Small Arms and Weapons

I was talking with the local armoury shop owner he told us that we could only buy foreign pump actions ones and ofb waala ones are available for banks .Concerning.45 caliber he told that a single roundcosts 400-500 rupees so very very less demand for it. Only co2 hand guns are imported as there are no armourers who could repair the rifle kinda ones and if those broke down they will be in a loss as they gets only a meagre 10-15% margin on a weapon
Only for stringent gun laws in Germany, otherwise I'd have sent you this gorgeous Platypus pistol @VictorDelta4
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And yeah, it takes Glock mags
What in Tinkerbells vagina is this cotton candy monstrosity? :D
Also yeah the gun laws here suck! not unobtanium like India but yeah still a headache.
In the long run, I do plan on getting my Waffenbesitzkarte/Waffenschein. What about Iceland though? How are the laws there?
Yet another tacticool 1911 using dual stack 9mm glock 17 mags.
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Congratulations! you made a double action Hi-power
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Ah the first handgun I ever used!! Man I hate how Hi Power doesn't get all the modern tacticool love it rightfully deserves. Even if SSS redesigned it on the lines of 2011, it will be such an amazing addition to the gun market!


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