No way. Running away from war is a personal decision. I didn't run away, but I have relatives who did. I assure you, it was a forced decision. A foreign culture, a foreign language, a foreign way of life. Not your own home. I don't like emigrants who left and now teach others that they did the right thing, but this does not apply to refugees.
On the issue of shortage of people: We don't have enough weapons, but not soldiers. At the beginning of the war, Kalashnikovs were given to everyone who wanted them to protect their families. They didn't even ask about their health. Passport details and get an assault rifle and hand grenades. Because the enemy was at the gates. Now, with my disability, I can only get a job in the rear, but here we have full strength. At the front, the complement is 60-70%, because now it's not WW1 and no one fights with only personal weapons. Something heavier is needed.