My father, may he be blessed in the afterlife, would like to have a word with you.
Nah, that happened, quite a lot actually, often on account of poor leadership (or the officers/ NCOs getting whacked early on). And you know how they could single out our officers so easily - by their Sterlings!! Those things made them stick out like sore thumbs.
PS - the sheer disparity in firepower (SMLE against AKs and SKS) also played a key role as the sheer volume of incoming fire often made the Indian soldiers overestimate the strength of their enemy. That and the PLA sneaky breaky deep penetration tactics played a major role as well. The Indian Army was just too rigid (and ill prepared) to adapt to such tactics.
You have to keep in mind that those Indian soldiers had very little in the way of experience as opposed to the Chinese, a lot of who were veterans of the Korean war.
Now, you add up all these pieces and the picture becomes clear.
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