, it gets perpetuated. Biden’s generals advised him of quick victory. The civilian advisors advised him of sanctions against so comprehensive that not a ounce of world trade should flow in and out of Russia. No financial dealings of any kind would be allowed.

The whole idea was to choke Russia militarily and economically.

Now, let us look at the results. …… Ukraine has lost 20% of its territory to Russia which they wanted badly to poke in the eyes of NATO. They have lost 200,000 to 300,000 men of young age. All its infrastructure has been destroyed. The grain production and export on which Ukraine relied is almost at stand still. Their losses in the military are much greater except $160 billion in aid from US and other countries has kept their military organized.

What has US and NATO gained……. Their victory is a distant dream. Ukraine’s recent incursion in Russia near Kursk will be definitely contained. No, nothing has been gained or lost with the comprehensive economic sanctions. Rather Russia has gained in its GDP a significant amount.

America knows it all, although their media is silent about their impeding defeat. Hence they are retiring the current President who initiated all this at the behest of his advisors. The new president may or may not end it all soon. It matters, who becomes the president. …… No matter who becomes the president, the war in Ukraine is going end. How soon;…… we do not know.

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