Russian Ukrainian War

The worst mistake Putin made is keeping Zelensky alive.
It is one thing to keep a war-fighting President alive, it is quite another to keep a cocaine snorting joker alive.

Zelensky would eventually meet his fate the same way Prigozhin met his fate.

No the worst mistake he made was not taking Kiev and withdrawing Russian forces from the siege of Kiev.
The worst mistake Putin made is keeping Zelensky alive.
It is one thing to keep a war-fighting President alive, it is quite another to keep a cocaine snorting joker alive.

Zelensky would eventually meet his fate the same way Prigozhin met his fate.
Nope his fate will be like Saddam or Noriega. May also end up like Hitler.
No the worst mistake he made was not taking Kiev and withdrawing Russian forces from the siege of Kiev.
That's true, that is the root cause of the failure to decapitate Ukrainian leadership.
What America is doing today, i.e., ceasing CIA intelligence sharing, had it done back then - Kiev battle would be over in few weeks.
Hostomel debacle was the first turning point for Ukraine.

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