Russian Ukrainian War

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Nigga, we have been watching this war since 2014, you should know better than to try and school us here. Over 300 billion in arms, ammo, money sent to Ukraine, yet they can't take 2sq km. It's not Russians who are trying to escape the country in droves. It's not over 10 million Russians that ran from their country rather Ukrainians did.

The truth is Ukraine cannot last unless it get around 1 billion in arms, ammo, alms gifts per week. Ask @Akim they/them are basically living off my tax payer sent fund on welfare hiding in a basement. They/them hide from Russo orcs because of damaged balls and fear of arty explosion in ass. Also what's there to cope? Russia is still fighting hard. They fire more arty shells than what allies fired in Iraq in 3 days. They drop over 100 glide bombs a day. I assure you, even the US cannot sustain this rate. It takes donations from 54 countries, long terms loans, funds, arms, ammo and 30000 mobiks a month, NATO Intel from 30 countries to slow down the Russians just a little bit. Even if Moskava was destroyed two years ago or even if another sub was sunk (highly doubt it) it won't change a damn thing on the ground.

We all know, Ukraine will loose the territories that Russia takes. Don't tell me you're one of those cunts who believes Russians running out of missiles, weapons, men etc since day 1, 3 years later same reporting by the way.
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Vatniks said the same when the moskova sank.
Actually there are no Vatniks here, just folks who follow facts. Fact is Ukraine is just better at lying since day-1. It's a war, both side will have bad days, Ukraine has been having bad days everyday for 3 years straight. Russia VS Ukraine when you compare geolocated videos everything from glide bombs, arty, fpv drones, missiles, atgm, you name it they have a 1:10 advantage in firepower and the confirmed geolocated strikes Russia will have 10 times more videos. Ukraine mostly has claims and no proofs. Sure, they have occasional successful strikes but mostly don't change much on the ground.The west couldn't win in Afghan, Russia is way out it's league and they'll only bankrupt themselves. Heck they in EU and US can't even increase defence spending upto 2% without incurring devastating and crippling austerity.

Russia is close strategic ally of India, ya'll niggas should be ashamed of yourself for simping for the west who are main reason for this war. Also fuck Ukraine, it's just a laundromat for our tax payer funds to be redirected to other interests in banking, defence, energy and other industries and buy fielty. It's scam.
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@Immanuel Ти кончена гнида!
How long can the Belgian army hold back aggression if even a British general said that his country's military reserves would only last a week of war? In two WWs, the Germans did not consider the Belgian army a military power.
Therefore, aggression can only be held back by joint efforts. Your ass is warm because the small Belgian army and Belgium is far away, but the Baltic countries also do not have large armies and their borders are close to Russia, so they are worried and actively help us.
The only factor that slows down general Western aid is nuclear weapons. The F-16s that we were promised 1.5 years ago have only just begun to arrive in our country.
Regarding the numbers: under the walls of which big city is the enemy located? Moreover, Putler himself stated that 700 thousand of his army are in Ukraine. But all military achievements are measured in destroyed villages and towns, and videos of trains with T-55s are increasingly appearing. Have you seen a video where an AK-130 barrel was combined with an M-46 gun mount? Or an RB-6000 on an MTLB. Such Frankensteins appear due to a decrease in reserves. Huge Soviet reserves.
Technically, this submarine "Rostov-on-Don" had already been damaged (September 23, 2023) and could not perform its combat functions - that's why it was in the statistics. It was repaired, but we sank it completely and it will be included in the statistics again. Similar with 8402 tanks. They were not all destroyed, but on a certain day they were damaged and could not perform their combat mission.
Would love to see the contest between F16 vs Mig29/31!! Grab that popcorn you all!! :ghelyon:
Unfortunately Ukraine has gotten the very older versions of F16, the ones from 1980s iirc. Better than what ukraine currently has but still not competitive with the modern russian aircraft.

Most likely they would use f16s for anti air defense against cruise missiles and drones and some strikes here and there.
Unfortunately Ukraine has gotten the very older versions of F16, the ones from 1980s iirc. Better than what ukraine currently has but still not competitive with the modern russian aircraft.

Most likely they would use f16s for anti air defense against cruise missiles and drones and some strikes here and there.
MLU = Block 50/52

MLU = Block 50/52
Not quite, MLU does have its avionics and cockpit updated to Block50/52 standard but still uses the older APG66V2A radar as opposed to APG68.
Furthermore, it can still only use the early version of Aim120C(5?) iirc. No 120Ds for it. Like also they cant use JASSM cruise missiles but modern f16s can.
Unfortunately Ukraine has gotten the very older versions of F16, the ones from 1980s iirc. Better than what ukraine currently has but still not competitive with the modern russian aircraft.

Most likely they would use f16s for anti air defense against cruise missiles and drones and some strikes here and there.

Dont think most people understand those nitty-gritties. Whichever side takes a beating will seriously have its MIC's reputation dented!
Dont think most people understand those nitty-gritties. Whichever side takes a beating will seriously have its MIC's reputation dented!
I tend to agree some people said: for Ukraine, best & safe way to make these F16 a strategic tool will be some in-depth (plus missile range) strike on big, critical Russia assets, which aim to earn some bargain chips before negotiation, instead AA fight or supporting front line. That sounds making sense esp Biden gives green light to use US weapons on targets inside Russia.
Heck, Zelenskyy is already talking about a referendum for Ukraine (congress/people) to "authorize" him for peace talk under the condition of (certain) territory loss. He does desperately need some bargain chips - though I'm not sure he got even enough to convince Russia to come to negotiation table...

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