I seriously doubt their ability to become terrorist nuisance, BD doesn't have any air cover... I doubt their sam's even reach 60k feet and above. if they even tried to train some pigs, they can be easily seen with our sats. with our missiles range we don't even need to invade their airspace with jets.Like their West Paki brozzers, they do not have lofty goals like "being successful as a country", they are satisfied with being a permanent terrorist nuisance to Bharot/Hindostan/India and spamming Chutfozzaman Babor memes![]()
I believe these ouster of Hasina was a joint plan of India and US,
yeah but there is certainely more to it.. US is not so stupid as to do regime change so openely just for a base(specially with such brutality if their name is associated) or so called christian country. Usually there regime change is hidden pretty well. Hasina knew it 3 months earlier and so did we. but not doing anything suggest greater plans on our side.. IDK i might be reading too much into it.. your opinion?I just hope when the inevitable "ralive, tsalive, galive" starts in Kangludesh our guys don't just sit on their ass and acquire more land from Kanglu to resettle the refugees
yeah but there is certainely more to it.. US is not so stupid as to do regime change so openely just for a base(specially with such brutality if their name is associated) or so called christian country. Usually there regime change is hidden pretty well. Hasina knew it 3 months earlier and so did we. but not doing anything suggest greater plans on our side.. IDK i might be reading too much into it.. your opinion?
Or maybe we were just too incompetent or not bothered enough to do anything about it. I certainly hope not.but not doing anything suggest greater plans on our side
Hasina concentrated on Dhaka and forgot to cut down the Jamat influence in rural Bangladesh.
End result Swampniggers thinks they are next super power.
I'm under the impression that it was a US operation to regime change her, but our guys didn't find Hasina worthy to be the hill to die on fighting the US, since as you have mentioned she was playing the double game with Chings.
Quite frankly I don't think we were in the loop at all. By the time we found it we couldn't do much. Moreover I'm not convinced SHW was deposed because she provided the Chinese basing rights though that's what is being claimed now in certain quarters.This is precisely what steno shishir implied in his op-eds.
Quite frankly I don't think we were in the loop at all. By the time we found it we couldn't do much. Moreover I'm not convinced SHW was deposed because she provided the Chinese basing rights though that's what is being claimed now in certain quarters.
Had the US & India read the riot act to her in case she obliged the Chinese , you think she'd have gone ahead ? At the same time I'm not quite convinced she was deposed coz she denied the US basing rights. What exactly are US ships going to target in China from BD that they can't from Singapore ?
And if it's the USAF what exactly will they target in China ? Tibet or Xinjiang ? They can target Yunnan from Thailand if they lean on the latter to provide them basing rights.
Tbh we still don't know what the REAL game was & probably never will.
Quite frankly I don't think we were in the loop at all. By the time we found it we couldn't do much. Moreover I'm not convinced SHW was deposed because she provided the Chinese basing rights though that's what is being claimed now in certain quarters.
Had the US & India read the riot act to her in case she obliged the Chinese , you think she'd have gone ahead ? At the same time I'm not quite convinced she was deposed coz she denied the US basing rights. What exactly are US ships going to target in China from BD that they can't from Singapore ?
And if it's the USAF what exactly will they target in China ? Tibet or Xinjiang ? They can target Yunnan from Thailand if they lean on the latter to provide them basing rights.
Tbh we still don't know what the REAL game was & probably never will.
But when the time of reckoning came, nobody bothered to cooperate with her because she was deemed 'worthless'.
IIRC 2-3 months before she ran away from BD, she made a visit to the Red Emperor in China, possibly got an IDGAFresponse from him lol
Quite possibly they planned whatever it is they were planning for the second term of Biden / Harris since they undertook their coup in BD only after our general elections.Real Game is that they hoped to needle India with the resurrected East Pakistan since the Western wing of the country isn't upto scratch today, and certain Bad Cookies running around in the North East also didn't have the desired effect.
Muh Chaina, Muh US Base on Martin Island all these are just jhumlas.
As for muh China angle, it is why they are always after the Burmese Junta, they want a pliant Burma so that they can needle China via the land border Burma has with China, BeeDee is not necessary from the ungli-China angle
Anyway it remains to be seen how effective their scheme of Needle India works since it depended on BeeDee being given large doles from the US/IMF/World Bank, and for 4 years now that remains in question since a guy who has been voted on the promise of stopping gibs to foreign countries now is the POTUS.
If Trump lives up to his electoral jhumlas all well and good, if not we need to deal with another front aside from the 2.5 front